
STRIKE : Remnants of The Thunder Spear

Humanity was ruled by gods and in the circle of the gods, they all worked together to create a world where everything would not turn into an endless cycle of chaos. Humans abide by anything that the gods yearned for to achieve perpetuity and peace. Yet, the god of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom chose to betray them to which he belongs and decided to create a rebellion against the other gods. Because according to him, the promised perpetuity and peace were a hoax to earn the trust of mankind into a greater and selfish desire of the divinities. He found this answer while witnessing a taboo action caused by his fellow deities. And now, his ambition to create a new world for humanity has been passed on by his descendants and they were called "Anshiantiae"

zhxien · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


A day has passed. Anshiantiae troops lingered on the east medical facility of Riagi headquarters, their battle against the Nemiendlich warriors had come to an end. Yet, the seven Generals were still fighting against the god Fajra.

The Anshiantiae, children of Lord Giansh—god of wisdom who betrayed the circle of gods to subdue their selfish desires against humanity and the creator of Anshiantum, the land of the Anshiantiae. Centuries have passed and the Anshiantiae continued to seek his wishes for the sake of mankind. But the Nemiendlich had aimed to eliminate them. For they are sinners who opposed the divinities in the name of their lord and purpose.

"Awaken yourself! Surtr!" A wicked laugh came out from the god of flames as the Generals watched the giant give out a loud growl, shaking the ground through its vibrations. The unbearable roaring caused everyone to cover their ears, waiting for it to stop.

The king of fire giants who was carried by legends lingering through the mouths of people. No one has anticipated that the creature who had been sleeping for decades would awaken on the land. He is the epitome of chaos and destruction and was fated to bring an end to the world. It was rumored that once Surtr has awoken—everyone might cease to exist.

"That bastard," Algard said, gritting his teeth in distaste towards the god. "Sealing that monster inside his own son"

Fajra had stopped abruptly from laughing after hearing the remark. He gave them a mocking glance, "What do you mean? Wouldn't it be interesting if Surtr fused with the one I had personally created?! In that case, I would be more powerful!"

There was screeching from the giant as his body filled with fissures and molds of fire continued to shadow them. Pieces of molten rocks and flesh fell from the giant's whole whenever he moved.

The creature's growling halted, as a sword made of flames appeared between his hands. He clasps it with his enormous hands peering at the mortals with his blazing eyes. Along with the flowing magma in the boundaries of his cracked flesh and skin. His charred appearance brought fear to the Anshiantiae, mixing with the scent of rotten flesh and burning that lingered through their noses.

"I'm a god! And the strongest! I shall rule over everything!" said the god of flames. His declaration and acclaims made him stand proudly in front of them—all his eyes could see is a set of mortals who dared to step beyond his rule.

Surtr's movement produced blasts of explosions through the land—his sword pursued in striking everything he saw. Glacial blocks from General Kazahana were slowly breaking and melting in contact with the impact. Piles of rock and soil flew on-air as the mindless giant continued moving aimlessly.

The creature gave another growl that may seem to break everyone's hearing. His hands held on the fiery blade pointing it towards the ground, prepared to pierce the land in destruction. Few troops who were still recovering and retreating from the area were caught up with the explosions that ended their lives in an instant.

The medical facility that was located quite a distance from the giant had witnessed how it scattered amok through the land. Soldiers on the facility stood in their respective positions defending the facility from falling debris. Even with the help of a protective barrier that engulfs the facility from sudden attacks, their safety was not guaranteed.

Over the ground floors of the medical institute of Riagi, there lies the division of 5th General Lucien Voigt. They're in charge of supervising the commands and orders to be given to every soldier.

"Hiraoka division! Can you hear me?! Hiraoka-" The call enchantment was out of reach to the soldier troops and Generals. Fear and panic began to consume the Voigt division.

"Ma'am! We can't reach the troops in charge of assisting the civilians in safety!"

"What?!" There was a beeping noise from the communication enchantment activated by the soldier. Her hands were shaking from nervousness—waiting patiently for the other line to answer their repeated calls. "It's also no use for me, I can't contact the Generals!"

"How about we send a signal to the higher nobles!?"

"You can't! Their job is to protect his excellency, the council, and their people!"

"Then what will we do?! If this goes on, we might die!"

"If only the First General was here! Then we can-"

"Everyone! Your General told you to focus on your job! So, stop your useless yapping and resume to work!" Said Jil Yozou who entered the room rushing.

Ashamed of how they acted, they immediately turned their heads to pursue the task.

"Algard, answer me. Algard!" Jil repeated through the call. But to no avail—no one answered. The idea of the Generals being defeated lingered in her thoughts, but she chose to disregard it. For a soldier, having faith and trust towards the Generals is a must even if things might have come to worst.

The unease about the current situation created silence between Hiro and Mitsuka. Their eyes were lost staring at the blank space on the ground—consumed by the mixture of emotions inside. And even if they chose to rise on their feet and fight alongside everyone once again, there was still this force that was keeping them from doing so. Was it fear? or perhaps agony for the lives inlaid before them? They didn't know.

For even if they had won this battle, the death of those who fought would never be comparable to their success.

"Hiro? Mitsuka?"

There was a jolt of relief after Hiro heard the voice. Mitsuka and he immediately turned their head in its direction.

The brushing of sheets was heard as the young man sat up on the bed. He felt the warm feeling of the foam he had laid down a minute ago. A yawn escaped his mouth as he raised his arms upwards to stretch them. Noticing their lack of response, he glanced at the two.

"Rai..." Hiro muttered softly.

"Hiro? Is there something wrong?" Raijin's question was answered when the sound of an explosion echoed outside. A sudden rush of energy surrounded his whole body—feeling the strange aura from the explosion. The sensation was so forceful and destructive that he did not realize the tremble in his hands. "W-what's that?" Raijin said.

"We also don't know," Said Mitsuka, handing him a tray of food. "You've been sleeping for a day. For now, don't talk, eat. Or if you could shut it forever—better." She demanded.

"Thanks, Mitsuka," Raijin said. Despite the situation, the expression of the young lady had amused him a bit and it would be nice to return fire to what Mitsuka said though he still didn't regain the urge for it. "Who made this?" He asked, staring at the soup and neatly wrapped salad and pasta.

"The facility-" Mitsuka uttered abruptly.

"Mitsuka did. She insisted, saying that the facility's supply might be in shortage that's why she went on her way to immediately take ingredients," Said Hiro. His pale hands and slender fingers slide carefully into the apple.

Raijin took a spoonful of the pasta as his eyes landed on Mitsuka. "Mitsuka, you're a good cook" His hands went onto the wrapped salad. "Here Hiro have some, it's really good!"

Hiro took a bite, nodding in agreement.

Mitsuka was quite flustered listening to the two. While Raijin and Hiro haven't noticed how simple remarks would always affect her.

"There's something different to Mitsuka right now..." Raijin started.

"You think so? Maybe because she saw the Third General" Hiro answered, as the two of them glanced at the young lady.

Almost choking on his food, the Kazahana heir handed him bottled water. "I didn't know you were a fanatic of the Generals, Mitsuka"

"Same" Hiro uttered, giving Raijin a plate of finely cut slices of apple after the bottled water.

"Y-you two!" As if a nerve was struck in her, irritation and embarrassment filled Mitsuka's expressions.

It only took Raijin a minute to eat because of hunger. Whispering a prayer, he uttered quiet gratitude for the food.

His forehead creased as he felt a similar sensation once again. He had known that it was another enemy deployed by the Nemiendlich since he had not felt it with his confrontation with the god. Whatever the case, he had chosen to give his everything in this battle. "Hiro, Mitsuka, thank you for looking after me, I'll get going now"

Raijin's eyes stared ahead and there was nothing but earnest glinting. And if one's eyes reflected humanity's dream, then it was those gray orbs of his.

Removing the blanket that covers him, his feet reached for the ground slipping his worn-out boots.

"No. Stay here, Rai" Hiro said.

"Then watch everyone die?"

"What we're saying is that-" Mitsuka followed.

"Whatever that is, I need to do what I can" Raijin shot back, his expressions hadn't changed.

Mitsuka was left speechless by his words as he walked past her towards the door.

It wasn't new for Mitsuka and Hiro to see him resort to his tactics again. And they weren't given a choice but to let him. This reminds me of this one saying from afar that goes: 'someone might dare to stand before the thunder but one couldn't restrain its lightning.'

"Then why don't we also help outside" Letting out a deep breath, Hiro ushered in assisting the medical team.

"Is that okay? I mean letting him go by himself" Mitsuka asked.

Hiro started to fix Raijin's beddings as he said: "I'm not sure. But don't you think trusting him won't go to waste?" -To which Mitsuka has muttered in a complaint that noble people are awful at fixing blankets.


The blade of Surtr was about to pierce the ground but it suddenly stopped. There was a second of hesitation from the giant, his body was trembling as if forcing himself to not let the sword impale the land. It was a strange sight for a creature like Surtr who was the root of destruction and chaos.

The fire giant let out a furious growl shaking something inside him that was restraining his actions. He gave out loud cries trying to brush away the thing that was holding him back.

"What's happening?" General Kazahana inquired.

The movements of the creature caused the area to be covered in the gushing of hot air.

"I have no idea. But whatever that is, this is now our chance. Second and Third are you..." General Lucien Voigt's words were cut off when his eyes saw the two upper Generals were already charging toward Fajra.

The upper generals had waited for no signals—quickly getting off on their shoes and proceeding in creating a counter-attack. Akaru charged toward the two fiery figures that were summoned while Seratsuki remained facing the god head-on.

"Ah. Those two are going to steal the spotlight again. Tsk." Algard Yozou followed Akaru's lead—assisting his charges. "Yumi! Support Seratsuki! And Lucien come here with us-"

"There's no need for that" A figure of a gray-haired man known as the 7th General Hermes Nephus stood in front of them. Beside him was Nova, the 8th General. Gales of wind blew aggressively as his hair danced with it. "We'll take care of the small prey" Hermes uttered. Two sets of winged blades were summoned on his hands. The hilt down to its blade was engulfed in the course of the wind as if small tornadoes had surrounded them making it almost weightless.

Nova took a firm stance beside General Nephus, engulfing both of her arms and feet with strong yet controlled energy. With a last glance at each other, the two of them took over the two fiery figures, launching coordinated attacks which were flawlessly executed.

The remaining Generals went over to the 2nd and 3rd General. They watched Seratsuki's movements, waiting for the right timing to create a joint strike towards the god. Though the 3rd General's expression didn't change—the fluid motions that control her sword would always be a sight to see. But terrifying at the same time.

"Hey Akaru, why are you guys so strong as heck?" Algard said. Purplish fluids emerged from his hands. They danced like water as Algard had controlled them to support the charges of the 2nd General.

The man dressed in an all-white General's uniform chuckled in response to his words. "We're not. Everyone can do what we can" He said. His response created a frustrated look on Algard's expression. "Assists Sera, I'll take care of Surtr-"

Another growl echoed through the land.

The creature was once again back to its feet—sword in hand, recovering himself from the sudden confusion. As if the thing that had stopped him from penetrating the land with the sword, had vanished. There was no more hesitation—Surtr had successfully pushed away something who had tried to control him.

'Stop this at once. Kill my father, I'm the one who wields this body, Surtr!'

Only the giant could hear the voice. And yet, he had pushed it away. For the only thing that had stirred him was destruction and chaos. Words of nobody, do not mean something to the mindless creature. Only orders from the gods were absolute. Fajra was his creator and he won't think twice but obey his wishes. The god of flames gave him power—and to compensate for the gift, he is fated to end every Anshiantiae. That's why he had considered since then; that the boy to where he was sealed, was his vessel.

A single roar was all it took for the giant to create intense heat. Surtr's enormous fists were formed—hitting the elevated areas, the forest, and hills on the land. Rocks and land masses began to fall, flying through the impact and structures.

This had caused the battle of the Generals to be interrupted. As they can't ignore the objects that were thrown after them. Dodging the scattered fragments of fallen rocks and soil while battling with a god is a difficult task. Their focus and concentration on Fajra were now divided.

The Generals had begun to show distress. They were eager to run through the medical facility and give a hand to their soldiers. Yet, they must defeat the foe before them—for they can't let Fajra and Surtr create an uproar with the civilians, making them stay further away from the people as possible. Once they had divided their number to tend with the people in the east—their chances for victory would be lessened in half. That's why deploying their adjutant and best divisional squad would be the best choice.

Akaru Hiraoka, 2nd General was skillful at making barriers and shields—he was responsible for defense in battle. The abilities of his light prowess specialize in support. Yet, the potential of his offense was also powerful enough to turn everything into nothingness.

Surtr displayed a similar stance he had done a while back. The blade was facing the ground—preparing himself to pierce the land and blast everything in flames from below.

The giant's movements were slow, which made Akaru take the chance in generating an enormous sphere of light covering the whole Anshiantum. "First zone..." He muttered under his breath. Everyone was left astonished by the perfect execution of his spell. Its vast protection engulfed every Anshiantiae in a golden light.

"Brother! Behind you!"

Akaru's attention in releasing his spell had been interrupted when the god appeared behind him.

Fajra's odd and mocking expression that seemed to be lost in the bliss of destroying souls had suddenly vanished after witnessing the 2nd General's power. "I don't know why you have that power. But I won't let you!"

A fast-pacing stream of flames came charging in front of the 2nd General. The blaze reflected in his eyes as it grew closer towards him—as if to devour him whole into bits. He could feel the heat burning on his skin.

Akaru's thoughts had suddenly become blank—knowing that his close-range position from Fajra would only make his death quick if he moved. There was no time to generate a shield on his body since he had cast a wide range of light spheres to protect the whole land. The focus of his scattered energy that lingered through the corners of Anshiantum remained concentrated, and it would take a while before he could regain them to protect himself. His eyes lingered through Seratsuki and the other Generals. There was nothing they could do; the flames were just inches away from him.

The 2nd General stood unmoving and wished for the land's peace for one last time. He had wanted to raise his hand to offer his final salute yet-


A thread of lightning came crashing into the flames, creating a powerful explosion.

There was a figure of a young man that had prevented the General's body from being caught up in the flames. Crimson hair, bandages, and clothes that were provided by the facility had come before Akaru's eyes.

The boy helped Akaru to stand. And the rest of the Generals' faces were plastered in surprise. They did not anticipate his arrival—nor had sensed his aura. It was a wonder how a youngster had suddenly appeared in their battle.

"What are you doing here!?" General Algard Yozou was the first one to approach him.

"General Yozou!" His eyes glinted in delight to see the man. But he had quickly diverted his attention to the Surtr—whose blade had suddenly stopped after peering at him.

Raijin searched around the area, realizing that the Generals were the only ones who were there. Even if he was quite embarrassed for suddenly showing up without orders, he still made his way toward Surtr. His energy oozed from his whole, prepared to launch an attack at the creature.

"Raijin! Stop right there!" Algard shouted. But the young man ignored him.

Lightning started to charge on his whole—as if he was a living conductor. His hair spiked and bolts of flashes surrounded him. Protests of the Generals echoed through his ears—trying to use their abilities in taking him back. Yet, he didn't waver—using the speed of lightning to move past them quickly.

"Who is he?" General Fuyumi Kazahana asked, recognizing the young man's face.

Algard didn't come up with a reply when Raijin had suddenly charged toward the giant, releasing numerous bolts of lightning. The skies were filled with dark clouds and the roar of the thunder collided with Surtr's growls.

"You guys fight Fajra, I'll go take him!" Said Algard. Purplish liquid emerged from his hands hovering himself mid-air.

"Algard!" Lucien shouted. But they didn't manage to stop him when the god had started to grow impatient by continuously charging slashes of flames toward them.

Fajra had not seen a young man like Raijin who was capable of blocking his attacks. And that made him furious. For it had trampled his dignity as a god.

The god's charges turned a hundred folds violent and forceful. As if the attacks that he had sent before were only a play. It turned the area to be almost sucked dry of oxygen because of the heat. The energy of the flames rippled against the Generals and it became hard for them to block it—leaving them no choice but to evade it quickly.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Fajra spoke. "Surtr, Do it"

In response to the god, the fire giant constructed black flames which broke Akaru's protection that surrounded Anshiantum. The flames aimed at Raijin.

But he was determined to block it by his power to avoid the force from landing on everyone on the land. "Come," Raijin said, as the bluish lightning shocks on his body had changed. It glowed a violet light creating a vicious sensation on his energy.

"Idiot!" Just as before the dangerous flames came crashing to him—Algard had moved to his front; pushing him forcefully to shield the boy from the flames. A stream of purple liquid emerged from the 6th General's hand, putting his every energy to block the attack. The fluid began to consume the flames to restrain them, their flow compacted onto each other to strengthen them.

Yet, the dark flames had begun to penetrate the thick liquid. It burned through the fluid—piercing the caster's body. Algard shouted in pain. The fire was devouring his whole body in a slow death.

Though despite the outcome, there was no remorse in sacrificing himself for the young man. And before he let himself drift into unconsciousness; he gave Raijin a small smile. The general's body had started to burn, falling steadily onto the ground.

"General Yozou!!"