
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · แอคชั่น
150 Chs

113.) War Forms Ignite! Haydes' Hellish Fury!

War raged rampant on Gaia's planet, or better to call it a series of battles at this point. Reguluus went against ZeeArc just as the both of them took down two warriors on each side. The likes of Morpheus and Kenny had formed an entirely new fusion. He was known as Mor'Kenneus and was fed essence by a Strife II Captain, Kareezim. It was for the sole purpose of subduing Atomen, who had shown up suddenly during the ruckus. Then there was the spotlight fight of the hour, the grudge match finale of Shiishii and Haydes. Which had revved up to new heights as they show one of the unique abilities Self-Split personas have. They are able to become literal sources of essence as that is their true form. Essence given life and an existence of its own in a form relative to their creator. It was in their true forms that they could be fused to weaponry.

Shiishii summons the legendary Sword of Gí, a malevolent sword imbued with malice and stained of blood. It was black with a thick base. Looking as if two massive diamonds were stacked on top of the other. With the middle carved out and a red rod of light being stuck into the middle. Demons and souls were inscribed on the edges of the blade. Haydes on the other hand summoned the Sinner's Sword. He imbued HellBlazer into the blade and set the shape as it manifested. It was shaped like the Demonic star with the center pentagon having a blue sphere in the middle. The blade itself was blood red and had the Seven Sins inscribed on the edges.

They both ready their giant swords for battle, swinging them as if they were mere twirling batons. Shiishii swung his back while holding his left hand out, having his feet spread a little wide within his base stance for swordplay. Haydes got into a base kendo stance for his swordplay, though he used one arm to hold the sword while having his other open and ready for counters. They stood off for a while, weighing the other up… looking for openings all the more. Just then, Haydes twitched and Shiishii blasted forward. He brought the sword in for a horizontal slash aimed at the gullet.

Haydes: "Fast!" *step*... *FWISH*

Haydes manages to block the attack by swinging his blade down with a crescent swing. Meeting Shii's blade with equal force as to avoid being severed. He takes a step back to get more leverage and power for his swing. He follows through with the crescent and repelled Shiishii. Spinning about on his feet as he brings the blade around for a slash at Shiishii jugular. Shiishii weaves out of the way, spinning to the right as he brings the blade up for a vertical chop at Haydes' entire torso.

Haydes: (He sped up even more!? Damn he's infuriating for some reason!) *SWISH*

Haydes uses both his arms to bring his blade to his right side. Pressing the face of the saber against his shoulder and right bicep/forearm. The tip of the blade met with Shiishii's and stopped the chop in its tracks. But before Haydes' eyes, he could see shii's left arm gain twice the muscle mass. He flexed his might and forces a follow through with his chop, forcing Haydes' blade to the floor with his hands still gripped tightly to the handle. He notices a black essence oozing from the blade, and just as he did. Shiishii rotates the blade so that the face was making contact with Haydes' sword rather than the edge. Just as this happens, a compact version of Heavy Darkness is casted onto Haydes' blade and arms. He couldn't move a muscle…

Shiishii: "Hmph! Finally gotcha." *WOOSH*

Haydes: "Oh CRAP-" *SMACK*

Haydes is sent flying from a batter's swing with the face of The Gí Sword's blade. He goes crashing into the floor and dragged for miles before he could smash his sword into the floor. Shiishii was quick to give him no room to breathe as he sent a volley of Black slashes his way. There were more than ten of the massive essence attacks coming for him at light speeds. Haydes readied his sword and slashed at each attack as they got close. He upped his maneuvering and focused on agility as he dodged and waltz around each attack. Using the extra power from the Sins of his history to overpower each. And just as he slashed the last one, doing a front flip full of aggression and slashing down for extra reassurance. *WHAM*

He rises up slowly and looks up at Shiishii with his eyes shining in bright red. Shiishii grinned as he got into a speedster stance with his sword held behind his person. He began to drag a blackened mass from space and into the blade. Haydes only got more irritated as he began to catch on to what Shiishii was doing. In that moment, he copied his brother's idea and started to build up a large amount of Sinner type essence. Haydes brings his sword down to his hip with the tip of the blade facing behind him. Both arms begin to show a large amount of veins, bulging and pulsating as he grips the hilt of his blade TIGHTLY.

Haydes: (Mhm… his wrath is growing as he goes along. And it's the worst kind of wrath he could offer, the bastard's enjoying it all. Enjoying this time of bliss where he can take his anger out on me!) "Nrgh! Sinful Crescent WAVE!!!" *WOOSH*

Shiishii: (The longer we battle, the more I realize something…) *SWISH* (I'm one sadistic bastard!) *Crazed SMILE* "Wave of ECLIPSE!"

They both send their attacks blazing at the other, clashing almost instantly after being fired. The force they released from the clash caused a rift in the space between them. Ripping the lands as the ground comes up in major chunks of earth. Creating floating islands as the two attacks begin to be sucked in by their own created polarity. The growing force caused the rift in space to extend into cracks that stretched for half a mile outward. The dimensional wall was being broken through, and they weren't even going all out. Shiishii noticed what was happening and began to suck in more darkness from the abyss of Space. He swung his sword around and brought it up above his head.

"Apologies, but I can't just have us breaking through to the other side. That's Versetian territory, you know that don't you? We don't want any smoke with this Planet's true form that only shows itself to Gaia." Shiishii says as he stares down at a shocked Haydes. He stares him down, listening closely to every word. Nodding his head in agreement as he readies a slash for canceling out the clash before them. They Twitch at the same moment, dishing out stronger attacks than the last as their blades are swung.


Shiishii: "Easy done. But now it's time to up the ante once more!"

Haydes: "I agree with that notion!"

Shiishii: "Then let's call them!"

Haydes: "Keh! *grin* Right!"

Shiishii: "ANGELOS!!!"

Haydes: "HELSEPHERA!!!"

Helsephera: "It's finally time!" *Gwiskk*

Angelos: "Indeed it is!" *Fwisskk*

Both become essence as they blast off to where Shiishii and Haydes are. They almost instantly appear beside them, taking to their left hands. Angelos forms the twin sword to the Gí, the Legendary Sword of Kí. A white blade that looked identical to the Gí, but it was curved in the mid section rather than being indented and creased. It had a blue rod inserted within the mid section. Helsephera on the other hand formed a blue blade that was shaped like the Star of Solomon. There could be found a red glowing sphere within the center of the hexagon.

The brothers grab hold of the two new swords and take to space for a more suitable playground. Just as they exit the atmosphere, a meteor the size of Saturn came barreling towards them and Alpha Gaia. Their essence begin to resemble a Spartan and a skeleton. The Spartan swings out his left arm while the skeleton clad in viking armor swung out his right arm. They smash the meteor into pieces as they turn to one one another. Swinging the same arms that destroyed the meteor, they clash while roaring loudly… and dare I say, proudly. Shiishii and Haydes clash just after their projections of essence do. And a nebula is formed from the harmonizing, destructive forces.

Haydes: "You won't continue to be the Balance for this omniverse. We don't need you!" *FWISSS*

Shiishii: "As if you of all people could snuff me out! My existence, alongside those that come before and after me… is one of the two very reasons this place has come thus far. You're as foolish as ever!" *Ti…TINNG*

They push off one another as the nebula fades alongside their projections. Haydes rushes in with a three slash combo, one slash from his Saint Sword going vertical. And a dual front/back slash at the horizontal angle with his Sinner's Sword. Shiishii blocks all three while slowly floating back to keep his breathing room. The Kí sword was used as a counter, swinging it at Haydes' stomach. Haydes manages to dodge. Then he blocks a downward slash from the Gí Sword with his Sinner's Sword. They repel the other, then they both follow up with a horizontal slash from their Holy swords. Yet again, they repel the other with equal force.

"Take this, you piece of trash!" Haydes says as veins begin to bulge from his forehead and neck. He and Shiishii zip past each other at least five times. Swinging their blades in a parallel fashion as they pass the other. Shiishii jumps in the air immediately after passing Haydes the fifth time. He swings his blades down with an immense amount of force, making Haydes' own blades hit the floor. Before Haydes could reset and ready himself, Shiishii sends him flying with a heavy, left footed side kick to the chest. *WHAM*

"TAAAH!!!" Haydes yells as he flies back a few hundred meters. He manages to stop himself using his swords as a stake to be stabbed into his platform. But just as he looked up to see where Shiishii was. He was blitzed with a dual slash to the head, he barely manages to duck after taking wind of the situation. Bringing his Saint Sword to his front to block Shiishii follow up slash. He brings his Sinner's Sword to his front for a slash at Shiishii's neck. He weaves back and leaps afterwards due to a burst of Hellfire coming out.

Shiishii: "Nice reflexes little brother! Twin Blade Slash!" *woosh* *SWISH*

Haydes: "Damn… he's really enjoying this! Pushing me back like this!! Damn… HIMMM!!!!" *Clench*

Shiishii sends his two twin slashes straight for Haydes. Who charges up some force and muscle to swing his blades with power and speed. He slashes through both attacks just as they get within range. *Wham* *FWISK* Shiishii takes heed of his powerful counter and goes into a mid-air series of rolls to gain some momentum and power. He flexes every muscle in his arms and cocks them back as he stretches his body backward. Just after coming out of that speedy series of rolls. He found himself directly in front of Haydes, who had his single eye open. Flexing his enchanted Auto-Contract eye as he analyzes Shiishii rush. Shiishii brings his swords down as he takes wind of this, hoping Haydes couldn't react in time.

"My ability to break down the situation for the perfect Counter-Contract is second to none! Wall of Warped Space!" Haydes yelled as Shiishii's sword was stopped by a random force between them. There was a swirl forming that gripped his blades quite tightly. Shiishii began to charge essence into both his blades to try and stop the constant shift. With the mixture of the high speed motion for Angelos' light. And the heavy pressure of Diablos' darkness, he creates a Grey lump that restricts the warp. Leaving Haydes dumbfounded as a result.

Haydes: (He stopped it!?)

(HellBlazer: "Yeah, that ridiculous Grey world of his can attack the theory of motion, and render it useless.")

Haydes: (Tch! Alright then.) *CLENCH*

Haydes flexes his arms once more and rips through the Spatial warp as well as the Grey technique used by Shiishii. Shiishii was throttled back as a result, but before he rebounded to his feet. Shiishii put his swords together for a joined sword attack. Recreating his Grey World and transferring its power and ability into the slash itself. Swinging his blades with both arms just before twirling to rebound. Haydes finds himself having to cross his blades for a more efficient blocking technique.


The slash had enough power behind it to keep pushing Haydes back even when he was blocking the attack. He attempts to charge some destructive War essence as his way to combat the attack. But the Grey attack left his blades motionless in their circulation of essence. He couldn't cause his essence to flow through due to the block. Allowing the attack to push him back more and more, gaining ground as it does.

Helsephera: ("Allow me to tell you how to get out of this.")

Haydes: (What is it!?)

Helsephera: ("HellBlazer uses the violent nature of his Hellfire and I use a more tranquil nature with my Holy Lightning. If we mix the two, we can create a theorem of Neutrality. Allowing us to counter this motionless technique. Ready Helly!?")

HellBlazer: ("Ready whenever, brat.")

Haydes: "Let's go for it then!" *FWIIIISHH*

Shiishii: "Seems he found a counter."

Diablos: ("Makes for a better show. I'm enjoying this!")

Shiishii: "Mhm… it's nearly time to take this to the highest level."

Angelos: ("War Forms, huh?")

Diablos: ("Perfect time for it! Now let's watch them crush our attack!")

Shiishii: "Indeed, let's"

Haydes began to fuse the essence of both his blades and created a new essence with a purple color. The new essence clung to the Grey as if it were gripping for dear life. The two fuse together to form a perfect bleached blob of essence. One that forever draped in the theory of 'motionless'. This allowed Haydes to slash through it and burn it as he had now gotten accustomed to its essence, nature and flow. And just as it bursts, he stares at Shiishii with a face full of rage.

Haydes: "He's playing with us! And I've had it at this point!"

Shiishii: "Hehe! My sadistic wrath too much for ya? Well, take this then… Grey World's Slash; Presence Type times 1000!"

Shiishii summoned more than one thousand clones using his Scythe of Presence. Each one had his two swords in hand, and that wasn't all. Their essence was already fused, or at least shown to be. They all cocked their swords back and sent a flurry of essence waves Haydes' way. He had no way of telling which was real due to Shiishii blending In with the crowd and spreading his essence amongst the clones…

Haydes: "Nrghh!!! Stop fucking… WITH MEEEE!!!"

Meanwhile… we find Gaia and Clarissa trading blows. Clarissa speaks to Gaia on the subject of beings who are beyond the scope of the Omniverse. Beings like Atomen and Rashomon, who were only put in their current states due to getting beaten by God's beyond that same scope. She uses this as a time to reinform her sister on what their mother told them many eons ago. This was also a good chance to inform XigXahm and Jollister of this same information, as well as Miitto.

Both sisters decide to use the power of a 40 on the scale in order to make things interesting and fair. They wanted to test their skills while also getting to the point of things. Because what was to be said and informed on, was also tied to an event Clarissa seen in the near future. One that'll be a catastrophe for everyone present, even Clarissa herself.

Gaia: "So… what did you see that's so dangerous?" *Swish* *FWISH*

Clarissa: "Before I answer that, let me refresh your mind on those beings momma told us about. Plus it'll give me a chance to educate my associates." *Woosh* *THUD*

Gaia: "Hm… I'm listening."

Clarissa: "Good, keep those ears open, sis. You too, partners… this is about to have you all befuddled." *Swish* *FWOOSH*

Clarissa throws a quick jab followed by a heavy haymaker. Gaia dodges both in tandem and then takes a leap higher into the air. Going into a series of bicycle kicks as she advances on Clarissa. Clarissa blocks each one with literal ease, then proceeds to dodge the last one. Ducking just before rotating to the right and throwing a backward heel kick. Gaia blocks with an X-guard, smiling as she shoves Clarissa back. Clarissa digs her foot into the ground just after its pushed away. Gaia takes that opportunity to charge at her with a right handed superman punch.

"Heheee! My little sis always manages to get me excited about this sort of stuff." Clarissa states as she smiles and winks at Gaia. Blocking Gaia's attack with her forearm as she leans forward. *Thud* She uses that moment of defense to also fire off some offensive moves. Throwing a left handed uppercut to Gaia's gut as she uses the right arm to keep the force of Gaia's attack at bay.

Gaia: "Trsk- Ah! Damn, that one hurt!" *Grin*

Clarissa: "Hmph! Now for what I've been needing to say. We live in this vast omniverse that we think contains EVERYTHING imaginable. And the truth is, it does. There isn't a thing that this place doesn't contain, honestly. But the biggest issue here is… how much we've been lied to about the Cosmos beyond the scope of our omniverse."

Miitto: "The scope…BEYOND!?"

Jollister: "What does she mean XigXahm?"

XigXahm: "I've not even the slightest clue. Though my father and Reguluus always told me there is so much more to this place we call home."

Jollister: "Mhm… I see. Well let's see where this is going then. (I always thought Rasho was from our Omniverse.)"

Clarissa: "Yes, beyond the scope of how far our verse stretches. It is infinite, true, but it is also infinitely growing. Meaning there is an estimative, finite size that we can determine. So… what about that bast amount of nothingness that's always there, waiting for something to fill it up?"

Gaia: *Rub* "Mrhm… wouldn't it just be infinite nothingness, waiting to be filled with something?"

Miitto" "Yeah, wouldn't it be?"

Clarissa: "Well… yeah, but the issue is… there's at least one other major thing there. The existence of another omniverse…" *Glare*

Jollister: …

XigXahm: "Uh…"

Miitto: "Huh…"

Gaia: "Hmm…"


Clarissa: "Yeah, it's where Atomen and Rashomon are from. I also believe it to be where our unwanted guest will be coming from. Mhm… no, this time of day on your planet and with the alignment of the stars. I'd say they're about to enter our Colossaverse soon."

Gaia: "Well… that's unsettling. Can you fight it?"

Clarissa: "At my current highest level? No, I'd lose horribly."

Miitto: "What!?" *Gulp*

Jollister: "Nrgh… a complete version of what Rasho and Atomen are!?"

XigXahm: "I don't like the sounds of that, not one bit. (Why would you take Miitto to such a dangerous place, Clarissa!?)"

Clarissa: (Due to who will be coming to stop the beast. It'll be a complete blowout.) "Yeah, they'll be here soon enough. But the cavalry is also of high level so we'll be fine."

Gaia: "Alright, good. I guess we can go witness the current full power of Shiishii and Haydes. This is about the time I seen them go full throttle within my vision."

Clarissa: "Same here."

Miitto: "Let's go then, ladies."

Gaia: "My, my… what a strapping escort we have here. Lead the way, sir."

Clarissa: "And allow us to hug to your arms as you do. Plus… you'll get to see two warriors that'll surpass you within the next year or so if you don't get off your ass when we get back." *CLENCH*

Miitto: "Ahhhh! Ok, OK. I will!"

Gaia: "Oooooooh, you got in trouble! Gehahahahaa!"

Jollister: "Pffffft!!! That's that shit, maybe! Hahahahaaaa!"

XigXahm: "Man… that Miitto." *Headshake*

Clarissa, Gaia and Miitto take off towards the sector of space that Shiishii and Haydes flew in. Alongside them could be seen Kishin and the others. Mieza hid behind Hideaki as she tried to hide her presence from her elder brother. They all fly together, heading straight put of the atmosphere and towards the next solar system over. It was there that they could see explosions of all sorts. The Planet's were crumbling as a skull was crushed by a gigantic fist. Then a loud howl could be heard just before a wave of force shot out at them. Crushing the entirety of the solar system just as they arrived on the scene.

Haydes: "N-Nrgh! H-How can you STILL be fucking around!? Even after all the battering we've done to each other!? Our damn Self-Split personas have even taken a considerable amount of damage!"

Shiishii: "Well that's simple really, it's because I truly enjoy fighting to no end. I'll fuck around as much as possible to satisfy my thirst for a good fight. It's just lucky for me that you're powerful enough to push me back!"

Haydes: "Tch! Monster!"

Shiishii: "Say what you like. But it's high time I get serious about this whole thing. And crush you where you stand."

Haydes: "As if you could! You don't stand a chance against my full power. It'll be your end, Shiishii!" *Tss*

Shiishii: "We'll see!" *Fwsssskk*

Both: "War Forms: Ignite!"

Both of them burst open pillars of light matching their color of essence. Their concepts and born elements pouring out like water spouts. Skulls shot from Shiishii's while spears shields and fists flew from Haydes' own. It was a bit different and far more intense than what we witnessed back when Shiishii first returned. Both pillars turned into wolves at the very top. Roaring about as the forms solidify and simmer down. Taking full shape as they are cast in full body suits of their own beaming essence. The casts start to dim a bit, and just as they did… both Shiishii and Haydes opened their eyes. The casts crack and shatter… then burst open to reveal their mastered forms.

Gaia: "Ah… how great to see them come this far already."

Clarissa: "Indeed little sis."

Miitto: "War Forms are something else."

Kishin: "You already know." *Reach*

Hideaki: "Yep Yooop!" *Tap*

Meiza: "It's honestly… amazing."

Daphne: "And terrifying, It's hard to stand near Shiishii's killing intent and Haydes rage."

Gaia: "Stand strong, beautiful. You'll get used to it."

Clarissa: "Is that Daphne Chi-hii?"

Dalhne: "Yeah… I'm part of the TRUTH Lady Clarissa."

Clarissa: "Ah… You need some training if this frightens you. Shiishii can get worse, it's his brother he's facing so you won't see what I'm referring to."

Daphne: "Oh… wow."

Shiishii and Haydes stood there staring at one another. Shiishii was clad in a black cloak with white fur stitched to the edge of the hood. The cloak had a ribcage assortment of bones placed where his own would be. The hood also had natural wolf ears to go with Shiishii's own. The ears were also made of nothing but bone. His pants were baggy and tucked into his boots. The boots themselves had fur sticking out of them in a wild fashion. His tail was pure black with a purple light glowing from the base. And it was nearly as big as he was. He wore a mask that looked like a detailed angry skull with glowing, purple eyes. To top it all off, he had a fur cape with a wolf head on his shoulder made entirely of bone. And a God sash that floated behind him.

Haydes on the other hand looked like a golden knight from viking lore. His helmet covered his head and eyes, resembling a wolf head. His neck was covered by a fur scarf that flowed out like a cloud. He wore a plated chest piece with matching gauntlets. Each of which were skin tight and heavily layered. The chest plate had a Wolf's face on it and the gauntlets looked as though they were wolf heads eating his arm. He wore a fur peel that wrapped around his waist, and drooped down to his ankles. Mind you, the fur is white with red stains plastered all over them. His baggy pants were also tucked into his combat boots, and yes… they had fur coming out of then as well. His tail was just as big as Shiishii's, but it was white and covered in red stains as well. The base glowed of a blood red color, as well as the center of his body. His God's sash was torn in many places to resemble a war-torn fashion. He sported a shield and hammer as his main weapon arsenal while Shiishii went with his Death Scythe.

Shiishii: "You look good, brat."

Haydes: "Shut your mouth, you Fiend. I'll end your existence here and now!" *clang* *CLANG*

Shiishii: "I'd like to see you try." *Fwoop* *WOOSH* *SWISH* *shinnnng*

Haydes goes through the most irritating moment of his life. Having the person he despises take pure pleasure in his struggling. As a result, they have finally unleashed their War forms.. at the sane time, Clarissa reveals the existence of a realm beyond the omniverse. TRUTH is further revealed as War and Death go at each other's throats. The battle hits the ceiling as the war rages on!!!

Next Chapter: Let the Multiverse be

our Playground!!!