
Streght Above All In Konoha

On Naruto's first day as Hokage, he receives Hinata's first kiss. Naruto's reaction is: "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional, I thought I was dreaming..." Naruto: "What? Tomorrow is the graduation exam?" "Well... Does that mean Mizuki wants me to steal a forbidden jutsu scroll?" "Hold on, I'll go buy a camera... No camera? Then I'll buy a copying scroll. No money? Hmm... Let's see if I can borrow some from Hinata..." Disclamer: Forgive me if I am merely a mediator in presenting this work in a different language. I appreciate the beauty and wisdom found in the original writing.

Pratama_Jiwatmika · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Chapter 10: Graduation!

Naruto released the ninjutsu, and the clones disappeared along with it.

Naruto: "Hmm... after a lot of trouble, I finally learned it."

The Third Hokage pursed his lips and sighed, sitting back in front of Naruto.

The Third Hokage: "Let's talk again..."

Naruto: "Sure, Third Hokage-sama, what do you want to talk about?"

The Third Hokage looked very serious as he gazed at Naruto: "Apart from Shadow Clones, you haven't learned any other jutsu, have you?"

Naruto: "No, I learned the Shadow Clone jutsu, and then suddenly passed out."

The Third Hokage stared at Naruto closely, afraid that Naruto had also learned the Forbidden Reanimation jutsu.

A child who lost his parents, learning a jutsu that can resurrect them, that could be understood, but the Forbidden Reanimation jutsu was too evil, requiring sacrifices of living people. He absolutely wouldn't allow it to spread.

But then again, perhaps Naruto didn't know about the Forbidden Reanimation jutsu that could resurrect the dead?

That was very possible; the Fourth wouldn't be so reckless.

And there's the unsealing technique of the Four Symbols Seal...

He was probably overthinking.

The Third Hokage took a deep breath, changing the subject: "Since you've learned the Shadow Clone jutsu, you can graduate from the Ninja Academy."

Naruto: "Are you... letting me go?"

The Third Hokage: "Hmm... but there's a condition. Don't mention anything about the Fourth Hokage being your father until you've grown up. Trust me, Naruto, that could really bring unnecessary trouble to you."

Naruto: "Okay, but I also have a condition, or... it's more like a request, I want... to be in the same class as Hinata."

The Third Hokage: "Reason."

Naruto: "She's the only one who doesn't see me as a monster."

The Third Hokage remained silent for a long time.

Finally, he nodded: "Alright, then report to the Ninja Academy tomorrow. I'll inform Iruka about your situation."

Naruto: "Thank you, Grandfather Third Hokage, I see you're still good."

From addressing the Third Hokage as "Grandfather Third Hokage" to Naruto's attitude, it was like a 180-degree flip.

The Third Hokage was taken aback, shaking his head with a wry smile: "You little brat..."

"Don't worry, I'll verify the money your parents left behind and transfer it to you soon. These years have been tough on you, experiencing so much pain... sigh... do you have any other requests? If not, you can go home."

Naruto: "No more requests, but there's something I'm curious about. I wonder if Hokage Grandfather could enlighten me."

The Third Hokage: "Go ahead."

Naruto: "What exactly happened after I passed out? How did Mizuki reveal himself?"

The Third Hokage: "Iruka was worried about you, so he went to visit you at home. He found you unconscious on the ground, with a sealing scroll beside you."

"Stealing a sealing scroll is a big deal; it contains forbidden jutsu that must not be spread lightly."

"For ninjas, this matter must be reported."

"But just as Iruka was about to hand you and the forbidden scroll over to me, Mizuki suddenly knocked on the door."

"You were already unconscious, and Iruka felt something was off, so he transformed into you and interacted with Mizuki."

"And then Mizuki revealed himself."

That's it? That's quite lucky...

Naruto: "But... since the sealing scroll contains forbidden jutsu, why was it so easily stolen?"

The Third Hokage: "Well..."

Naruto: "Hokage Grandfather, did you suspect Mizuki from the beginning? Did you use me to lure him out?"

The Third Hokage: "Huh? Naruto, you're thinking about these things too? I thought you hadn't noticed..."

Naruto: "Although I usually do some brainless things to attract attention, I'm not really stupid."

"Alright, no more questions."

The Third Hokage: "Hmm, then you can go home now. Remember to report to the Ninja Academy tomorrow."

He handed Naruto a piece of paper with the time and location of the report.

After Naruto left, several ninjas in the interrogation room were strictly ordered not to reveal a word of what they saw or heard today to anyone else.

After the ninjas left the interrogation room, another person appeared.

White hair, a mask, only one eye visible.

It was Kakashi.

The Third Hokage: "He'll be your student from now on."

Kakashi: "Feels like a tough job."

The Third Hokage: "Hmm... but even if he's the Fourth's child, if there's any trouble, we absolutely can't be lenient. So, you have to be more vigilant."

Kakashi: "Sigh... Can't someone else handle this? I suddenly feel like the ANBU suits me better..."

The Third Hokage: "Besides you, no one else can do this. Also... there's a child from the Uchiha clan."

"After all, you're the only one in the village who can guide him in using the Sharingan."

Kakashi: "Ugh... ugh..."

Kakashi had a deadpan expression.

On the other hand, after Naruto left the interrogation room, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

From plotting to steal the forbidden scroll to now, it had been a series of twists and turns.

This whole thing wasn't even in his plans.

All sorts of unforeseen events made it unbearably difficult for him.

But... the outcome was good.

First, he obtained all the ninja techniques recorded in the forbidden scroll.

Second, he would inherit the legacy of the Fourth.

Third, Hinata would be in the same class as him.

Fourth, the fusion of two souls had given him extremely powerful memory abilities.

To sum it up, it was worth it!

Naruto tried to silently say in his heart, then connected with the Nine-Tails: "Nine-Tails-sama, can we talk now?"

The Nine-Tails impatiently replied, "What else?"

Naruto: "I want to have a good chat with you about our future relationship."

Nine-Tails: "Relationship? What do you mean?"

Naruto: "Half of your body is sealed inside the Shinigami's stomach by the Uzumaki clan's sealing jutsu, right?"

"I know how to free your other half, and in return, I want a promise from you."

Nine-Tails: "Kid, are you serious?"

Naruto: "Absolutely."

Nine-Tails: "Interesting. What promise do you want me to make?"

Naruto: "To stay peacefully inside my body while I'm alive, and not attempt to control me."

Nine-Tails: "You want me to obey you?"

Naruto: "It's not about obedience; our relationship is one of equals. I just hope we can get along."

Nine-Tails: "Equals... interesting..."

"Well then... to show equality, tear off the sealing tag on the cage."

The scene in front of Naruto suddenly split, consciousness pulled into the Nine-Tails' seal space.

Nine-Tails: "What's wrong? You said equality, right? Why don't you go tear off that annoying sealing tag?"