
Stranger Things: Dangerous Monster

Small Synopsis: I died... got reincarnated... possessed a body of 11 years old boy... got experiment by the scientist... a strange power that I got... ===== Ps: I don't own the Stranger Things franchise either the picture I only owned was the character I make. The start of the story in Stranger Things was in 1984 so the timeline where mc will have memories of his past life was in 1983

Chunchunmaru_ · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Chatting With Ryu

[Roane County, in Indiana Hawkins.]

[Somewhere in Hawkins National Laboratory]

Inside a dark room, an 11-year-old boy sat on the cold floor with his eyes closed and his nose bleeding.

Despite his nosebleeding, he didn't open his eyes, and that boy is Five. There was a two-person inside of Five's mind.

And that two people were him and Ryu, who were sitting in a brown-colored chair facing each other.

and the man with a cup of tea spoke in a different way.

"Well, I'm a virus, a yeah virus,Virus," Ryu said as he struck a contemplative pose.

"um..." After five minutes of Ryu's murmuring to himself, five who were listening to Ryu's murmuring to himself.

He began to speak once more.

"I'm a "Virus," and if you don't know what that is, stop thinking about it because I don't either," Ryu said, feigning surprise.



To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm here; all I know is that I'm here because of your father's underling." Ryu stated.

"...the scientist?"

"Yes, that scientist did inject you with strange blood. Did you see it correctly?"

"Yeah, I see it, it was weird blood with a big Circle thing..."

"Well, that's me, or the Black Light Virus." Ryu stated that with a single swing of his arm, his ordinary arm transformed into a Sword with a strange skin.

"I can Shape Shift any part of my body." Ryu stated as he rotated his arm.

Five, on the other hand, was admiring Ryu's arm because he didn't know how he did it.

"I can do more, like absorb any human, and so on." Ryu said it in a childlike tone.

"Wow, that's really cool!" Five said with a surprised tone, and he continued to nod up and down.

after 34 minutes of listening, five people who carefully listen to what Ryu says to him for more than 34 minutes.


Five finally spoke to Ryu after a few minutes of listening.

"...will I be able to do that?" asks five innocently.

"Of course, you can do that, but. It will take some time for you to do the "thing" that I demonstrated to you!" Ryu, like a wise master, replied.

"Wait a minute, I can!" "Yes!" "Woho!" Five began to jump around in the darkness after hearing what Ryu said, while Ryu stared at Five's innocent face.

Suddenly, five people stood up and walked in front of Ryu, telling him.


"what? Will it take some time? "Five inquired solemnly, her gaze fixed on Ryu's.

Five was not disappointed by Ryu's final words; he was disappointed because he wanted to do it now.

"Yes, it will take some time for you to realize this, but it is possible. I can help you with my super intelligence!!" Ryu exclaimed proudly as he raised his chest.

When five noticed it, he scratched his cheek and laughed dryly while looking away.

"You're still not convinced? Even though I'm just an experiment for scientists, I can hear them talking, and that day when they were talking to each other, I was listening in." Ryu said this while clenching his left hand into a fist and bringing it to his chest.

"How can you do it when you're not alive?" Five was perplexed.

"Well, let's just say that they're teaching me how to read..." Ryu responded with a nervous tone of voice.

"uhum... but how can they teach you when you're just an experimented fluid "Thing"?" asked Five.

"Well, forget it... I've already decided what I'm going to do!

Do you want to learn how to do that "thing" correctly? Then simply listen to me!" Ryu was furious but not enraged at him.

"...okay," Five said, taking a few steps back due to Ryu's frustrated behavior.

"well, then... I wish I could tell you more about it, but I can't. It's time for you to go; you can't stay here any longer or you'll die." Ryu said as he swung his sword.


[Five PoV]:


As I opened both of my eyes, a dark room appeared in my vision, and my breathing became heavier by the second.

My vision became blurry as I stood up and walked in front of the steel door, which I was about to open when I lost my balance making me seat in the cold floor.

As I touched my nose, there was blood in my hand, and I noticed my nose was dripping blood; there was a lot of blood that came out of my nose.

When I saw it, I was about to call my papa by knocking on my door, but I passed out quickly.


[Somewhere in underground of Hawkins National Laboratory.]

In Hawkins National Laboratory's underground, a strange-looking monster was crawling.

The strange looking monster was a strange thing that humans found impossible, with a flower-like head and visible Bones as skin was embedded in his bones.

While that strange-looking monster crawled, the "Monster" abruptly shifted his head and growled like a monster.


He made a strange growl and began to run as if he needed to tell someone something was wrong, and he was soon at his destination.

In the underground, a Giant whole with a slimy creature can be seen, and a strange looking monster entered the whole.

Many monsters, such as the strange creature, can be seen inside the whole as the "monster" entered. There were so many of him doing their own thing.

as the Strange monster that entered then Screech and the monster like him Screech too making the room or the Cave tremble


Hello guys If you guys have any ideas please just comment here.

and don't forget to Rate this fanfic, I hope you guys like this even tho I'm not that great for making a fanfic.