
That's my bestfriend: The other side

Sungjae was not the type of person to be caught by surprise by the unexpected, he was the type of person who handled unexpected situations and events in a rational and calm manner, irrespective of it being personal or business related. Despite it being of minor importance or of great emergency.

In simple words he was what you would define these days as a "cool man " . Shedding minimum sweats nor tears ,immersing himself fully in resolving all problems beyond any set limitations.

So, when one of the Idiotic henchmen of his stated that they had a car tailing them, he did not bother to feel any other emotions than the normal and natural calm aura which surrounded and made his whole bossy yet mysterious persona.

What did get him slightly curious and had caused even though minimal a change in his stoic and straight face was when his henchmen had reported to him that Hyolin was the one following them.

All of the men working with him knew everything there was needed to know about the men and women surrounding him, giving the importance and the purpose of his return...

Plus, a quick call and a search of the car name plate and everything they wanted to know about anyone interfering with their work , would come out within seconds. It was that easy.

The words "-Sir Miss Hyolin Jacobs is the one tailing us " had caused a minimal twitch in his expression, his left eye barely twitching in what would have been a raise of an eyebrow as he opened his mouth to respond to his men

"-Is that so?

He kept his cold demeanour on but there was no doubt that there was a hint of surprise and amusement behind the whole 'I'm so cool and I'm not scared ' facade.

If it was a facade...

It was interesting, the current development.

Of all the people that could have decided to tail him, but here instead was her. It was as absurd and as comical as it could get.

There was no reason Sungjae could think of as to why the little woman would put herself through such trouble.

It could be that she wanted to speak to him.

But speak to him about what?

He knew that the both of them were supposedly had to have a "good relationship". And he was aware that according to records the woman in question would have talked to Sungjae about whatever it was that she wanted to talk about.

Truth be told he could ask his men right now to stop the car at the nearest restaurant and pretend that everything was normal and fine, letting Hyolin finally catch up to him so he could deal with her quickly and let her go.

But what was the fun in that?

Besides she would make the best leverage... His plans were going; accordingly, he had eyes and arms everywhere in the main branch of the company. All he needed was to extend the same changes to the rest of their global branches.

He wanted all of his workforce to be in the appropriate positions. That way it would be easier to build the foundation of their great "colony" and it would also make for an easy dispatch , when needed at the appropriate locations to deal with the competition.

Lorraine's brother had actually been quite a resourceful body as it did not only provide him with information regarding the documents he was looking for but he had also highlighted just how precious the Shengyou land was, which meant he had to do something about his agreement with Zhi Ruo...

Sungjae shook his head, his thoughts were going off topic.

He had to get his shit together and deal with the,


Would it be even be a fair comparison to call the current situation as a "problem in hand ?" It felt really off putting to even think of it that way.

He had been shot 8 times in his chest before.

How could dealing with a very hasty and woman be considered as a problem.

It was ridiculous

"Well ... Since she decided to Grace is all with her presence, why don't we get her welcome gift ready ?"

He said as if talking about welcoming an actual guest

"-Malcolm" he barked suddenly making the atmosphere in the car turn even colder if it was possible.

"-Tell the guys to prepare the chloroform"

"-yes sir" replied the man in question

Sungjae went silent before bursting in a fit of uncalled laughter.

It was almost as if he was in hysterics.

It was loud and sudden

Even his men thought it was scary and odd.

But the truth be told, Sungjae was not laughing at the prospect of all the harm that they caused the curious woman.

No, Sungjae was laughing at just how much chaos this action of his was going to bring, and just how much this was all going to be fun to him.

The panic and distress that was going to be incoming

Oh, he could almost taste it, and it made him feel giddy.

She would make the perfect scapegoat.

"Well this is going to be fun" he thought to himself as he made to calm down.

fixing himself he glanced at the rear mirror in between the driver and one of his men.

From the back seat where he was seated, he could not see the incoming vehicle behind .

But he could see his own reflection.

Suddenly disgusted he made an action as if wanted to claw out his own skin. but he stopped himself just as his phone started ringing

Sungjae took the call at the fourth ring.

"-Hello?" he said tone , neutral and professional until he heard the words of the person calling

"-Oh" he said in mock surprise "-I see...It will be sorted ma'am don't worry I won't disappoint you.

"-Things are going smoothly, for real" he said with conviction, as he fisted and un-fisted his left arm throughout the conversation

"-yes, yes ma'am. I will set it up to you" continue don Sungjae

"-Everything will be in my hands. I mean in our hands ...."

"Yeah, ok I will update you"

After one more greeting Sungjae finally cut off the line.

He smirked before stating

"-Let's speed it up boys, we have things to do"

Poor Hyolin did not know what was coming.

Hyolin did not know she would not be returning home to her family that night

Curiosity killed the cat.

But who killed curiosity?.....

This story is slowly but surely coming together,How do you guys like it so far?

If you enjoyed don't hesitate to give it a vote/comment or share.

See you on the next one.

chelsearaenavycreators' thoughts