
Chapter 3 Experiment

It seems that they still think I'm unconscious or just slip in between the 2 states Jill thought as he observed the nurses and paramedics from what he could observe they were getting closer to the hospital and the paramedics where doing a amazing job of keeping blood inside his body.

I still can't move but i don't feel like I'm about to die Jill thought as he tried to move his toes to no avail. From what i can tell from my 6th sense is that multiple bones and cuts riddle my body with a lot of limbs and bones are dislocated so it seems that I'm going to need a doctor and moving in the future might be more difficult but having this 6th sense might be a worth while trade He thought.

With the sense i could be able to go into construction or any detective type of job considering that if i focus i can see the internals of anything really and tell what there made of but this could also work in me being a scientist too but Jill's train of thought was cut off when the car stopped in front of the hospital and him and the other kids where taken into emergency care.

Jill and the other kids were already placed on stretcher's and they were rushed into the hospital. They started with Jill because he was the most injured compared to the other kids and they put him under.

But Jill was still awake. It seems that even drugs can't put me under but I don't know weather it's my brain being active or something else that's keeping me awake i will need to test this out later Jill thought as he observed the doctors with his 6th sense.

Because he was with doctors and not those military clothes people he used his 6th sense on them but he wasn't able to experiment with it because there were other people around and he didn't know if when he did experiment on them something would happen either making something tremble or something weird happening and he didn't want to face those military people in this state.

I'm impressed i should read up on medical practices later Jill thought as he watched the doctors and surgeons operate on him. Because again with his 6th sense he could see how they were interacting with his body. This sense is really useful Jill thought as he waited and observed.

After a hour of this and Jill noticed more surgeons and doctors come in and tend to the other kids. Jill was wrapped up in bandages and put in a hospital room and was hooked up to machines that monitored his health.

This is a very upsetting accident one of the nurses said as they were hooking him up.

Ya just imagine the fear these children faced the other nurses said.

But thankfully we were able to save some of them i don't know how the other kids turned out yet.

especially this kid she seems to be in a very peacefully sleep one of the nurses said as she touched Jill.

She look really beautiful when she sleeps the nurse that touched Jill said as she moved away. Emma it's creepy they you just touched her like a perverted uncle one the nurses said as she laughed at her.

But her face is really soft Emma said as she moved away.

Really? the other nurses said as they also touched Jill but even though he knew what was happening he didn't react or maybe he just didn't care. Your right she really is soft i wonder what type of products she uses the nurse said.

Just to be clear there are 3 nurses one of them is named Emma. Now your starting to sound like a creepy uncle Emma said as she smiled at the other 2.

WE NEED MORE HANDS ON DECK OUT HERE!!! a voice yelled from the hallway and the nurses quickly finished hooking up everything and left.

But Jill didn't open his eyes at all he just laid there for around 10 minutes then opened his eyes. So there is no camera's he thought. Yes he was checking to see if there was any cameras with his 6th sense and waiting to see if anybody else showed up.

Now lets start experimenting he thought. the First thing he did was go into his 6th sense vision kept his eyes open and stretched out his 6th sense. He observed that it didn't have any odd effects observable to the eye and he could stretch it to around 50 meters any farther and he could feel a headache. So 50 meters is my limit he thought he then focused it in one direction and could stretch it to 100 meters.

Next he tried to see if he could try to see like he was looking through his eyes and to his surprise he could but he thought that the black and white vision would be better because it was not as stimulating as his normal vision and he could see things without a obstruction.

Wait this seems more to be sensing the space around me Jill thought because he could see things through walls. This also started to make more sense to him when he realized he saw things through walls on several occasions but didn't notice it or didn't think to much of it.

I'll call it space sense for now Jill thought he then tried to focus on a single object the plant that was in the corner of the room. He used his Spatial sense to touch it and it felt like he was touching it he could somewhat tell what the thing was made out of and he didn't see any odd effects with his naked eye. He tried to wrap his sense around the object and it felt odd but with this he could tell what it was made out of with precision.

He even tried to use his spatial sense to pick it but first he started to get a headache but the plant was moved a little. Well that was a little disappointing i guess i can cross out telekinesis off the list but it proves that I'm not just imagining this Jill thought.

So i can analyses things now too Jill thought as he continued to experiment around with the sense. Lets now try to focus in on the plant and when he focused he could see all the roots on the plant he tried to go deeper but the head ache returned to him. So i can't see anything smaller can't see molecules yet maybe i will be able to in the future Jill thought but was also a little disappointing.

He then tried to focus on the space itself of the plant meaning where it was located and when did so he just got a bunch of weird numbers and symbols in his head. What is this Jill thought as he saw those numbers in his head. Since this is related to the mind what mind related abilities would need those numbers he then scoured his mind for anime, manga and movies to see if there were any powers related to the mind and made a mental list of them and started to experiment.

Since Telekinesis is not viable what about teleportation he thought as he remembered a certain anime and Mutant. He didn't just randomly come up with this thought he first thought of manipulation of elements but that didn't work. He tried to use the force that barely worked.

He then found out he could leave a white dot with his spatial sense. So he wrapped his sense around a leaf and tried teleporting it the leaf vanished but when it reappear it was ripped to shreds. Jill just had a wide eye shocked expression because he thought that it would be intact by the time it reappear.

Thank god I didn't try to teleport myself Jill thought but then tried to figure out why this happened. I put 2 white dots down one where the leaf was and one of the ground and when it teleported it was ripped to shreds maybe i needed to do something with the numbers Jill thought with a frown as he looked at the numbers and tried to make sense of them.

This took a long time and by long time he was looking at the numbers the moon was beaming through the window. When Jill noticed this he just glanced at the clock. It's already 12 he thought but this was just a passing thought. But i think i figured it out Jill thought he then looked out the window and wrapped his sense around a blade a grass and teleported it in his hand and it was intact.

So those symbols and numbers represented coordinates Jill thought but to teleport it he has to first place down those white marks then wrap his sense's around the object he wants to teleport and around the area where it's going to go and needs to do keep his spatial sense around the object so it doesn't get ripped to shreds. During this whole time he also has to calculate the distance and other forces like the winds and planet. He only found this out by the time the plant had no more leafs and the grass outside was left with just the brown dirt devoid of grass.

I can't freely use anything bigger then pen because there is too much math but for now it's a great start Jill thought as he looked at the grass. He also switched the plant in his room with another one because it would be weird that the plant is leafless when he couldn't move and this was a monumental task to accomplish because the plants are big but also a little easier because there the same plant.

I will also need to keep a calculator on me to help with the math and need to keep in mind that i can only teleport 10 things consecutively before taking a 5 minute break Long term i will need to study up on more math courses too and it seems that teleporting things cost energy Jill thought and just went to sleep because even though drugs wouldn't work on him his natural tiredness and him teleporting things will.

When Jill woke up he saw that it was 12 in the morning and stretched involuntarily this of course surprised Jill. I can move now what happened?? Jill thought as he moved his arms and legs around. He suddenly stopped because he sense there was movement coming from to his room. When he observed the doctor with his sense he could see that he was middle age had a beard on his face and was slowly balding his eyes were brown in color.

Jill just moved back and laid back down and waited. When the doctor came in he smiled at Jill and pulled over a chair. Hello my name is Anderson he said. Jill putting us his act again smiled back and him and said hello.

What happen to me?? Jill said with a worried expression.

Anderson smile and said nothing to bad thankfully we have the best doctors here so we were able to patch you up. Seemingly trying to alleviate Jill's concerns Jill just smiled sweetly in response and said thank you for your help as he tried to reach for his hand to shake.

No no no your still injured you have been sleeping for a few days Anderson said as he pushed Jill's hand back down but still held onto to it in a very creepy way. Wait i have been sleeping for days was that because of my ability or was just that injured Jill thought but said with a confused expression Is there anything wrong with me Jill asked with a confused look on his face. But he already knew that something was wrong because of the doctor's body language.

With a slumped body Anderson said you won't be abler to run again. Jill on the other hand had a sighed in relief because he thought it would be much more serious like he was never going to be able to walk again.

It's fine what about the other kids on the bus Jill said as he diverted the attention away from him so he could fix his expression. The other kids they will be be fine but of the kids that were brought here only 4 lived including you there only 5 kids remained alive the doctor said in some sadness because of the loss of life.

Jill just sighed when he heard this. Anderson then said in the future you should bring around a cane to help you walk just in case and he finally let got of Jill's hand and walked away.

As soon as he left he wiped the hand that was touched on the side of the bed and the sad expression that was on his face was gone only to be replaced by calm look. So most of the kids died but since i was able to get this teleportation ability from this encounter did the other kids get something too? I can also feel again Jill thought as he touched the soft pillow.

He was mainly worried that if they did get something and those military clothed people found out that he would be taken in along with the rest of them. Jill continued to think since they are in the hospital and it would not be impossible for them to die in there sleep Jill thought with a cold look in his eye.

But where would i even find them Jill thought as he slowly got up and tried to walk when he did he almost fall on to the ground but was able to hold himself up. He then took a few minutes to used to his body. While he was doing that he also tried to see if he could cut off his sense of touch and to his surprise he could do it but he had to practice it so he could cut of this sense with a thought.

I need to find a map of this place Jill thought as he sat back on the bed and moved his legs around. He then teleported the pen the doctor had into his hand. He did this when the doctor reached out his hand and held it Jill found out that as long as he touched someone he could teleport something off them.

So currently it's noon i need to wait until night to carry out this and i need to feel out the cameras in this place too he thought as he spread out his Spatial Sense.

A/N Just so you guys know Spatial Sense is know going to be refer d to SS.

He then made a mental map of this place which was a lot more difficult that he original thought but when he placed white markers down even if his SS left the area he could see them which is how he marked the cameras and any other place of interest in this place.

That's when Jill got a idea as he looked at the nurse call button that was with him.