
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs


I am not special, just an average person living a life like all others, with struggles and strikes, ups and downs.

That is what you tell yourself every day.

Be it to push your inflate ego down or to make you feel less like a freak.

We always tend to push down the "I am special feeling" because we fear retaliation from our society.

It is understandable, the Special title really drew a lot of attention, especially unwanted attention.

But that is what makes it a so shiny title.

Everyone wants to be special.

Because highly gifted, successful people, and celebrities are specials.

We sometimes forget that everyone is special because everyone is unique.

We also forget that people with disabilities and criminals are also special.

We see only what we want and ignore the rest, so is human nature.

But for them, what is, to be special?

I would say, it means to be someone who can inspire and win the admiration and respect of most people.

These days I have been hearing the tithe "unique" much more than "special.

To me, it makes sense, "unique " seems much less difficult to acquire, dreams less attention and is still very cool.

But we need to remember that both are very ambiguous titles with infinite interpretations.

If you are special, it means you are unique, and unique people are all special.

Even so, we sense that some people are more special and more unique than others.

Those are your role models.

Your parents, your heroes, and the people who can change us from inside.

When we speak about those people, we can't help but think, "I want to be like that".

And that is what makes special things and create this special feelings.

But the big question stays unsolved.

How can I be special? Why am I not special?

Unfortunately, there will never be an answer for that.

If there were a formula or a recipe to be special, special would not be so special anymore.

Although, how come we know that everyone is special?

I would say that it is just because special is an ambiguous word.

It has many meanings and therefore, there are many types of being special.

You are special because you are unique, there are people who are "more special" because they are famous. You can become special if you get famous, but I would advise trying inspiring people, in your own unique way.