
Stranded Blood

Exiled due to an internal betrayal, Gianna, a former vampire clan leader, finds refuge in Immerstad, a land untouched by vampire rule. Her precarious situation worsens when Kurtis, a betrayer from her clan, seizes power. In this vulnerable state, she's rescued by Tohpati, a wealthy businessman, who offers protection in exchange for her servitude. This deal forces Gianna to confront her pride and adapt to survive, providing a glimmer of hope for reclaiming her lost status.

Air_Tuya · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Veiled Realities

Chapter 7

"I'm not aware of recent developments in the clans, especially among my kin." Gianna released a weary sigh. The last encounter with Fleur didn't afford her the courage to inquire about the state of her family in Rathenau. Gianna was well aware that all potential successors of Rathenau had fallen victim to renegade vampires from within their clan. 

"Hasn't Fleur been meeting you regularly? Or is she avoiding you now?" Tohpati, seemingly privy to Fleur's recent meeting with her stranded best friend in the foreign land, asked unexpectedly.

"Yes. Honesty, I happened to run into Fleur in the urban forest a few days ago. I had no idea she was still here in Immerstad after such a long absence." 

Tohpati raised an eyebrow, "So, bumping into Fleur messed up your plans and made you late?"

"Yeah, totally caught me off guard. We lost track of time catching up."

Tohpati felt a sense of guilt but decided to keep it to himself. He couldn't help but sympathize with Gianna's predicament, furthermore when she mentioned her weakened state due to a lack of fresh blood. He also noticed that lately, he experienced fatigue more quickly after Gianna consumed a significant amount of his blood. It was unusual for him to feel hungry again so soon after having a substantial meal.

"Do you truly intend to cast me out, my Lord?"

"I cannot say for certain. But, brace yourself if it comes to that."

Gianna uttered a soft "Oh."

"I've always feared that our true identities might be exposed eventually. We might have to part ways, as I warned you before," Tohpati reminded her.

Gianna merely nodded, her expression unreadable.

"In such a scenario, I'd prefer you killing me than falling into their hands," she admitted. 

"I cannot do that," Tohpati concluded. Their conversation lingered in the quiet night. 

"But, you once expressed a desire to end my life. What's the real issue here?"

Tohpati, feeling conflicted, lowered his gaze and shook his head, uncertain how to respond. He then extended his right hand, revealing a white-gold ring.

"This thing is the reason I can't carry out that threat," Tohpati explained. Gianna noticed a similar ring on her right finger, though thinner and adorned with a small sparkling gem.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. There seems to be nothing I can do," Gianna uttered softly.

"It's all because of my foolish brother."


"Who else? My brother is the sole reason our lives are on the line," Tohpati exclaimed, leaning back in frustration. He scratched his head vigorously, grappling with the unresolved challenges before him. 

The thought of marrying Tohpati for protection comforted Gianna, but she was open to separating if it ensured his safety. 

"My Lord, if you want me gone, I'll accept it. Just live quietly for your own sake," she offered.

"Just tell me what do you want me to do?" she insisted.

Tohpati hesitated, contemplating the gravity of the decision. "How should I go about it?"

"Just use a silver blade, and thrust it into my vital points. Or let me go three weeks without consuming any blood," Gianna suggested.

"My family would suspect foul play if I used your suggested method."

"And it occurred to me that if Fleur caught you killing me, she might unleash havoc and obliterate the whole city."

"Man, that's way too complicated," Tohpati sighed, rubbing his nose.

"Alright, let's drop it. I won't do anything. Besides, once it gets out, and everyone figures out who you are, I've decided to part ways with you." 

"I promise not to linger here, even if my exile period isn't over yet."

"And you'll return to Morbantis?"

"Yes, for your safety," Gianna affirmed.

"If you ever go back there again, it's like saying you're siding with the rebels or something." Tohpati, as a human, remained clueless about Gianna's thoughts. Regarding inter-clan matters where potential uprisings under Gianna's leadership might occur. Her actions were solely to perpetuate the hierarchical control system established by her ancestors under the Rathenau Clan name. 

Gianna spoke with a solemn demeanor, embodying the essence of her leadership. As a formidable vampire, she stood unrivaled even among her peers.

"My demise won't serve a purpose if it falls into the wrong hands." 

Tohpati recoiled in terror as Gianna's words echoed, and an eerie transformation overcame her. The once serene gaze now burned with a crimson intensity. The mere shift in her eye color unleashed a tumultuous blend of fear and fascination within her master. A brief glance at this vampire and an unsettling horror gripped both body and soul as Gianna's eyes underwent an instinctive metamorphosis.

In a calmer tone, Gianna continued, "There are some things I guard, tied to the delicate balance of our world."

Tohpati, still processing the information, felt a mix of curiosity and unease. The weight of centuries in Gianna's voice hinted at a complex web of vampire lore, and he realized their destinies were intertwined in ways he had yet to understand. 

Gianna leaned back, her formidable demeanor softening. "You know, my lord, being a vampire leader has its challenges. It's not all about power and dominance."

"I always thought being a vampire was just about biting necks and eternal life," Tohpati chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Gianna smirked, "Well, that's part of it, but there's also a lot of paperwork and vampire politics involved. Not as glamorous as it sounds."

Tohpati scratched his head and wore an expression that blended amusement and incredulity on his face. "Vampire politics, secret societies, and Serenity Protocol? You know how to keep things interesting."

A sly smile played on Gianna's lips, "Well, being married to me comes with its perks. You get to know the ins and outs of the vampire world, even the stuff most vampires try to keep hush."

"I never thought I'd be involved in all this, but it adds a whole new layer to our relationship, doesn't it?" Tohpati let out a wry smile. 

Gianna subtly acknowledges, maintaining a serious hint of gravity, "Just wait until you hear about the council. That's a story for another right."

As the night unfolded in Tohpati's residence, Gianna's sly smile hinted at mysteries yet to be unraveled. Gianna approached him with measured grace, her voice carrying a formal tone as she addressed him with respect. 

"My Lord, the intricacies of our forbidden alliance demand utmost discretion. My duty as a wife, hidden from the eyes of our kind and yours, requires the courtesy befitting your station," Gianna remarked, her words carefully chosen to maintain the facade they had crafted. 

"We navigate this delicate masquerade to safeguard our ambitions. Love, in its conventional sense, is a luxury we can't afford."

Her words hung in the air, a testament to the calculated nature of their connection. As they played their roles with precision, an unspoken understanding lingered ‒ a silent acknowledgment that, despite the absence of genuine affection, their alliance was essential for their survival. 

Tohpati contemplated her words, a sense of gravity enveloping the room. "Well, our union may lack the warmth of conventional love, but it is a symbiotic bond. A calculated alliance indeed, and our little secret is the ace up our sleeves."

Gianna nodded. "No grand love story here, just a pragmatic alliance. We're the masters of disguise, juggling our roles to keep our worlds from colliding."

"It's a wild ride, but it's the ride we've chosen," Tohpati replied, his gaze fixed on Gianna. They lapsed into a contemplative silence, exchanging unspoken thoughts. Tohpati eventually averted his face and rose, signaling the end of their conversation.

Gianna observed her lord's. "Shall we get ready for bed, my Lord?" 

"Yes," Tohpati responded, continuing his stride. 

Gianna trailed after her master in silence. Tohpati's mind seemed tangled, uncertain of the words that had escaped. He grappled with the complexity of their situation.