
Stranded Blood

Exiled due to an internal betrayal, Gianna, a former vampire clan leader, finds refuge in Immerstad, a land untouched by vampire rule. Her precarious situation worsens when Kurtis, a betrayer from her clan, seizes power. In this vulnerable state, she's rescued by Tohpati, a wealthy businessman, who offers protection in exchange for her servitude. This deal forces Gianna to confront her pride and adapt to survive, providing a glimmer of hope for reclaiming her lost status.

Air_Tuya · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Unrivaled Dominance

Chapter 8

The private jet smoothly touched down at Pinnacle Air Terminal's tarmac, marking another routine journey for Fleur, who frequently visited Immerstad ‒ the territory where her friend Gianna was exiled due to laws prohibiting vampire clans from ruling. The anticipation of navigating vampire politics lingered as Fleur made her way to the Rathenau manor. 

In contrast, Fleur's flights to Morbantis offered a welcoming sanctuary for vampire clans ‒ a stark contrast to Immerstad's unforgiving laws. In this territory, Gianna's exile unfolded amidst a legal denial of the existence of a ruling vampire clan. The brief distance between Morbantis'embrace and Immerstad's rejection symbolized the intricate dance of vampire politics and the divergent fates faced by those entangled in their complex web.

Continuing her journey, the city Fleur traversed retained its shroud of pre-dawn obscurity. Conscious of the approaching sunrise, the urgency to reach Vormelker before the first light compelled her. In the passenger seat of the private car, a sense of unfamiliarity lingered with the driver, a departure from her customary chauffeur.

"Who are you?" Fleur asks.

The driver turned, somewhat stammering in response to Fleur's question.

"Uh, I'm your chauffeur, Madame."

"Obviously. How foolish of me to ask about something so trivial."

The driver nervously laughed and swallowed hard.

"Who do you work for?" Fleur asked once more.

"I work for the Vormelker Clan, Madame."

"Oh? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Well, I'm new. A new vampire in the Vormelker Clan."

"New vampire?" Fleur chuckled, the driver joining in without fully grasping.

"Can I get a taste of yours?"

The jittery driver nodded, "I'm sorry. But, we're still on the road, and I'm concerned about encountering other drivers."

Fleur chuckled, "You can offer your other hand. No need for me to go for the neck."

Suddenly, Fleur's eyes flashed, pupils elongated like a predator closing in on its prey. The helpless driver, resigned to the situation, offered his free hand not gripping the steering wheel.

"Madame, is it normal for vampires to share blood? Urk-" The driver groaned as Fleur sank her fangs into his wrist. The pain threatened to overwhelm him, yet he managed to keep control of the steering wheel on the bustling highway.

Fleur continued to feed on the driver's wrist, his groans blending with the hum of the highway. As she pulled away, licking her lips, she spoke with a mischievous grin. 

"Oh, darling, it's not just 'sharing'. It's an intimate exchange of essence. You get a taste of my strength, and I get a taste of you…well, let's call it potential."

The driver winced as Fleur's words sank in. "Potential? What do you mean?"

Fleur leaned closer, her voice a seductive whisper. "You're new, inexperienced. Your blood carries the freshness of a fledgling. It's intriguing."

"There's more to being a vampire than you think, my dear chauffeur. It's not just about immortality; it's about the dance of dominance and submission, the intertwining of desires and needs."

The driver, still dazed, managed to mumble, "I…I just wanted a different life."

Fleur laughed, a melodic sound that echoed through the car. "A different life, indeed. Welcome to the thrilling chaos of the undead, darling."

Fleur delicately cleansed the remaining droplets of blood from the driver's wrist, watching as the bite wound swiftly sealed without a trace. A subtle smile played on Fleur's lips as she licked the driver's blood from her thumb, savoring the essence of his newfound connection to the vampire world. 

Fleur eyed her driver with suspicion, demanding, "Now, tell me, who resurrected you this time?"

A moment of silence passed before the driver hesitantly replied, "It was Lord Kurtis." 

"Kurtis resurrected you? Why?" Fleur's tone grew more intense, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

The driver nervously gulped and stuttered, "I…I'm not sure, Madame. It seems he desires your alliance. He envisions uniting the vampire clans under his leadership." 

Quick and rhythmic, the leader's confident footsteps echoed on the polished marble floor. Undoubtedly, the elegant legs belonged to the revered leader of the oldest and most powerful vampire association. Since its founding by the initial and most potent ancestor, her authority remained unmatched. A mere inclination of her head immobilized her followers; her commanding power left no room for defiance. She could vanquish adversaries without physical contact. 

With purposeful stride, the vampire lady's white hair billowed like a blizzard, cloaked in black from head to toe. Her intense gaze, indifferent to her surroundings, sent an ominous aura. Even lower-ranking nobles felt the foreboding presence, prompting vampire nations to evade rather than face an inexplicable demise at her hands.

Upon her arrival, the lone white-haired vampire entered a grand hall filled with beings resembling humans, all draped in black. Only their faces, pale and lifeless, betrayed no hope. She took the floor, her voice commanding attention. 

"Welcome, and thank you for honoring the invitation extended by the Rathenau Clan's representative."

A brief pause ensued.

"The purpose of this gathering is to discuss our pact with the humans beyond these walls. My subordinates mentioned a noble among you expressing a desire to engage in conflict with them. Is this accurate, or do I bear responsibility for any misunderstanding?"

Silence hung in the air.

"Please respond, and let's discuss this directly," Gianna urged.

A striking vampire noble, his hair impeccably combed, rose to address the leader of the Rathenau Clan. "You're not mistaken, my lady. It was me who voiced that intention."

"Good. I'm relieved someone spoke up. As a member of the Rathenau Clan, I invite you to join me in my quarters," Gianna stated.

The handsome vampire nodded affirmatively. "Certainly, Lady Gianna."

Gianna directed a member of her entourage to observe closely, curious about the motives behind the handsome vampire's decision to challenge the human race. Despite the established Serenity Protocol meant to avoid conflict, this noble's actions were unexpected. 

"Not only that, there's something else I need to inquire about. What about our contributions that have gradually supported human society? It seems they rely on us to sustain the progress of their world. So, how is it?" Gianna questioned. 

In response, a leader from the Vormelker Clan rose to address the query.

"Allow me, Gianna," Orlok asserted.

Gianna inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Please, go ahead. The floor is yours."

Orlok stepped forward, a determined expression on his face. "Thank you, Gianna."

"As a leader of the Vormelker Clan," he began, "I must express our concern. While our influence has undoubtedly shaped human progress, there are those among us who believe a more assertive stance is needed. A direct approach, they argue, ensures our impact remains acknowledged and respected."

"Initially, the collaboration appeared promising, but it transpires that they require financial support from us. You're well aware that our people have witnessed centuries unfold, grasping the fleeting nature of human life with time."

"Financial support?" Gianna queried.

"Yes. They seek our aid in establishing a clandestine society," Orlok explained.

Their deliberation persisted until a resolution was reached. The nobles remained in session until Gianna, rising from her seat, signaled the conclusion of their discussions. 

As she exited the chamber, the handsome vampire trailed behind, maintaining a respectful distance to underscore their distinct statuses. He observed Gianna's stalwart and graceful stride from behind. But, an unforeseen turn occurred when they approached Gianna's quarters, and the dashing vampire stealthily extracted a gleaming silver blade from beneath his cloak. 

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, and an eerie stillness enveloped the surroundings. The elegant vampire, once charming, unleashed a sinister elegance with his deadly blade. Shadows played upon his features, and moonlight exposed the malevolence beneath his charming facade.

Executed a decisive move, slashed through an apparent emptiness. A subtle gust of wind trailed. From a distance, Gianna assessed, recognizing her clan member's strategic action. It was a duel, a clash of physical prowess, centuries-old vendettas, and the intricate dance of power within vampire secrecy.

Pivoting his head, he found her eyes ablaze, freezing the handsome vampire in place. Locked gazes led to a silent confrontation as they drew near, terror slowly etching onto the once confident features.

"You're a wretched soul, Kurtis," Gianna snarled. Abruptly, her hand on his chest, she forcefully slammed him across the room. Colliding with a massive pillar that resulted in a conspicuous fracture. Kurtis gasped for air, crumpling to the ground after Gianna's formidable display of power.

Gianna, maintaining her stance from a distance, proceeded to advance towards her adversary. Kurtis met her gaze sharply as she drew near. 

"Why the sneak attack, my dear Kurtis? Feel free to quench your thirst in front of nobles," Gianna challenged.

Kurtis grinned. "Don't get me wrong, Gianna. You stand as the pinnacle of nobility. I'll give you that," he spat, "but honestly, I'm not into the messy stuff."

"Consider yourself lucky you're not diving into the mess right now," Gianna remarked with a shrug. She regarded Kurtis as if he were worse than any creature she had ever tasted. 

Without a word, Gianna turned away, leaving Kurtis still sitting weakly.

"I want a rematch," Kurtis declared, determination in his eyes. "If I win, make me the leader of Rathenau!"

She halted her steps.

"With utmost delight, my dear Kurtis."