
Stranded Blood

Exiled due to an internal betrayal, Gianna, a former vampire clan leader, finds refuge in Immerstad, a land untouched by vampire rule. Her precarious situation worsens when Kurtis, a betrayer from her clan, seizes power. In this vulnerable state, she's rescued by Tohpati, a wealthy businessman, who offers protection in exchange for her servitude. This deal forces Gianna to confront her pride and adapt to survive, providing a glimmer of hope for reclaiming her lost status.

Air_Tuya · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Secrets We Keep

Chapter 5

"Holy-!" The man's throat was ensnared by Gianna's firm grip, her fingers targeting the vulnerable soft spot. Despite the man's larger frame, Gianna effortlessly hoisted his hefty body into the air. The man let out a desperate plea, his shrieks echoing as he pounded on Gianna's hand, begging for release. Alas, compelling Gianna to relinquish her formidable hold proved to be a formidable task.

"L-Let me go! I didn't know this place was occupied by some crazy woman!" The intruder pleaded desperately, struggling to breathe.

Gianna's grip remained unyielding. "Breaking into someone's house without consequence? Do you think you can just invade any place you please? You're sorely mistaken. This is your warning, don't repeat such foolish actions."

As the lady vampire released her grip, the stranger's body slumped to the floor with a resounding thud. Breaking the lurid silence that enveloped her master's darkened residence. Gianna's red eyes glowed, illuminating the dim atmosphere.

Bending over, Gianna scrutinized the intruder, taking in every detail of his concealed appearance. A masked part of his face, while a thick jacket obscured his bulky frame. His attire was meticulously chosen, camouflaging any hints of suspicion.

"What are you?" Gianna demanded. "You thought prying your way into this house would go unnoticed? Foolish move." The stranger remained silent. Gianna sighed in disbelief at the audacity. She looked down at the stranger, contemplating whether there was any chance of reviving him. Her fingers pressed against his chest, searching for a heartbeat, pondering the delicate balance between life and death.

The room remained silent as the lady vampire concentrated on the stranger's lifeless form. Suddenly, a faint pulse throbbed beneath her fingertips. Startled, she hesitated for a moment, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. "You're not so easily disposed of," Gianna muttered, her red eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. She considered her next move, torn between the instincts of a vampire and a lingering sense of mercy.

Gianna released a slow exhale, withdrawing her hand from the stranger's chest. As the man groggily regained consciousness, he found himself met with the piercing gaze of her. Gianna's stern expression conveyed a warning, and she spoke with an air of authority, "Consider yourself lucky. One wrong move and your fate might have been different. Now, tell me, what were you looking for in this house?"

The stranger hesitated before answering, "I was desperate... I needed something valuable to survive. But I didn't foresee the complications of this break-in."

Gianna maintained a composed facade, keeping her true nature hidden. The fragile truce between them hung in the balance, a delicate dance of survival and secrets. The lady vampire, though maintaining her composure, couldn't help but ponder the stranger's predicament. The delicate balance between her vampire instincts and a flicker of empathy blurred as she considered his desperate circumstances. 

With a calculated gaze, she uttered, "Desperation doesn't excuse trespassing. However, I'll give you a chance to explain yourself further. Choose your words wisely."

The stranger, seemingly relieved by the unexpected leniency, continued, "I... I heard rumors about a valuable artifact hidden in this house. Something that could change my life."

Her eyes gleamed with intrigue as she considered the possibility of such an artifact within Tohpati's abode. "An artifact, you say? What makes you think it's here?"

The stranger hesitated before whispering, "Whispers among those in dire straits, seeking a glimmer of hope. I didn't expect, well, all of this." He gestured to the dimly lit room, emphasizing his unintended encounter with the supernatural. 

Gianna pondered the stranger's words, sensing a shared understanding in the pursuit of hidden treasures. With the house harboring secrets, she stood at a crossroads – unveiling the supernatural artifacts or upholding the enigma of her vampire existence. The delicate performance persisted within Tohpati's dim sanctuary.

The stranger squinted at Gianna. "What's going on, and who are you?" Gianna smirked mysteriously. "This place has its secrets, and I'm just a wanderer in its shadowy corners. Life here unfolds in its peculiar way." 

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, and the shadows weaved to an unseen tune. Gianna's gaze intensified, and her voice lowered to a hushed tone. "Some things are better left undiscovered." The stranger hesitated, feeling an unspoken gravity in Gianna's words. The air hummed with anticipation as their fates entwined in the clandestine threads of Tohpati's residence.

Leveled a penetrating gaze at the stranger, the lady vampire voice carrying a subtle but unmistakable threat. "Listen up, my new friend. This house isn't a playground for your curious adventures. If you even think about swinging by again, you'll be dealing with consequences you won't like. Is that clear?"


Tohpati, the COO of Moseley Group Company, felt an unusual fatigue during his commute. His role demanded constant oversight of administrative tasks and business affairs. The looming transition of CEO responsibilities from his father added to his workload. Even in his downtime, the watchful eyes of his father, the current CEO, followed him. 

Stuck in traffic at a red light, Tohpati's frustration intensified. He had been on edge, unjustly venting his irritation at Gianna, despite her actions being innocent. The mounting stress seemed to cloud his judgment.

"Kill her or protect her? It's like my heart's at war, and I lose my sanity every time I look at her," Tohpati muttered, conflicted by the vampire's presence. He sighed, frustrated, gazing at the stagnant traffic. 

Gazing at the white-gold ring on his right ring finger, Tohpati smiled with mixed emotions. Despite his deep connection with Gianna, the truth lingered—he couldn't love her conventionally. Juggling familial expectations, he contemplated a future where he could free himself once Gianna's exile ended. "I'm in a pickle figuring out how to shield Gianna," he spilled. "Once she's done with her timeout, I might just cook up some tale for the folks, wrap up this whole charade."

He shifted gears, accelerating the SUV through the now less crowded highway, eager to escape the restlessness and anxiety gnawing at his heart.

Returning home, Tohpati found Gianna on the sofa, her typical nonchalant pose unchanged. Seated with crossed legs, her eyes half-closed, she perked up as she sensed his presence.

"How was your day? Another tiring one?" Gianna asked with a subtle grin.

Encountering Gianna's sweet smile, Tohpati's heart skipped a beat, yet he persisted in denying her true nature as a vampire. Are all female vampires in their world this captivating, or is it merely a ploy to attract prey? Despite feeling like prey, he remained steadfast in keeping Gianna as his servant.

"Is my dinner ready?" he questioned.

Gianna nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Would you like to freshen up first, or shall we proceed with dinner?"

Their eyes met, and Tohpati found himself captivated by the allure of those golden-brown orbs. In a sudden turn, the color transformed into a fiery red, a subtle warning of the danger that lurked within. Dismissing the thought of peril, he yearned for those enticing eyes to draw closer. Tohpati gently lifted the lady's chin, inching towards her bewitching, red lips with a sense of anticipation.

Gianna's eyes gleamed with a hint of seriousness as she softly warned, "My Lord, restrain your impulses. Our roles have boundaries even in jest." Tohpati, his demeanor more solemn, replied, "The lines between reality and playfulness sometimes blur." Gianna, with a subtle nod, acknowledged the complexity of their relationship. "Take a moment to gather yourself, my Lord. I'll ensure your dinner is prepared with utmost care." The unspoken understanding lingered, overshadowed by the intricate interplay of their connection.