
first story..

( this is why I hate my life style)

Today is wensday , October 11 2023 my name is Mia Elizabeth lopez I am almost 13 this is a story why I hate my life style .....

It was one after noon, at glenwood middle school everyone teases and bully me for my weight .... that's one of the reasons I hate my life style but for what I did when ... everyone started to bully me cause I wasn't that skinny ..... I was okay but I stopped eating and refused to eat anything the only times I ate were when I was on the verge of death.... I wanted to completely stop eating only because to try to fit in but my ... well family members

Started to look down on me ... the ones I loved and new turned into people that I used to know.....

People judge me for being to fat to skinny not thin enough not enough for them what do they want me to do?

I was born with natural blue and green colored eyes.. I had brownish hair but I had gotten bullied for that to I changed my whole look and wore contacts .....

Boys say hey your not showing skin show us more skin of yours or we will rip your clothes off I started to wear more revealing clothes ... .. I

F@ck ..... I get molested..... by the boys ... get threatened

... every single shitty day and night I cry my eyes out hugging a stuffed animal that was given to me by a family member whose words were lies but I had promised I wouldn't change nothing about my self but I lied I did I broke that promise....

Every single day can't be normal for a 12 year old for me .....

Why ? Why?..... why me why do I have to get picked on and bullied for my looks and personality

I always have to change my self to make others happy but it's no use.....

This is why I hate my shitty life style.....

Auther noteeeee !!

This story is not real non of them are....