
praise the sun (317 words)

[Choose your class from the following options.]

- Warrior

- Rouge

- Paladin

- Mage

- Wizzard

- Prist

- Archer

- Spearman

„I have no clue to what's going on, but I just gona roll with it." With this thought I reach out my hand and tab one of the options.

[You have chosen the class -Priest]

[This class requires an object of worship; pleas choose your God]

A nearly endless list filled with the true names of Gods and other beings at the same level appears in front of me.

From just one short glance I can already feel countless powerful gazes searching for me.

"Looks like they aren't happy to have their true name looked upon so casually." I just chuckle dryly before dismissing the list.

"No need to make unnecessary enemies by scrolling all the way through, right? Anyway, System, or whatever you are, I choose to worship the sun as my deity. Not one sun, but the concept of the solar celestial body." To say the truth, I just want to run around and shout "Praise the Sun".

[Object of worship acquired.]

[Your Priest class has updated to -Solar Priest]

[All needed preparations are complete.]

I only manage to read the last panel before everything went dark.

The deepest void seems to surround me as it slowly starts to drain all heat out of my body.

The cold seeps through my skin into my flesh and bones, flowing through my veins and freezing my entrails.

My mind too starts to slow down, and my crippling fear of death breaks loose of its restrains.

It has always been there; hiding in the back of my mind, only lingering at the edges of my awareness where I forgot about it again and again.

But right now,… I can't forget, I can't ignore.

I can….. only pray.

A small smirk spread over my lips before I speak.

"Praise the Sun!" Three simple words.