
Cultivator (371 words)

‚Finally, I arrived. 'Thinks a girl with wild raven black hair and piercing yellow eyes as she steps onto a big square made from pristine white marble.

Many parents, servants and nobles are crowded onto this square all accompanied by at least one child around the age of ten.

'It took me a god damn year to get here, I really hope this is going to be worth it.' With a annoyed expression the girl makes her way into the crowd.

The other people on the marble square only spared the girl a fleeting glance before sneering and ignoring her.

'Lots of young masters and mistresses around here, maybe I can get some extra cash by "borrowing" some money from them.' While the girl hungry eyes the fat purses of the people around her a shadow appeared in the middle of the square.

Floating a good twenty meters above ground is a sword on which a man in pure white robes stood, his pale skin and long, straight black hair bound into an orderly ponytail.

'So many children from rich families again, only because your rich does not mean you are talented and able to embark on the path to the heavens.' Sneering at the nobles bellow him he straightens his robes before clearing his throat in preparation.

"Attention everyone! All those who wish to participate in the First trial to be accepted into the great "Four Heavenly Star Sect" shall now step onto the path leading to the mountain peak. The path will eventually split, each separate path will lead you to another temple where your next trial will be explained by the respective examiner." His voice was loud enough to drown out all and any noise on the marble square, he pauses in order to let what he just said sink in.

"Now thread forth whoever gives up midway will be lead back here where you will be sent home." He couldn't even finish what he was saying and he already saw how a barely ten year old girl with wild, raven black hair that is bound in to high ponytail with only two bangs left that frame her face stepping onto the path leading to the mountain peak.