
chapter 3 : the destroyed gate

During the day, Hydra was walking to the western holy castle and while passing through the forest she found a strange monster there. the monster was shaped like a big snake, the snake attacked the hydra and the hydra was hit by the acid attack from the snake

however, the hydra was able to survive the snake's acid attacks. The snake acid continued to target the hydra and unknowingly the mountain was perforated by the snake acid attack

The Hydra that continues to fight unlocks its power. holy sword power «Spirit Sword»

a sword capable of obliterating the opponent's soul until nothing remains. the hydra used it to slash the monster

« Slashh !!! »

the unique skill of the Holy spirit sword is being able to attack any defense including the multiplie barrier defense. the snake vanished and the hydra got its new resistance skill

hydra skill says that he gets resistance 5× stronger than normal resistance. the resistance that can be

Resistance to acids, resistance to state anomalies, resistance to any temperature

and withstand physical attacks

hydra has now risen to become a Rank B creature and her skills have increased including her sword skills.

hydra walked towards the western holy kingdom and he was very surprised to see the advanced civilization of the kingdom.

there are many Adventurers who get strong swords and armor, there are even magicians

Hydra according to her duty, herself went to the grand master's apartment that occupied the western holy kingdom to negotiate.

hydra asked things about the underworld

The grand master greeted the hydra and introduced himself

Izawa Erald : introduce me the grand master of this kingdom. named Izawa Erald, what's the need for someone who gives off a strange aura like you to come here?

Erald realized that something was wrong with the Hydra, he could guess the number and aura of a person

Hydra : my name is hydra, i am the son of a hero who lives in a city across the forest

Emerald : The town across the forest? what is that little town called City houl? there are people like you here

erald saw an unlimited amount of energy coming out of the Hydra. Hydra didn't notice but Erald was able to see a person's amount of energy

Hydra : I'm only here looking for information about ancient demons and about the underworld that my father told me about. do you know about it?

Erald : those ancient demons are misguided demons who live in the underworld created by our god Azulthu. the demon brings destruction if we allow himself into the material world

Erald : They are distinguished by the color of their eyes and hair. Dark red demon ifrit, Black demon of darkness Cold. and the ancient white demon, Satan

Erald: that's all I know, I think there are 7 ancient demons in this world. one of them was a red primeval demon who entered the upper world. has become a demon lord

Hydra : Oh, I see? okay, thanks for the information Erald.

in the dungeons of this sacred Castle. Erald suddenly changed his form which turned out to be the legendary demon Lucifer.