
Chapter 619: The Alliance Without a Leader (Continued)

How many groundbreaking advancements are required to transition from the rudimentary age of steam engines to the era of widely-used steam locomotives?

Duke didn't ponder the exact count. But, as a scholar of architectural and environmental engineering, he possessed the knowledge to bridge this divide.

Why immerse in a field labeled 'environmental' yet delve into thermodynamics and boilers?

He recalled a daunting professor who once tossed a student's brand-new iPhone from a fourth-story window on the first day. This incident prompted Duke, a notorious class skipper before his time-travel, to attend religiously.

Indeed, dedication to learning has its rewards.

Duke passionately articulated his vision of railways, this technological marvel, to the trio of dwarf kings. They, especially Magni and Gelbin, jotted down notes with fervor.

Although the intricate details eluded some kings, they acknowledged the innovation's potential prowess.

Daelin endorsed Duke's dependability. Antonidas, however, flagged potential challenges, notably the perils within the Swamp of Sorrows and the manpower needed for railway construction.

To illustrate, Duke beckoned Gavinrad, who introduced two Naga and an unusual Murloc to the assembly. This formal acknowledgment was unexpected, yet profound.

The Nagas, Vara and Sefilis, alongside the Murloc prophet Mogor, were formally recognized, accentuating their elevated stature.

Duke expounded on his strategy to deploy Naga and elite Murloc forces to the Swamp of Sorrows using portals. Orc prisoners would oversee railway construction in the Redridge Mountains, with Murlocs and male Nagas assisting in the Swamp region.

In response, Magni and Gelbin pledged their resources and workforce, captivated by the revolutionary tech's promise.

The monarchs marveled at Duke's proposition, which envisioned not only a pivotal military hub but also a vital economic artery.

Duke's blueprint promised post-war economic rejuvenation, with railways facilitating seamless transportation of goods and produce, either as strategic supplies or tradable commodities amongst kingdoms.

In a single evening, Duke's vision rendered the erstwhile leadership of Lordaeron obsolete. Excluding the affluent Lordaeron, the remaining eight Alliance nations discerned a strategy both to repel adversaries and rejuvenate their post-war economy.