
Chapter 599: Generosity of Another

The moods of the kings were complex.

Even knowing that this was the sole heir pushed forward by Terenas to inherit the throne of Alterac, many monarchs instinctively resisted upon hearing the news, harboring a preconceived negative perception.

Yet, when Prestor stepped forward, an overwhelming sentiment echoed, "This man is one whom everyone can trust, and truly deserves respect."

Amidst the air of slight confusion, several voices of admiration arose simultaneously.

"If only my Arthas could be like him..."

"If Tanred was more like him..."

"Varian still has much to learn."

Perhaps one could say Terenas was biased, but the praises came even from Daelin and Llane, kings whose views were theoretically opposed to Terenas. This spoke volumes of Lord Prestor's charm.

Meanwhile, Antonidas discreetly channeled arcane energy into his eyes. It was a risky act, for if the arcane power went awry, he'd go blind on the spot.

A growing unease compelled him to do so.

Damn it!

It was futile.

Through his arcane-enhanced vision, the towering figure standing at the center of the hall resembled a vast black hole, absorbing all light and warmth.

As if it sought to draw in even the magically-infused orbs of his eyes.

No, it wasn't just an impression.

A mysterious force, with immense pull, aimed to extract the eyes of this Dalaran mage from their sockets.

Antonidas felt his consciousness wane...

With a crisp "snap!", employing the last of his will, Antonidas slapped himself.

The sound drew the attention of all the kings and representatives.

"Uh, sorry, a mosquito!" Antonidas hastily bowed his head. He still found the mysterious lord unsettling, but had no evidence.

Would he publicly tell the kings, "Lord Prestor has an artifact that prevented my scrying. Could he remove it, so I can use arcane power to inspect him?"?

He'd be deemed mad to do so.

Who was Dael Prestor?

The sole heir of the Alterac royal lineage, destined to inherit the throne. Soon, he'd claim the vacant throne, sitting as an equal among the other monarchs.

Antonidas chose silence.

Terenas cleared his throat, "Lord Prestor, it's no longer an era of isolated trade between nations. The Horde's invasion was brutal and terrifying, but it also united four major races in a bond not seen in nearly three millennia. As a leader of the Lordaeron Alliance, I hope, as an elder, that you introduce yourself to the other kings and share your vision for the future relations with the allied nations."

Terenas, stroking his bearded chin, eagerly awaited Prestor's debut.

In Terenas' eyes, Lord Prestor was perfect.

Prestor raised his head, his eyes as deep as an eternal night, "War... is brutal."

Just this sentence, this masculine opener, stirred a silent commotion among the kings.

"For this dreadful war, the Alliance sacrificed immensely. Fertile farmlands turned barren. Over a million farmers became soldiers, falling on those grand battlefields. Now, post-war, every Alliance nation must unite, rebuild this continent, ensuring warmth and food for the people."

"I've read a heart-wrenching report. The Alteraci population is less than half of its pre-war count. Yet, to the west of Alterac, the once fertile Silverpine Forest, owned by Gilneas and Lordaeron, is scorched and infertile due to hellish weapons."

As Prestor spoke, Duke twitched a brow.

Am I to blame?

Prestor, either not noticing or ignoring Duke's reaction, continued, "To the east, the sparse Arathi Highlands were scorched by the breath of the Red Dragonflight, which then sided with the Horde."

Inside the throne room, Thoras Trollbane's facial muscles twitched painfully.

"One can foresee that, if nothing changes, hundreds of thousands will starve next year. Such a tragic prospect!"

Lord Prestor's passionate voice swiftly resonated with all, even those already aware.

"If I ascend as the King of Alterac, to make amends for Alterac's wartime errors and to foster relations with neighboring countries, I'd retain only the farmlands near Strahnbrad to sustain 60,000 Alteraci. I'd lease Brill and Caer Darrow to Lordaeron, Hillsbrad Foothills to Gilneas, the Darrowmere plains to Dalaran, and Tarren Mill and Southshore to Stromgarde. Unconditional leases, for twenty years."

Murmurs erupted.

Such generosity! Even if these lands originally belonged to the Barov family, and even if he was backed by Terenas, he's truly magnanimous!

Alleria, through the Wind's Whisper, giggled to Duke, "Duke, why do I feel he's more generous than you?"

Duke chuckled noncommittally.

On the side, the leaders of the four nations were deeply moved.

Some were part of their deals, while others were added by Lord Prestor. Terenas hadn't originally planned on asking for Brill and Caer Darrow at this juncture to avoid appearing too greedy.

Everyone knew that "leases" often led to permanent acquisitions. Azeroth's history was replete with such tales.

After a pause, Terenas spoke.

"Thank you for your generosity, Lord Prestor. However, setting such a precedent isn't ideal. Lordaeron graciously declines your offer. But..." Terenas shifted his focus to Thoras, "I believe Stromgarde, among the Alliance members, needs Alterac's selfless aid the most. If King Trollbane agrees, let's sign the lease agreement here, witnessed by the allied nations."