
Chapter 593: The Triumphant Procession Amidst a Whirlwind Part 3

What kind of animosity drives a nation's people to oppose their own army?

For a long time, the aristocrats of Lordaeron lived in hedonistic luxury, having long forgotten the voices of their people. To them, the masses were merely crops that grew annually. These people had various responsibilities: to provide taxes, offer services, and supply soldiers during times of national peril.

Over two millennia of peace had made these nobles forget that their ancestor was a warrior knighted by Emperor Saladin. This warrior was named Loden, whose son was named Menethil.

Later, Menethil named the land gifted by Emperor Saladin as Lordaeron, and Menethil became the royal surname. In an age where clans were predominant and surnames were rare, this was a groundbreaking move.

Suddenly opposed by what seemed to be docile citizens, not only Terenas but all the lavishly dressed Lordaeron aristocrats were taken aback.

"It's a regrettable misunderstanding," Genn Greymane remarked. "It seems someone below has confused a triumphant return with a parade."

Terenas couldn't possibly know that the seemingly arrogant and archetypal politician of a Gilnean king before him would undergo a significant change in temperament due to various challenges in the future, becoming one of the Alliance's staunchest allies. All Terenas knew was that Genn was taking advantage of the situation.

Indeed, after Lord Prestor appeared and presented that piece of evidence, Genn discreetly proposed supporting a distant relative of Perenolde. Terenas ruthlessly declined.

Now, everything had changed.

Seeing Anduin Lothar and Duke Markus at the forefront of the triumphant procession, Terenas realized they were key players. If he didn't act swiftly, the upcoming royal council would not look favorable, even if he managed to force his resolution through.

"I'm tired. Before the triumphant forces reach the palace, I'd like a moment's rest. Perhaps everyone could retire to the side chambers for a break?" It was known that Terenas could stand from dawn till dusk when conditions favored him. This request was clearly a prelude to another urgent political negotiation.

Prince Kael'thas, representing Quel'Thalas, understood that these human political games had little to do with the elves. He genuinely took this moment to rest.

Kings Llane and Daelin exchanged glances, both seeing deep concern in the other.

Now, with Terenas playing the age card, who would deny an old monarch his rest?

The two silently nodded to each other, signifying an impending private meeting.

Suddenly, the vast palace terrace was empty, no monarch watching the triumphant procession due to arrive in the palace square in twenty minutes.

In the side chamber, Terenas pushed open the massive golden doors. The exquisite murals on the walls were always his pride and joy, but now he couldn't care less.

The first to meet him was Genn.

For Terenas, Genn was insatiably greedy, but precisely because of this, he was the easiest to persuade.

"Terenas, it seems that young Duke has caused you some trouble."

"It's just a minor inconvenience," Terenas responded coldly. "Tell me, what do you want to support Lord Prestor's ascent?"

"I want the Hillsbrad Foothills, the Jade Mines, Tol Barad Island, and the western coast near Southshore."

Terenas knew Genn would demand a high price, but he hadn't expected such audacity. The Hillsbrad Foothills, now cultivated by Stormwind refugees, was fertile land known to all.

The refugees would be gone by next year, and with the support of this fertile region, Gilneas could experience explosive growth within two decades.

Terenas, in pain, conceded, "Fine!"

The next visitor was King Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde.

Terenas began, "Thoras, you must support Lord Prestor this time. I can give you Tarren Mill and Southshore."

Thoras sat like a statue, finally shaking his head after a long pause, "The kings and lords may be guilty, but the Stromgardians cannot take Alteraci land. It would be a desecration of the brave warriors."

Thoras's refusal frustrated Terenas. Of the six human kingdoms, it was expected that Kul Tiras and Stormwind would vote against. He needed at least four votes for a favorable outcome during the royal council.

Terenas's face darkened, "Think about it, Thoras. Your lands are scorched. Even your winter provisions come from Lordaeron. You can be righteous, but can you watch your people starve? Arathi Highlands has scarce grain."

Thoras's face paled. This was Terenas using food as a weapon.

Stromgarde's south bordered dwarf territories, where grain was scarce. If Lordaeron, controlling Alterac, closed off access, hundreds of thousands could starve.

To restore Arathi's grain yield would ideally take... three years.

And he still had to rebuild Stromgarde, destroyed by dragons.

Thoras hung his head in defeat, "I don't want the land. Provide at least 500,000 tons of grain annually for five years."

As a noble knight, he detested such political trades. But as a king responsible for millions, he had no choice but to compromise with Terenas.

Terenas left, not entirely satisfied but achieving his goal.

The third meeting was with Archmage Antonidas, who Terenas thought would be easier to persuade.

"Terenas, I'm not against you. But Dalaran firmly rejects Lord Prestor."

"Why?" Terenas frowned deeply.

"Because the Kirin Tor used every magical detection method available and couldn't discern this mysterious Lord Prestor. He's either a mage on par with me or possesses an artifact rivaling a demi-god. We will not support a mysterious figure with unclear origins becoming the king of Alterac."