
Chapter 577: Duke is Busy

Many believe that warfare is a grueling task.

No, the real challenge lies in post-war reconstruction.

Thanks to Duke's pre-planning and decisive actions, the number of captured orcs was far less than in the original history. No one truly knew the exact number, and perhaps even Orgrim himself wasn't sure of how many orcs had come through the Dark Portal to Azeroth.

Given the high illiteracy rate among the orcs, they were generally counted by clan rather than individually.

Regardless, there were no fewer than a million orcs wreaking havoc in Azeroth.

Aside from the 20,000 or so who hastily retreated with Kilrogg Deadeye and Kargath, most of the orcs met their end in Azeroth. Only a mere 25,000 were captured, whereas historically, over 200,000 orcs had been taken prisoner.

The challenge was not merely capturing them, but adhering to the knightly code which forbids the execution of prisoners. Feeding these voracious creatures nearly bankrupted the treasuries of Dalaran and Stromgarde.

The real issue was that the orcish prisoners were quite unruly.

Over time, as the influence of the demon blood waned, the orcs became less aggressive and dangerous. Some naive individuals, who hadn't experienced the First and Second Dark Portal Wars, turned a blind eye to the devastation the orcs had caused in the human world. They began to pity and speak out for these oppressed orcs.

Now, of course, that problem no longer exists.

A force of 25,000 demoralized orcs is something any kingdom within the Alliance of Eleven Nations could manage.

Following Duke's suggestions, only the magnanimous kingdom of Lordaeron was willing to accommodate 15,000 of them. The rest were divided among the less affected nations, some contributing funds, others manpower, to set up prisoner camps.

Duke's comprehensive policies on orcish population control were also overwhelmingly approved in the Throne Council.

Just like in history, the Alliance decided to establish three small containment camps in the Hillsbrad Foothills and Arathi Highlands.

Duke persuaded Llane to temporarily lend all of Stormwind's ships to Daelin, as Daelin intended to confront the goblins and Blackwater pirates in Stranglethorn Vale. It was these money-grubbing goblins who supplied the Horde with a vast fleet, nearly causing the Alliance's downfall.

Total war with the goblins might not be imminent, but it's vital to extract a hefty compensation from these ruthless creatures.

In exchange, Daelin committed almost all of Kul Tiras' merchant and cargo ships to support the reestablishment of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Rebuilding a kingdom with a population of millions in this era is no easy task. Even with Duke's foresight in having Edwin VanCleef start preparations well before the counteroffensive on the southern continent, including gathering materials for the reconstruction of Stormwind City.

The once-majestic Stormwind was now in ruins, thanks to an orcish clan that lacked any semblance of decency. They had dismantled almost every wooden pillar in the city for firewood and used the stones to build beast pens. Aside from Stormwind Keep, the old city had been razed, requiring a complete reconstruction.

Rebuilding Stormwind, along with over a hundred residential areas in Elwynn Forest and Duskwood, was undoubtedly a colossal undertaking.

Of course, this couldn't be achieved overnight.

One would assume that Duke, a master of domestic affairs, would be swamped with work.

Yet most of the time, Stormwind's high council only saw the figure of Duke's steward, Marco, a former mercenary, representing Duke in internal affairs. The task of rebuilding Stormwind was entrusted entirely to the Stonemason's Guild led by VanCleef.

Llane often inquired about Duke's whereabouts, only to be informed that he was roaming his own lands, engaged in unknown activities.

Both Llane and Anduin were incredibly indulgent with Duke, never directing him with commands. Seeing most of Duke's men dedicated to rebuilding Stormwind, they granted him considerable leeway.

What was Duke up to?

By mid-December, many parts of the Eastern Kingdoms had grown cold. Elwynn Forest, however, remained relatively warm, with temperatures around 18°C/ 64.4°F, perfect for hot springs.

Near Stone Cairn Lake in eastern Elwynn Forest, now renamed Windrunner Lake, Sylvanas was rushing through the woods.

"That scoundrel Duke! He has no sense of responsibility as a Grand Duke. Every time I need him, he's off somewhere," grumbled Sylvanas.

With the orcs' surrender and Stormwind's re-establishment, Duke's title of Grand Duke became more than just a name. As compensation for recruiting the Windrunner sisters from Quel'Thalas, Duke had granted vast lands to the Windrunner trio.

From the moment they reclaimed their lands, Sylvanas became the official Lady of East Duskwood.

Before she could enjoy the luxuries of nobility, Sylvanas was stunned by the dire state of her domain. Darkshire needed rebuilding, and over a thousand human subjects needed resettlement. Moreover, she had heard that in Hillsbrad, over 3,000 former Darkshire residents were eagerly awaiting their turn to return home for winter.

Once Sylvanas realized what the New Year meant to humans, she became frantic.

She once complained to Duke, but he dismissed her concerns, citing the noble world's accepted rule that a Highlord cannot directly command a vassal's subjects.

The intricate matters of governance were driving her nearly insane.

However, as she approached the steaming lake, she perked up her ears, catching some troubling sounds.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

Recognizing her sister's intimate murmurs, Sylvanas's face flushed with embarrassment.

"That bastard! Doing this in broad daylight... Hmph!" After all, Alleria was her older sister.

Sylvanas was already frustrated. Ever since the public kiss at the Dark Portal, both her elder and younger sisters had been utterly smitten. With the two constantly talking about Duke, Sylvanas had enough and decided to head to Duskwood with her fourth sister.

She had hoped Alleria would be done soon, but even after half an hour, there was no sign of stopping. Out of sheer exasperation, Sylvanas shot an arrow that whistled through the air and splashed into the lake, sending water everywhere.