
Storms Of Faith

"storms of faith" is a captivating tale that weaves a rich tapestry of fantasy and mystery. At its core, it's a story of a young woman, Adeline, who escapes a troubled home life to a mystical world, where she learns of her destiny and will do anything to achieve it. Her journey is a quest for self-discovery, as she grapples with newfound responsibilities, moral choices, and the revelation of her connection to everything. Throughout the narrative, readers are immersed in a world of ancient prophecies, hidden libraries, and creatures with the power of the unknown. The story's allure lies in its ability to combine elements of self-discovery, magical wonder, and moral dilemmas, all set against a backdrop of interconnected worlds. It's a tale of growth, exploration, and the unearthing of secrets that have the power to reshape reality. As Adeline's journey unfolds, readers are taken on a thrilling ride through a realm where destiny and choice intersect, and where the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance.

Rossy_easy · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chao's 1

Adeline turned her attention toward the sound of a familiar voice and realized it was Emerald. Emerald looked as lovely as ever, now in her human form, with graceful curves and jet-black hair. Adeline couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between Emerald and Sir Donald.

"You should have informed me that you were going out. I've been searching everywhere for you. I was starting to think you might have gotten lost," Emerald playfully scolded.

Adeline chuckled, "I apologize for not letting you know. It was a spontaneous decision."

Emerald then turned to Sir Donald and Adeline, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, since you've already met, there's no need for a formal introduction, is there, Adeline?" She added with a smirk, "Adeline, this fellow is my cousin, Ephraim." Emerald couldn't help but snort at the mention of Ephraim being her cousin.

Ephraim, in a more dignified manner, replied, "It is rather discourteous to refer to a seasoned knight as a 'fellow', and, I might add, quite immature, considering your seniority, dear cousin."

Emerald, still grinning, decided to change the subject. "Well, enough of this banter. It's time for dinner, and you two are wasting precious time."

At the dining table, Ephraim courteously pulled out a chair for Adeline to sit on. She thanked him with a smile, calling him "Sir Donald." He replied, "Please, call me Ephraim." This caused Emerald to snicker and interject, "When did you become such a gentleman, Ephraim? And caring, too, it seems." She jeered at him, "I can hardly believe my eyes."

Ephraim shot back, "I've always had my moments, cousin, you just never noticed. Maybe it's because you're too busy causing trouble."

Emerald scoffed, "Me? Causing trouble? I have no idea what you're talking about, dear cousin." She flashed a mischievous grin at Adeline, "You'll soon learn that he's the one with a penchant for mischief."

Their playful argument continued, filled with good-natured teasing and laughter. Adeline watched with a smile on her face as the intriguing dynamics of this trio unfolded. The dining table was soon filled with animated conversations, friendly jibes, and shared stories, as they enjoyed the meal.


in the quiet of the night, long after the dinner had concluded, Emerald found herself drawn back to the library. The soft glow of candlelight cast elongated shadows that lent an air of secrecy to her movements. She sought out a concealed corner, away from any prying eyes, and from this hidden vantage point, she retrieved an aged tome, a repository of ancient knowledge passed down through the ages.

With steady hands, she opened the book and began to read aloud in a language known to only a select few. The words on the pages foretold a dark prophecy, a chilling glimpse into the future. "After the chosen is brought, chaos is descended upon," she recited, her voice quivering as always whenever she read it. The weight of the revelation bore down on her once again, and she couldn't help but grasp the gravity of the situation. Yet, despite her understanding, she made a conscious decision not to burden Adeline with this dire knowledge. The young woman was already dealing with more than her fair share of stress.

Whenever Emerald cast a glance at Adeline, her heart heavy with a mixture of guilt and pity for what lay ahead for the unsuspecting girl. Adeline's unwavering trust in Elias was both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. She spoke of him as one would do of a helper, oblivious to the true nature of the man who had been sent to end her life.

Emerald knew in her heart that Elias's timely intervention was no mere coincidence. The transporting stone, a relic of a bygone era, had been dormant since the breach brought about by the Lord of vorthrax's rise and fall. It was generally considered nonfunctional, lost to history. However, the stone never worked as expected and was supposed to extract the life force of the user. Elias had wanted to end her life by using the stone but the stone glitched at the right time and did what it was supposed to do, saving her life.

As her thoughts raced, a cacophony of screams and unsettling sounds rent the night air, shattering the calm. "No," she whispered, her voice filled with foreboding. In an instant, she was on her feet, dashing out of the library. The time was now, and everyone had to leave; this was her final thought as she rang the giant bell, signaling an impending danger that would soon be unleashed.