
In the beginning

Brine had lived a shooting star of a life. In his youth, accomplished what to others could only be secret dreams of little men in the night as they wished their lives away, clutching unrefined linens and thinking, "If only I had the will."

Brine was said... is said in many a house across the kingdoms really, to be a generation unto himself. A king amongst men.

It can only make sense that when he met an extra ordinary Princess, he married her.

Do you hear the sweet music? Oh how soft the seasons, how warm the bread and how forgiving the years have been to this couple. It was almost like fate had marked them as her very own.

Now the Princess, Miora. What words could possibly describe her beauty? Her strength? Her wit and tinkling laugh? You must see her to believe such a being might exist.

Together, Brine and Miora became that which no king can tolerate and keep a throne.

The nations fell in love with the two, so much so, that their very word, their opinions began to become law.

Seeing this, watching as their kingdoms and subjects began to turn away from them, the eight Kings chose to cede fiefs upon fiefs. So many fiefs, a Kingdom was born. Miorabrine.