
Storm of the Heart: The Love Game of Power

At the beginning of the story, Sophia discusses her views on the sons of wealthy families with her friend Zoe on a luxury cruise, showcasing her independent character. In the casino, she not only helps Lincoln win a bet but also faces a challenge from the gambling god Oscar, which catches Leo's attention. Leo's arrival brings about a significant change in Sophia's life.

DaoistAiyJ23 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 11: She Vowed to End His Line

Sophia's heart almost leaped to her throat, hastily crossing her arms over her chest, she turned away from him.

In fact, within the detective unit, there wasn't a second woman as traditional and valuing of chastity as her. Her sisters were the kind to do anything to catch a criminal, even using their beauty as a necessary weapon. Only she, no matter how the captain tried to teach or strongly encouraged her to learn, adamantly refused.

Fortunately, she excelled in other areas, and with her senior brother often protecting her, she was able to preserve her purity.

The infuriating part was, her purity was taken by a man she couldn't even get a good look at in her rush to escape.

Sophia swore, within her lifetime, she must find that man, flay and skin him, making him childless and grandchildless.

What Sophia didn't know at the moment was that the man approaching her with an amused yet dangerous glint in his eyes was the very man she detested immensely.

Leo watched Sophia, his heart undergoing several changes.

Although it was his first time seeing a woman's body, which was a great shock, he had seen women in bikinis on the beach before. Why then was his body heating up, feeling as if he was about to have a nosebleed?

It must be because he hurried back to interrogate this audacious woman, making his blood flow faster. He reasoned thus in his mind.

The woman in front of him was stealthily retreating while on high alert. Her skin was white, eerily soft like a demon's. Her waist so slim it seemed ungraspable, her legs long and straight. Her slightly curled, silky black hair draped over her neck, back, and shoulders, half wet, casting a veiled allure over her fair skin.

She wasn't trying to charm, yet she charmed silently.

Leo paused for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. With a long stride, he reached out to scoop the otherworldly woman into his arms. Lifting her chin, his lips sealed hers.

Since he had been stirred, he wasn't going to deny himself any longer.

She was the first woman in twenty-eight years his body didn't reject, the only one; otherwise, that night on the cruise, the little affair wouldn't have survived his aversion to women.

He definitely couldn't accept a woman not clean, luckily she was a virgin. He dove in with a try-and-see attitude. If his nose sensed something off, he would immediately let her go and disappear. But miraculously, her scent was more pure and pleasant than anything else.

It was a natural girl's fragrance, untouched by cosmetics or perfumes, not tainted by a whiff of another man.

Such a woman, he couldn't let her slip away.

So, he had to pull her out, not just to clear the shame and regain his dignity.

Sophia struggled desperately, hindered by wanting to cover herself, her hands weren't enough. She tried kicking him, but his legs pinned her down, unable to move. Her clothes were blocked by him behind her, all her hidden weapons beyond her reach.

Having been taken by another man once, Sophia swore she would never let such an incident happen again, even if it cost her life.

Yet the man used some technique; she found herself helplessly subdued, feeling as if her strength was being rapidly drained.

His grasp was peak perfection.

Another man with a higher fighting power than her, truly annoying.

Just as Sophia felt she was about to suffocate, Leo finally let her go.

"Stupid woman, can't you even breathe?" Leo said disdainfully.

Sophia swung a fist towards him, aiming to smash his face, but Leo caught it effortlessly, much faster than her.

At the casino, Sophia had witnessed his swift moves, but truly clashing with him astonished her.

And deep down, she started feeling a bit scared, doubting if she could successfully drug him later to prevent him from ruining her.

Leo held her small fist gently squeezing. "Little arms and legs, don't waste your energy!"

Little arms and legs?

No one had ever dared to describe her that way, Sophia was so angry her mouth twitched.

Seeing her clearly unbowed expression, Leo felt even better.

Regardless of whether she would attack him fiercely next, he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Leo didn't even glance up, focusing on undoing his buttons. "You're allowed to take a shower, but I'm not? This is my bathroom."

Sophia was at a loss for words, her cheeks flaring with an awkward blush. And being seen by a man again, taking advantage, she was already in a foul mood. Unable to stay any longer, she grabbed her clothes attempting to leave. She'd just drug him later.

However, only managing a step, she was hugged around the waist. In less than a second, she was laid down in the bathtub.

"Breaking into my room, rifling through my things, and you expect to leave as if nothing happened?" Leo finally got to the point. "Even daring to roll your eyes at me in the mirror, you're quite bold."