
Storm I: The 13th

This is the new Storm I: DanMachi with new features that you will know throughout the story as I write. For this people out there who wants to re-post my fanfics in other platform, I advise you to not distribute my work even if I appreciate your gesture. Here's the real Synopsis: A man had died and reincarnated, however, his life isn't as easy as he thought it would be, so he needed to prepaid for the future that he doesn't know about yet. Extra Tag(s): Semi-Harem Semi-Harem: This tag is meant to point out that in a way, the MC will have a Harem but at the same time it isn't entirely one. You'll know soon enough.

Phantom_Zero_v2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter III: Contract but Epic Fail

I woke up in a house of a person that I don't see everyday. I woke up in the house of that Cane guy, or was it Kane? Spelling's different but meh, it's the same pronunciation.

"Hey brat, stop badmouthing me or I'll toss you at the mouth of my pet, aka Joe the Danger Beast Tyrant."

The hell? Danger Beast Tyrant? Did I die again and get reincarnated into the past in Akame Ga Kill?

"Huh? Shut it, kid.If you have time to come up with that wild imagination, you should go and think properly and start thinking rationally by asking first where you are and what happened. Seriously, what the hell did Zald think when he brought you to me?"

Nani da Fucc?

"Stop it, you weeb."

Did this guy read my mind!?

"Something like that."


"Stop giving me that look."

I finally talked, "Fine, fine... Where am I, anyway?"

He looked at me with a crooked grin. I don't like where this is going! His smile got even bigger!

"Well, kid. You're on floor 70 in the Dungeon-"

Eh? Eh eh? Eh... EHHHHHHHHH!?

"And you have two choices. Your first choice would be becoming my errand boy and you'll be sure to get stronger. Or you can just go out and get killed by monsters."

This old man is a sly fox! But, how did he even managed to get to floor 70? That doesn't make sense! Zeus and Hera Familia are now out of the city.


"You're right, kid. I'm also a reincarnated person. Although I didn't expect some sloppy ROB to reincarnate you here without even knowing that I am here. But oh well, I'm not an evil one, but I do want entertainment every now and then."

He stood up and leaned on the wall beside the door.

"So, kid. The reason why I said that q sloppy Rob didn't know I'm here is because of the fact that I myself is a ROB, but not any kind of ROB as I'm not tied to any restrictions that I cannot interfere with mortals. So, here I am. You're gonna be my entertainer."

I scoffed at what he said, "More like your slave."

"Come on, kid! There's no slavery seal on you. In fact, we can have a contract. I'll send you to another world, entertain me by becoming an unknown variable that will change the fated outcome of that world, do something or get something for me in the said world like a special mission, and I'll reward you with equal amount. Here's the contract, read it if you want, it's not like I'll be able to tweak it as once you sign it, it cannot be undone and going back on my word would mean suicide for me."

He handed me a paper of some kind. He left afterwards, saying that I only have a 4 hours to think about it.

If I didn't accept this, I'm pretty sure he'll do a lot of not so great things on me. The best would be killing me, and the worst would be letting me die of hunger.

What? Dying because of hunger is more worse for me right now. If I were in Attack on Titan, starvation would be considered a mercy because you would feel numb until you die compared to being eaten by a Titan...

On the other hand, if I accepted, according to this contract, "cannot and will not be allowed to harm the errand boy should he accept" part makes sure that he wouldn't kill me, but of course, I'm pretty sure that he will send me to dangerous places indirectly because this part only stops him from hurting or killing me directly.

I only have one life, and I don't think I can get another one if I die... What should I do? This second chance would be a waste...

Ah, fuck it. I'm gonna sign it. It's better to put up a fight than dying without even trying.

But before signing it, I stood up and entered the bathroom. Since I'm a kid, I can't reach that high, but luckily there's those stairs-like thing for kids nearby and used it to elevate myself.

I looked at the mirror and saw that... I looked like a certain Tuna with hair color similar to the Bunny. Luckily, I don't have an ahoge...

I washed my face and wiped it using tissues. Just kidding, I don't use tissues to dry my face. I used the towel nearby.

After doing so, I got back into the bed and decided to sign it, but I realized I have no pen. I looked around and saw what looks to be a pen.

As I know DanMachi by reading the LN and watching the Anime, I knew that this pen is a magical pen. You just need to drop your blood at the tip, and you can apparently write with it.

I don't have anything sharp except the tip of the pen itself. Knowing how soft and fragile a kid's skin is, I decided to just punch it to my hand and it bled, some of it got absorbed by the pen.

And then I signed it. With that done, the contract glowed and became a ball of light which then entered inside my body. Well, I guess it's for safekeeping. Or was it attached to my soul that even if I die, as long as the contract is still valid, which the contract only lasts for 15 years in "this" world, so the contract still applies even after I die, I think.

Also, I have a feeling that if he would send me to another world, there would be time dilation ratio. Which means the time in another world would run faster than normal. But I think it may vary.

The door opened and he arrived with a grin.

"Great! You signed it! As a token of accepting my contract because you're the first person to be entertaining me, so rejoice, for I will give you this!"

He handed me what seems to be a hammer.

"Wait, why a hammer?" I asked. Because I'm confused as heck.

"That hammer, you'll need it in the future. And also this."


「Initialization Completed!

    Host is given of the following functions.

     • Quest Catalog

     • Inventory (1m Cube)

     • Alert & Information System                  」

「Quest Catalog - This is obviously where your quest are listed given by Kane. There are 2 types of Quests: Main Quest, these are quest given by Kane and the rewards are of equal level with the difficulty; and Side Quest, quest that are generated upon opportunities but rewards are not as great as Main Quests have.」

「Inventory - It's pretty self-explanatory.」

「Alert & Information System - This will only alert you if you're poisoned and how long it takes for you to die from it and the likes. It doesn't alert you of any danger, just the danger that had already affected you. Alert system also gives suggestions, but don't rely on it, it doesn't have some kind of AI. It also shows information about items, but not people.」

"Well, kid. I can't keep calling you kid, so I'll just call you BOY."

Did he just call me like Kratos would to Atreus?

"Anyway, boy. I'll send you at a rather take world. Just look forward to it, it's pretty much easy to get by in there. Come with me."

I stood up and followed him. We entered a room, and on the center, there's a big portal.

"Go on, enter that place... Ah, shit... You need to wait for a few more years and I'll have to prepare you first. Alright, this calls for the calm before the storm!"