
Princess of Spring

The productivity of cultivators was rather astounding at times. It hadn't been long since the breach between worlds, and yet there still stood many towns and establishments, and more influential people had enough manpower to make castles and cities.

The reason that these people were so keen on banding together was for the sole purpose of finding a way to recover their cultivation base. So far, a few prodigious individuals have become accustomed to the laws enough to keep their foot in the door and maintain their strength, but something still seemed to be stopping them from progressing again.

Meanwhile, in one of such establishments, a young girl in a deep blue robe was making her way to a merchant stall, seemingly looking for some fruit. she had wavy green hair that draped all the way to her waist, lively orange eyes and a sharp jawline that gave off a strong and independent look, yet not as cold and aloof as one would think. her browsing was interrupted by a young man with long dark hair and and a purple gold robe tapped her on the shoulder to grab her attention. "Long time no see, Ziran," the young man held a mischievous smile on his face. The lively girls expression turned sour, but she quickly slapped a smile onto her face as she turned to face the young man.

"Well hello prince, what seems to be the issue?" she cut her sentences short in an attempt to end the conversation quickly. Unfortunately, her efforts were pointless...

"Well you see... I was just hoping to ask about whether or not you've decided on my proposal. I mean sure, the Shen family used to be very powerful, but as the sole survivor of the war you need a new home. Which is why you should marry into my family which rules this amazing little vil-" the young man spoke on and on trying to persuade this 'ziran' lady, only to be cut short by her.

"If my cultivation base was intact, we wouldn't be having this conversation, and you wouldn't even be having a proper funeral," She was blunt and straightforward in her rejection, and calmly walked away from the scene, leaving the prince rooted to the spot.

He quickly regained his composure and turned to find the girl, only to be distracted by her swaying hips, "who knew such bottom heavy girls were in this village" he whispered to himself and grinned. "Well, it's alright, I like a little spunk in my women anyhow..." the prince snuck off and made his way back to the center of the village, where the castle like structure resided.


"Whew, such a creep..." the green haired girl sighed as she shut the door to her house. it was one of the houses that had remained intact from the invasion and with a few spell techniques, getting running water and basic appliance use wasn't too troublesome. Her robe dropped to the floor to reveal a sturdy body with strong arms and legs, healthy tanned skin. Normally, she didn't have to worry about such creeps as she didn't conform to the old worlds common beauty standards, but there were always the 'cultured' few that could appreciate a bottom heavy muscular woman. Unfortunately for most people, they would get crushed the moment they expressed such greed for her body.

She turned on the shower head and started running warm water. She raised a calloused palm and streams of green and cyan light flooded out of it and drifted to the floor like mist. "I've managed to completely retain myself at the fourth stage of qi gathering, and i'm still at the beak bone fusion realm, but I still can't seem to break that shackle that keeps me from rebuilding my cultivation base," the energy stopped flowing, and she stepped into the now warm shower, 'Even the city leader can't figure it out, so i'm not entirely sure if it's worth staying here. It's particularly worse with that horndog son of his, Wang Erzi, following me around..." she sighed once more but continued to wash up in peace before she heard a knock at the door.

The water stopped, and she quickly threw her robe on, but didn't bother to dry her hair as she quietly but quickly made her way to the window, "One... Two... Three... Alright, five including that brat. Well I guess there's no better time than the present to leave this shithole, i should at least make it count" she slapped a smile on her face for the final time and slowly opened the door. "Greetings prince! What could you possibly need from me at this hour?" she spoke through clenched teeth.

"Shen Ziran, surely you know you can't play dumb with me," Wang Erzi chuckled with a dubious smile plastered on his thin face.

Shen Ziran's smile instantly melted and she spoke drily, "Yeah, you're right," and she suddenly stuck her hand out and grabbed the prince by his face, throwing him into one of his guards, knocking both of them to the ground. She quickly changed her direction and launched a side kick to another guards gut, folding him in half as he got launched over twenty feet into the darkness of night. 'Jeez, you think he'd know to bring more than some second stage qi gathering chumps with weak bodies...' a fist sailed through the air, knocking the third guard unconscious as well.

The fourth and final guard looked down at the young miss in terror. He stood at over two meters tall, yet he felt far less imposing in front of this girl who barely reached 160 centimeters tall. her fierce eyes probed him and it was at this moment that Wang Erzi let out a groan and stood back up to his feet. He blinked a few times before shouting, "You can't get away with this! Do you have any idea what my father will do to you?"

Shen Ziran ignored his threats as throned vines reached out of her lean but sturdy arm and wrapped around the last guards head, pulling him into her grasp, "This is my only warning i'm giving you, don't follow me," the spiky vines then plunged into the guards orifices, digging out his eyes and brain and leaving him on the floor. The guards mutilated head and body dropped dead to the floor, and Shen Ziran had already disappeared from sight.

Wang Erzi dropped to his knees, the three unconscious guards and one dead body around him on the floor, "How? She should've dropped all the way to the mortal realm by now, even with her damn tempered body..."