
Store Assistant System

The morning of his ex-girlfriend's birthday, Jack woke up feeling empty. He had been dreading this day for weeks, knowing that it would bring back memories of their time together. He got up and went to the store, trying to distract himself with work. As he opened the store, Jack noticed that it was unusually quiet. There were no customers in sight, and he started to worry about his sales. He had been struggling to make a profit for weeks, and he knew he couldn't afford to lose any more money. As the day went on, Jack's mood grew darker. He checked his phone several times, hoping to find a message from his ex-girlfriend, but there was nothing. He felt like he was alone in the world, with no one to talk to or share his pain. As the store closed in the evening, Jack felt like he had hit rock bottom. He sat on a stool behind the counter, staring at the empty shelves and feeling sorry for himself. He wondered if he had made a mistake by dropping out of school and starting the store. Maybe he should have stayed in school and pursued his dreams. Just as Jack was about to give up, he heard a voice in his mind. It was a strange voice, unlike anything he had ever heard before. The voice told him that he had just acquired a new system that would change his life. It was a rebate system that gave him a rebate of 1 to 1000 times for each item he sold. At first, Jack thought it was a joke. He looked around the store, trying to find the source of the voice. But there was no one there except him. He decided to give it a try and sold a few items with the rebate. To his surprise, people started coming into the store, attracted by the great deals he was offering. As the night went on, Jack's sales skyrocketed. He couldn't believe his luck. He had gone from feeling depressed and alone to feeling hopeful and optimistic. He knew that this was his chance to turn his store into a success. As he closed the store and counted his profits, Jack realized that he had found a new purpose in life. He no longer needed his ex-girlfriend or anyone else to make him feel happy. He had discovered a new way to make a living, and he was determined to make the most of it.

ahmed1808 · สมัยใหม่
75 Chs

Chapter 60

Jack stood up from his chair, a determined expression on his face. Sam followed suit, intrigued by Jack's sudden request. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Jack reached for the intercom on his desk and pressed a button.

"Anna, please call the high-level executive team to join us in the conference room," Jack instructed, his voice filled with authority.

Within moments, Anna's voice came through the intercom, confirming that the executives were being summoned. Sam couldn't help but wonder what this meeting was all about. Jack's demeanor suggested that something significant was about to unfold.

As they made their way to the conference room, Sam noticed the executives filing in one by one. Their expressions were a mix of curiosity and anticipation. It was evident that they held great respect for Jack and his decisions.

Once everyone had settled down, Jack took his place at the head of the table, with Sam seated beside him. The room was filled with an air of expectancy as Jack prepared to address the gathered executives.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jack began, his voice commanding attention. "I have an important announcement to make today, one that will shape the future of our company."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. The executives leaned forward, eager to hear what Jack had to say.

"I have appointed my brother, Sam, as the Vice President of our company," Jack declared, his voice resonating with pride. "Sam has displayed exceptional dedication, commitment, and talent, and I firmly believe that he will bring fresh perspectives and valuable contributions to our organization."

The room erupted with applause and nods of approval. The executives recognized the significance of this appointment and the positive impact it would have on the company's growth.

As Vice President, Sam will play a crucial role in driving our strategic initiatives, fostering innovation, and leading our teams to achieve new heights of success," Jack continued. "His appointment is not based on familial ties alone, but on his merit and the potential he has consistently demonstrated."

Sam felt a surge of gratitude and motivation as he glanced around the room. The support and acceptance from his new colleagues were overwhelming. He was determined to prove himself worthy of their trust and confidence.

"As we move forward, I expect each of you to extend your full support to Sam," Jack emphasized, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Together, we will forge a path of excellence and continue to uphold our company's reputation as a leader in the industry."

The executives nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of purpose and determination.