

"Yu Yan," a commanding voice asked in a commanding way. A voice that knew that the world revolved around her, a voice that didn't even realize disobedience existed.

"Huang Qianru?" Yu Yan asked lightly as she turned to look towards the direction where the voice called her. She was surprised at why Huang Qianru would ask for her. They had no relations to each other and rarely did they talk as there was nothing for them to talk about.

"I need you to do something," her eyes looked down on Yu Yan like a phoenix looking at a fly.

"Yes?" Yu Yan asked, mentally gritting her teeth. Such a rude person, who would want to interact with her? It isn't a surprise that Huang Qianru often wandered around alone, she was simply too rude.

Huang Qianru took a deep breath, as if she was about to face death itself, "Do you know Nian Zhen?" Immediately, the haughty look was back on her face, like the nervousness from before was simply an illusion. This invoked Yu Yan's curiosity and her annoyance was soon forgotten.

"Yes?" Yet the part about Niang Zhen was rather confusing, why did this topic suddenly come up? Then again, Yu Yan didn't know Huang Qianru well, perhaps this was simply how she started every conversation.

"I-I want you to save him." That's when Huang Qianru faltered and a blush spread on her cheeks. She quickly cupped her face with her hands in embarrassment and Yu Yan had to wonder if she had bipolar disorder. First haughty then nervous, prideful, then embarrassed.

"Are you ok?" Yu Yan had to ask in worry, then she mentally slapped herself in the face. Of course Huang Qianru wasn't ok, was she blind? Couldn't she see that Huang Qianru was slowly melting into a puddle of embarrassment?

"No...." Huang Qianru mumbled out before they descended into an awkward silence, Yu Yan unsure of how to continue. This was the first time Huang Qianru had ever asked for help, before she would always handle everything by herself. Now...now she didn't know what to do. When asking for help, the first person that came to her was Yu Yan. Surely she'll help, doesn't she help everyone?

"Ah, what do you mean?" Yu Yan finally uttered out, trying to get over this awkward silence between them.

"His grades are faltering, and....and he's becoming worse and worse with each passing day. You've seen him, he flirts with everyone and I'm afraid that one day he'll offend someone who he can't afford to-" Huang Qianru paused for a moment, as if realizing that she was talking to an acquaintance. A troubled expression was on her face, unsure of what to say. She never revealed this side of her to anyone, always afraid that they would take advantage of the fact that she wasn't really that tough. But for the sake of her brother, she would do anything. She already lost them once, she can't afford to loose someone else.

"You'll help me, right?" Qianru asked quietly after a few seconds.

Yu Yan stared at her, her a confused smile on her face, "Why me?"

"Because you're the only one I could think off. I've heard the rumors, they say that your the kindest person on this campus..."

"How do I help him?" Yu Yan asked, curious about this matter. Of course, she wouldn't help, but for curiosity's sake.

"Make him fall for someone," this was the only solution Huang Qianru could think of, the other was make him believe all women were evil. Though, all Yu Yan thought was this was extremely childish. Ah, this isn't a story so what's with that story like solution?

"Why not you?" Yu Yan asked curiously. Truly it was surprising to see someone as prideful as Huang Qianru to look as vulnerable as she was looking right now. Yu Yan had to wonder, how important was Niang Zhen to her to make her this way? Could it be that she actually liked Niang Zhen instead of Feng Mian?

"Ah, he doesn't exactly like me," she said, her previous snobbish look slowly coming back after the sudden breakdown that she had. It seemed that holding it all in made those emotions burst out the moment it was prodded.

Yu Yan paused for a brief moment and then asked, "would you have helped?"

Huang Qianru raised her eyebrows, as if this was an incredibly stupid question. She had calmed down and her facade had been veiled on again. How unlike her to breakdown in front of someone, perhaps it was because of Yu Yan's smile, the smile that looked like everything was right with the world as long as you stayed with her.

"Yes," she replied, she would help. Because she would know how that person felt, of course she'd help.

"If you were me, would you help?" Yu Yan pressed, getting a sharp glare from Huang Qianru. Why was she wasting time with such pointless questions? Yet it was these pointless questions that made Huang Qianru put her guard up.

"Yes, because you are kind," Huang Qianru said, leaving Yu Yan with her iconic smile. Of course, of course they would think that she was kind. With a final question, she asked,

"If you were any other person, would you?"

Yu Yan's eyes met with Huang Qianru eyes. Those eyes were filled with despair of someone who already knew the answer. A feeling of guilt rose up in Yu Yan's heart, but she didn't want to do something like this. It was stupid really, something she never thought would really happen in real life. Then again, they say that reality is much more dramatic than fantasy.