
Stockton County Cowboys Box Set

All five books (and one short story) of R.W. Clinger’s best-selling contemporary western Stockton County Cowboys series combined into one box set for the first time! Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Book 1: Chasing Cowboys:</strong> After one date during a business conference, sparks fly between Cord Darringer and Bradley Hull. When Cord returns home to Stockton County, Bradley chases after him. Is it meant to be? Or will the miles that separate them keep them apart?<br><br><strong>Book 2: Riding Cowboys:</strong> Cal Hoke has a secret: he’s in love with ranch owner, Pax Raulton. Straight and sexy Pax is a handsome businessman at Riding Ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spends days in recovery due to amnesia. Under Cal’s care, Pax is provided with the help he needs to heal. Cal learns Pax has a secret of his own, a secret that will change the two forever.<br><br><strong>Book 3: Roping Cowboys:</strong> Dixon Pierce has fallen head over heels in love with Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two plan to get married, but Gray is torn. He loves Dixon, but running into his ex Toby again reignited the flame he once held. Will he be able to choose one cowboy over the other before Dixon and Toby come to blows over him?<br><br><strong> Book 4: Branding Cowboys:</strong> Which cowboy murdered Evan Sting? This is what Joe Boxford is hired to find out. When Joe enlists the services of Tal Linear, sparks fly between the two. Romance heats up as they attempt to solve the branding crime. Then Tal vanishes, and Joe thinks his buddy is the killer's next victim. Can Joe solve the case and save his lover at the same time?<br><br><strong> Book 5: Saddling Cowboys:</strong> Sparks fly when entrepreneur Chip Cutter enters Dan Fargo’s saddle store. When Fargo is implicated in a couple of fires downtown, his abusive ex returns, determined to protect Fargo. Eventually the arsonist is caught, but Brent remains at large. Can Fargo and Chip put aside their problems, saddle up, and ride off into life’s wide blue yonder together?<br><br><strong>Taming Brooks:</strong> New ranch hand Randy Marke falls for sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though?

R.W. Clinger · LGBT+
183 Chs

Chapter 99

“That’s the guy,” Tal said, pointing to our Max Martin.

I clicked on the picture and saw that he was a beautiful Cuban brown with dark eyes and sported a slender face. “He looks like Mario Lopez.”

“I prefer blonds,” he said, joking, but blowing me away with more surprise, completely catching me off guard again.

“So I’m learning.” I provided the mouse at my right with a few clicks and absorbed that Max Martin was twenty-eight-years-old, had a string of crimes on his record regarding theft and drugs, and was an import from Mexico fifteen years ago.

“This is our guy,” Tal said, tapping the screen. “When should we go talk to him?”

I looked down at the time on my flat-screen and saw that it was almost ten-thirty, and said, “Better now than never.”

“Sounds great,” he said, beaming with a smile. “I’ll open the bar around eleven-fifteen for the lunch crowd. Forty-five minutes should be plenty of time to do this, don’t you agree?”