
Still Love You

Too many obstacles and rejections Complicated seems to be a word that keeps lurking Even the phrase 'alright' seems to be a bomb at one time We love each other, and circumstances try to separate Far enough apart, too foreign to know "The heart seems to have known for a long time, but the brain and vision don't remember who it is at all." Ilona Aurelia. "Seeing and making sure he's okay makes me feel calm, even though he doesn't remember all about me anymore." Delvin Araska.

Ririe_Anindya · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Delvin had been thinking about Ilona a lot lately. He wanted to visit the hospital yesterday and ask about the condition of the accident victim, whose name is very similar to that of his girlfriend.

Ilona's image is always spinning in Delvin's brain.

Like a slide film that doesn't keep repeating itself. All the times we've spent together are the saddest things to remember.

"I have to get to the victim, and make sure Ilo isn't there," muttered Delvin, now deciding.

Very early in the morning, Delvin was neatly dressed in an office suit, complete with a laptop bag that he always carried.

Delvin decides to visit the victim whose name is the same as Ilona--his ex-girlfriend when work hours are over. Because it will be very free to see how the conditions later.

Nikita, who was sitting relaxed in front of the house, saw Delvin who was in a hurry to call him.

"Son, come here for a second!" Nikita ordered in her soft voice.

Delvin now looked back and saw Nikita who was smiling at him.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Mom?" Delvin asked Nikita.

Delvin stepped his foot to approach Nikita who was sitting relaxed. he looked at her with a bit of confusion, for there was only a charming smile there.

"How are you today, son?" Nikita asked Delvin again.

Yesterday, he had seen that his son looked sloppy and messy. The reason is quite simple his relationship with the girl ended.

The girl that Nikita had never liked at all until not a day was spent trying to persuade Delvin to end it.

That girl was none other than Ilona.

Delvin nodded. "News? All right, Mom."

"Today, I have to quickly leave for the office if you want to continue to talk, then yes, Mami. See you."

Delvin kissed Nikita's hand. In a hurry to get out of his house, and towards the car parked in the yard.

Delvin made his car to get to the highway. Quickly, he drove to get to his office early.

Considering this time there is a meeting with a client that must be carried out, and also a large project that must be worked on.


After a day of struggling with work, Delvin chose to go home early to see the victims of yesterday's accident.

His curiosity was so high, that it made Delvin more daring to ask the receptionist at the hospital about the victim's ward.

"Sister, I want to ask you something," Delvin said to the receptionist at the hospital.

"Yes, please, sir what do you want to ask?"

"The victim of yesterday's accident, on behalf of Ilona, ​​is he still here?" Delvin asked the guard in a whisper-like voice.

Delvin did that, because he was afraid of someone he knew, and accused him of nothing.

Don't forget the look. This time, Delvin wore a mask and changed into normal clothes so that he wouldn't be easily recognized by people.

"Still there, sir. He's in the rose room, the third floor." The nurse told me where Ilona was being treated at this time.

"Thank you, Sis."

Turned around to leave the receptionist. He wanted to be in Ilona's room as soon as possible, with a chest that couldn't stop pounding.

"Hopefully it's not Ilona, ​​hopefully not her," Delvin mumbled with a hand squeezing his hair tightly.

Had not yet arrived at Ilona's infirmary, Delvin was already shaking. His whole body is uncooperative and affected by an erratic heart.

Delvin walked quickly to the room the receptionist mentioned.

After arriving at the rose room, Delvin looked at the large glass to see what was inside the room.

"Ilona? Is that you?" asked Delvin in a hoarse voice.

Seeing the figure of a woman who was lying weak in there, and hands attached with intravenous fluids, made her body go limp for a moment.

Delvin repeatedly convinced himself that what he saw was not Ilona, ​​but someone else who happened to be similar.

However, unfortunately, when his eyes were further explained by the condition of the girl he loved, tears just fell.

"No, no way! It's not Ilona for sure, not her." Delvin shook his head vigorously.

Delvin saw the helpless Ilona in there. His head was bandaged with gauze, and there was blood seeping through it.

There is a tube that goes into his mouth, I don't know what it's for. Delvin himself didn't even know that at all.

"Is there anyone here? Or Brother Ilo?"

Delvin noticed the surroundings that looked deserted, and maybe it wouldn't hurt if he was desperate to go inside.

At least, Delvin wanted to see Ilona's face up close, and his longing for that woman was completely unstoppable.

Delvin started sneaking into Ilona's room with her head looking here and there. Make sure this place is safe, and out of reach of people.

"Safe! Now I can go inside." Delvin started to enter the room.

Delvin walked closer to Ilona who was lying with her mouth open because of the tube.

Shed a tear. It turned out that the hope that was always in the sky, was not the reality of what his eyes saw now.

"Ilo, wake up honey."

"Ilo, I'm sorry I couldn't decide anything at the time, the pressure was too strong."

"I can't choose between the two of you. The two women I've always loved are you."

Delvin cried in front of Ilona. Only this time, he was so whiny like this.

Cried until his shoulders shook violently. His heart feels fine when the person he loves so much now lies weakly in front of him.

"Ilo, wake up, honey!"

"I can't see it."

Ah, it feels like Delvin is getting crazy if this is the way. He didn't want to lose the person he had always loved.

Either way, please wake up quickly.

Delvin missed his voice. All the spoiled behavior that often hypnotized him, and the cheerful laughter seemed to be an addiction.

Kenzo gets a turn to look after Ilona. He went out for a while to look for food because he was very hungry.

It was getting late, and since this afternoon I haven't had time to eat anything. Afraid that, Ilona would wake up at any time from her long slumber, and look for their whereabouts.

However, when the worms in his stomach continue to struggle to beg to be filled. So recklessly, Kenzo went out to find a food vendor that was close to the hospital.

"Delvin? Why is he here?"

Kenzo saw Delvin who was in Ilona's room, and his shoulders shook so badly.

'Is he crying?' he thought.

Kenzo patted Delvin's shoulder and said, "What do you need to do here? Delvin Araska!"