I was just a simple Lawyer who had principles and dignity in life. Blinded with the love I felt towards my fiance. Maybe Aki was the only man I saw on that time. That I couldn't even see others love for me. Things really happened because that was God's way for you to realize everything. So... If we fall, maybe we fall for the right reason. If we fail, we may fail with honor.
After customizing my table, Im here in my office, reading some files and a bunch of cases. As usual, this is the work of lawyers unlike those who are prosecutors.
Still, re-reading some files and documents that my secretary gave me. Not to say that Im not into having this position.
Somehow, I miss being at the top and just judge the case mysteriously.
A case of attempted murder? I repeated the title of the case. It's a common case who usually send to our firm in japan.
It was just a normal and chill case but when it comes to the Philippines.
Kinda bit hectic and had a lot of processes to do. When you accept this complaint, you should conduct an investigation. That give me more hard times.
Mom was right, this is giving me stress and a hard time.
Im not saying that I regret being like this. It's just that you'll see the big difference between being a lawyer and a prosecutor.
As of now, I just need to finish this bunch of cases that I'll be handling from now on.
I can't stop comparing this firm to my old firm. In our firm before, this is just a simple case that can be solved by a newbie one. Although, we do still had investigation but not always.
Still, in each different firm. The only mission is to provide safety to their clients and let the right one showed up.
Proly this thing is easy for me but I still need to conduct some investigation to figure it out.
Now, I know someone who can help me to do this case and solve it in the least of days. Im was all sure that he'll help me with this.
All sure. My office or should I say, Aki and I had the same office.
He's way far from my desk but I can sense his smell all over the room. He always got that perfume ever since, that's what I've noticed to him.
Though, all I know is he's one of the snobby people I ever know.
Maybe because of his thick eyebrows and curve jaw. A red rose lips with a showy Adam's apple that made him hotter than ever.
Look how perfect he was and how stunning he is!
"Fuck!" I cursed when someone snapped.
"Who are you looking for Attorney?" She asks curiously. This is the reason why I don't like having a secretary in my life.
On my side, but what can I do? this is what they all wanted.
"Im...I-m looking for nothing!" defended in tangled voice.
"Are you sure Attorney?" Bea asks again, but I know it has a malicious look.
"I am Bea... now what do you want to say?" I cut the topic.
She inhaled.
"Judge Teofleo invited you to have lunch with him and his team," She explained while facing me. I take a look at my wrist before turning to her.
"It's already 11:40 am, you should have told me earlier so I can prepare my time." I scolded her but in a calm way.
"Im sorry Attorney. You were so focused on reading some files so I didn't intend to bother you," Bea explained in nervousness.
"Prepare you things so as yourself. Don't ask why, you'll go with me." mumbled while fixing my things.
I catch her reaction. She was shocked and excited at all, is this her first time going to lunch with a lawyer? Maybe no, she works to log in here.
As if she didn't have a chance to have lunch with her boss. After fixing my desk and some messy files. Aki went to my side like we're close friends.
"It's already lunchtime. You should be on eating by now," He spoke in a manly voice.
"Yea, I was just fixing my things here then I'll go," I responded.
"Hmmm, okay then." He uttered and leave the office like he didn't care about me.
Didn't even ask me for lunch with him, idiot. Ouch, it hurts me. I went out of my office and find Bea's vision.
When I saw her for about 3 minutes of looking for her, she then showed up.
"Attorney! im so sorry, I was called by Attorney Izonel and he offered me free lunch." Bea uttered in hurry.
"He offered you lunch instead of me? Woah." I murmured in a whispering way.
"Attorney, what did you say?" She asks.
"I said to go eat with his offered lunch for you. It's not good to decline someone's offer, especially when it's about lunch.
Now go ahead, tell me the restaurant and I'll go by my one." mumbled in a calm way.
Although I was just stopping myself not to shout at her. She being too grumpy and bitch!
Cant, she stands on her words? she agreed with my offer, yet she wants to be with Aki. What a fucking choice Bea. Argh!
"Attorney are you sure. I can still go with you and it's not gonna be bad if I declined his offer," Bea sounded like she's in trouble.
Yea dear, you're in trouble right now.
"No, just go with Aki. Now tell me where is that restaurant," I repeated.
"The same restaurant, where you and Attorney Izonel's family went for lunch." She explained and give me a card.
"This is judge Teofleo's number attorney. You can contact him when you finally arrived at the restaurant,"
"Ohh, okay. Thank you and have a great lunch ahead," I uttered my goodbye and leave her standing in the hallway.
As I was walking towards the elevator, someone talks from behind.
"Attorney Buenvenco?" A person from behind asked. I turned my back to see who it was. Oh, Daven..
"Hi, nice to see you again." greeted with a smile.
"Your smile was different the last time I saw you smile," Daven uttered. I smiled with confusion.
Did he just say that I wear my smile differently from before?
"When did I smile devilishly?"
"Hmm, since you and..."
"Don't you dare continue it? Shut the fuck up Daven, you're making things complicated." I murmured so he can notice that Im pissed off.
"Chill my wife you can still inhale even if I said his name," He uttered and laughed.
The nerve of this guy!
"Common my wifey! cant you celebrate my single and ready to mingle status right now?"
"I want to kill you!" I screamed and pulled his hair together.
"Hey! HAHAHHAHAHHA alright my wifey! I was just kidding!" Daven groaned in pain while he was still laughing.
"Hell, you!" I let go of his hair when we both heard the opening of the elevator's door.
Daven compress our hands before we went inside the elevator. Jesus, he's always like this to me.
Why does my cousin is like an idiot to me but with it comes to other girls, he acts like a prince?
Disgusting! He rests his head on my shoulder while closing his both eyes.
"I know you're not okay, now spill it, my husband."
"You always know if im fine or not," "Of course I know it. You were my husband I'll know what's bothering you," He removed his head and face me with sad eyes.
"Molissa again, hon?" I guess.
He nodded and leaned closer to me before planting a soft kissed on my forehead.
As the door opened we were both stunned, when someone shouted in front of us.