
The war

The guards stood outside, waiting for him to respond, with their knife on their side, ready to be pulled out, to stab someone.

Already, from the way Duncan was acting, they could already tell, that something had happened.

"He is inside, we are having a long talk, on how to find his daughter, don't worry, just go, he says, he will come back alone".

The chief guard Douglas read through him, and pulled out his knife, he knew he is lying, and as his knife is pulled out, others behind him, also pulled out their weapons, including the guards with Duncan, they seem all ready for war.

Hey, there is no need for that, I ready told you, that he is still inside, you can come in and see for yourself, if you doubt me".

He says, with his hands raised up to the air, but Douglas looked down his waist band, where nobles, usually tie Gold, Incase they need to settle somethings, and it was not his sack pack that was there, but that of someone else, it belonged to Mr Cole, so in order not to act foolishly, he turned back and signaled to his men.

"We need to be calm, let's go inside, see him, and go, if he wants us to go alone, after all, he is at his son inlaw's palace, he might actually, want to come back with the palace carriage".

Duncan heard everything he said, and was happy, that he had been fooled, but all the other guards Douglas was talking to, understood that they needed to fight, so as soon as he turned, and Duncan turned to lead the way, for he has other plans of his own, Douglas raised his silver knife, but it landed on his shoulder, not exactly, where he is aiming, because of the guards around him.

Duncan was hurt, but he was still smart enough to run, holding his shoulder, hoping to stop it from bleeding so much.

The guards, turned to face each other, and started fighting, while one made sure, that Duncan was led to safety.

Douglas went after Duncan, but the guard stopped and kept fighting him.

When the knife of Duncan's man fell to the ground, Douglas stabbed his chest, and he died there, then others started coming.

This was no time for him to show his fighting prowess.

They had come with very few guard, because of the road, not for the palace, so he fled.

He needs to be away from the palace, to be able to come back, and fight again.

He couldn't immediately find his way, so he kept running around the palace, fighting the ones, he could fight along the way.

He soon found an inn, where he planned to hide, but when he entered there, two guards, were cleaning a body, when they saw him, they were caught off guard, as they had no weapon on them.

Douglas was interested in the body he is looking at.

His Master, Cole, who has been more than a father to him, dead on the floor.

He could hear approaching footsteps, it could only be the other guards searching for him, so he asked the scared guards gently.

"Where is the quickest place to get out of the palace?

They pointed at the roof, he looked up, and it was open.

Douglas acted like he was about to get to the roof, using the ladder that was there, but he knows what to expect from the guards, so when he took the first step on the ladder, he rushed at them, cutting off the neck of one, and stabbing the other in the chest.

Their agonizing voice, alerted the other guards, and they started hitting on the door, urging them to open the door, but Douglas immediately climbed the ladder, and fled through the roof.

He was prepared, thinking he would find any of the palace guard standing outside, but no one was there, he staggered from the little injuries he had incurred here and there, till he found his master's horse.

It came for him, how did he even know, he would take that root, without much thought, Douglas got on the horse, and it took him away.

He didn't have to control the horse peg, for she knows exactly what to do.

The horse was moving slowly at first, until, it started feeling flying arrows that was unintentionally missed, Douglas looked back, and decided to control the horse.

The more he thought that they were getting close to safety, the more, he was feeling horses galloping towards them.

Maybe because the place is too deserted, that was all he could hear.

He was looking back, moving his head, so that they are not able to get a hit at him, that he didn't see the boundary of Dunamis village, with Suntan, by the time he looked forwards, he could not stop the horse, a d the horse also, couldn't stop itself, as it was moving too fast, it galloped I to the sea.

That seem to be what the other guards wanted, for they stood at the edge fir a while, looking at the horse peg, sinking down deep, because of its height and weight, they could still see him, while Douglas, had gone down into the depth of the water.

They left, raising their hands up to show their fist.

They rod their horse back to the palace.

All the guards that came with Cole, all died, but Douglas still trued to survive.

He knew they would stand there to watch for a while, and that was why he seized his breath under water for a while, it is part of the training he underwent, before he became a guard.

He tried to pull horse peg, but he couldn't do much, but the horse also seem like he wants to survive, as she supported every effort that Douglas was putting in to save her, and they gradually, swam together.

Though she was loosing her breath, she knew, she would make it, with the way, Douglas was helping her.

Soon enough, they got to shore, and that was when Peg, lost consciousness.

Douglas knew what he had to do, to bring her back to consciousness, for they have no time to relax, they just have to keep moving.