
Steven Universe: The Return

It's been about a year since Steven embarked on a journey of self-discovery across the country, also since he's been seeing a therapist to help him deal with his emotional issues. Steven hasn't seen his loved ones in person since he left Beach City, needless to say he misses them very much. The desire to see them again, to give them a big hug, to tell them about all the adventures he had been on and everything he had learned during his trip was strong enough to make him make the important decision to return to his hometown the day his therapist discharged him. He's changed a lot, though. He gives the impression of being a completely different person, as he now takes very seriously the fact that there is no one to help anymore, so no matter how small his problems or needs may be, he will always put his feelings before those of others. Incidentally, Homeworld is attacked, Gems on Earth begin to mysteriously disappear, and old enemies return seeking revenge. Will Steven be able to cope with this adversity now that his attitude has radically changed?

Marcos17Rivas · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
56 Chs

Taking Risks

Steven: I think your plan is too risky.

Garnet: There is no such thing as a perfect plan, Steven, there will always be risks to take.

Steven: But this one has too many risks, and I don't think it's worth taking!

Garnet: Don't be so negative, Steven, you decrease the chances of success.

Steven: The thing is, if we fail, you guys will just have your memories erased, but Connie and I will be killed!

Garnet: Yeah, that's for sure.

Steven: See, that's exactly what I'm talking about! I could never forgive myself for Connie losing her life because of me!

Connie: Maybe you're right, Steven. Still, you have to look on the bright side too, not just highlight the bad.

Steven: Connie, aren't you afraid?

Connie: Of course I'm afraid, and how can I not be? I'm just a simple human in the middle of a battle of super-powered aliens. I am aware that at any minute I could die in a horrible way, but that was the risk I took the very moment I decided to help you.

Steven: How can you say that so calmly?

Connie: I don't know. I just think there's nothing wrong with holding on to the only hope you have, no matter how small.

Steven: So, you're telling me that I should just ignore my fears?

Connie: No, obviously not. It's just that if you don't control your fears, they won't control you.

Garnet: Exactly.

Steven: Hmm... *sighs* Let what has to happen happen happen. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, am I right? If we have to die; then we'll all die together!

Pearl: I think your mother said something similar before.

Steven: Alright, let's get on with it then!

Connie: Not yet, first of all we have to find out where the ringleaders' base is.

Steven: Now that you mention it, none of our undercover Gems told us anything about it.

Connie: The Palace certainly isn't their main base, that's already been confirmed, so their main base must be somewhere else, the question is where.

Steven: Do either of you have any idea where it might be?

Amethyst: Beats me.

Pearl: Same here.

Steven: What about you, Garnet, don't you know anything about it? If I remember correctly, you were a high-ranking Gem in there, weren't you?

Garnet: I don't know anything either.

Steven: I see. There's nothing to do then.

Garnet: I may not know where their main base is, but... I do have an idea where it might be.

Steven: Where?!

Garnet: You see, it always struck me as odd that White Diamond's ship was heavily guarded at all times, at first glance there is no reason for it; however, no one but the top brass can get in there.

Steven: Suspicious, don't you think?

Connie: They must be hiding something important in there.

Garnet: Or someone.

Steven: Do you think there is a ringleader in that ship? That would be their base of operations?

Garnet: The odds are high.

Steven: What're we waitin' for then?! Let's check it out!

Connie: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First of all we have to plan a good combat strategy.

Steven: You're right, sorry

Connie: We have to plan this carefully, but in case something goes wrong, we should take control of the ship and make a run for it.

Steven: That's actually a better idea.