
Steven Universe: The Return

It's been about a year since Steven embarked on a journey of self-discovery across the country, also since he's been seeing a therapist to help him deal with his emotional issues. Steven hasn't seen his loved ones in person since he left Beach City, needless to say he misses them very much. The desire to see them again, to give them a big hug, to tell them about all the adventures he had been on and everything he had learned during his trip was strong enough to make him make the important decision to return to his hometown the day his therapist discharged him. He's changed a lot, though. He gives the impression of being a completely different person, as he now takes very seriously the fact that there is no one to help anymore, so no matter how small his problems or needs may be, he will always put his feelings before those of others. Incidentally, Homeworld is attacked, Gems on Earth begin to mysteriously disappear, and old enemies return seeking revenge. Will Steven be able to cope with this adversity now that his attitude has radically changed?

Marcos17Rivas · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
56 Chs

I'll Be Back

[Some Gems do their best to get up off the ground and keep fighting, even though they have taken a lot of damage from Pink Steven.]

Holly Blue Agate: *impressed* H-How could he beat them so easily?!

[Pink Steven floats up to the sky.]

Pink Steven: I didn't want to fight!!

[All The Gems tremble in terror.]

Pink Steven: It was all of you who forced me to!!

[Floating in midair, Steven makes hundreds of hexagon-shaped shields.]

[Holly Blue Agate looks up as she shivers in terror.]

Holly Blue Agate: I-I find it hard to believe this is the same Steven I know! Why did he turn pink!? Is his half-diamond coming out?!

Pink Steven: I'm going to save everyone!

[Steven launches his pink shields around all Gems present, pinning them in place just as he did with Jasper some time ago.]

Pink Steven: No matter what!!

[Holly Blue Agate bursts out laughing.]

Pink Steven: *turns to Holly Blue* What are you laughing at?!?!

Holly Blue Agate: So... you're finally showing your true self, huh?

Pink Steven: Eh?

Holly Blue Agate: And you call yourself the savior of the universe? *laughs* Nice facade, indeed. Now I realize what a phony you are - you're a fraud!

Pink Steven: *enraged* Grrr! What are you getting at?!

Holly Blue Agate: Earlier, a certain savior said that we had hurt a lot of innocent Gems, that doing so was wrong, that we were really bad guys and blah, blah, blah.

Pink Steven: What the heck are you talking about!?

Holly Blue Agate: That being said, let me ask you this...

Pink Steven: ...

Holly Blue Agate: What are YOU doing right now, Steven Universe?

[A perplexed Steven turns to see the Gems he's forcibly pinned down, including his friends.]

Pink Steven: Oh, no! *holds his pink hands out in front of him* Why... is this... back? I thought... I was over it. *covers his face*

[Steven tears up as his pink form slowly fades away, returning him back to normal. Steven ceases floating and falls heavily on the ground as he releases all the Gems he had pinned down with his shields.]

Steven: *in tears* I-I still need a lot of... help!

[The Gems swiftly get up from the ground and surround a collapsed Steven.]

Holly Blue Agate: Who would've thought you were equal to or worse than the Diamonds? *walks over to Steven* At least they weren't hiding their true intentions.

[As Steven lies on the ground, an engine whirring is heard, and everyone turns to see a ship heading down.]

Holly Blue Agate: What the--?! Where did that ship come from?! It's not even from Homeworld!

[The mysterious spaceship fires at the Gems who had Steven surrounded, causing them to move away from him. Then the ship lands next to Steven, the door opens and someone shouts.]

????: Steven, get in the ship!!

Steven: *thinking to himself* Who is it? Even knows my name. I think I recognize that voice, though.

????: Hurry up, dude! Get in!

Steven: Tch. I got no choice. *stands up* Guys, I am so sorry!

[Steven runs up to the door of the spaceship, stops before entering and looks back at his friends with tears in his eyes.]

Steven: I'll be back for you. *gets into the ship* I promise!

[The door of the ship closes, and the ship blasts off, disappearing into the sky.]

Holly Blue Agate: He's getting away! *yells* All hands to the ships! Don't let him get away!!

[Holly Blue's communicator suddenly rings, receiving a call from Emerald.]

Holly Blue Agate: *nervously* E-Emerald, what's up? To what do I owe the honor of your call?

Emerald: Let him go.

Holly Blue Agate: Huh?!

Emerald: Let Steven go.

Holly Blue Agate: B-But... hold on a minute, have you found out yet? How?! Were you watching us?!

Emerald: Uh-huh.

Holly Blue Agate: Then why do you want me to let him go!? I thought you lured him here to destroy him!

Emerald: I did, but there are many ways to destroy someone. Steven must be devastated by everything that happened today, so let's let him suffer a little longer. We'll finish him off when I get bored of seeing him suffer.

Holly Blue Agate: Okay, I think I see your point.

Emerald: Besides, I'm pretty sure we'll hear from that sucker again before we know it.

Holly Blue Agate: Yeah, that's for sure.

[At the same time, inside the ship in which Steven fled.]

????: What's up, dude? It's been a while.

Steven: I can't believe it!

[Steven's jaw dropps when he sees that the ship's operator is...]

Steven: Lars... Is-is it really you?!

Lars: Yup. It's me, Steven.

Steven: You're alive! But Emerald told me she had killed you!

Lars: Well, she almost killed me. I actually came within a hair's breadth of dying.

Steven: How did you survive then?

Lars: I'm not a medical expert, but I think it's because my heart rate is much slower since you brought me back to life. That is, my blood took longer to leave my body and that's why I didn't bleed to death, or so I think.

Steven: I see.

Lars: Besides, Gems like Emerald are not familiar with human anatomy, so she didn't damage any internal organs when she thrust her sword into me. Still, I pretended to writhe in pain and then played dead so she would let her guard down and I could counterattack. I just didn't count on her launching me into space. There I was, floating aimlessly in the vacuum of space. I was cold as hell out there. I had already resigned myself to die when, suddenly, I was abducted by a spaceship conveniently passing by. The ship was manned by a couple of hot alien chicks... I think. They dressed my wound and gave me this espaceship in exchange for some favors.

Steven: What kind of favors?

Lars: You don't want to know.

Steven: Wait a minute, in outer space there's no oxygen, how did you survive so long out there?!

Lars: I asked myself that very question, and the answer is that I no longer need oxygen to live.

Steven: Wow, so cool.

Lars: You're telling me, man, this resurrection thing is awesome! I can walk on water, I don't even need to eat to live anymore, I just do it because I like it. And to top it off, I can survive in outer space! Crazy, right?

Steven: Actually, I find all this rather--

Lars: Convenient? Yeah, it is.

Steven: I was going to say "strange," but you're right. I'm glad you got a second chance to live your life, though.

Lars: Well, yeah. Everything's great until I get to thinking about how I'm gonna live a long time and watch everyone I know and love die. It's kinda... depressing. Maybe dying at the hands of Emerald would've been the best thing, I don't know. I try not to think about it too much, you know?

Steven: I feel you, it's the same for me too. But all in good time.