

"Danny hurry up, we r gonna be late "Stephanie said.

"Danny hurry up",Dad said.

Hey am Stephanie Jones ,and this basically my life it's messed up, and this is not like other stories, where the main lead is rich , on my side we are not rich maybe a middle-class family I may say . I live with my Dad, sister and Brother .My Mum died when my young brother Daniel was born .

I am so late for my first day of senior High and I am so nervous

. " Guys, so I hope your excited for your first day and go and be social for once "Dad said .

"Hmmm am not sure about me and Stephy" Angela said .

"say it for your self sis , this year am a changed person "I said .

(we reach school)

I stepped in the halls of Orleans high school and I stepped in with confidence. and there she was my best friend standing opposite me.

"STEPHY"Ketty shouted out loud .

"KETTY " I shouted

"How was the Bahamas and Clive "I said

"The Bahamas was great and Clive is still amazing as always"Ketra said .

After a long conversation with Ketra we went to class ,and trust me there she was Kendall Humphrey my arch enemy. She loved teasing me and my friends when we were younger and she still does . I can't believe she decided to come back , after the disaster last year .

"well well well who do we have here "Kendall said .

"leave me alone Kendall, am not in the mood for you the rest of my life "I said .

"How dare you talk to me like that , Don't you know who my father is "Kendall said .

"Whatever ,go away" .

"Class Class settle down " the teacher interapted .

"you just got lucky", Kendall said .

*Lunch Time *

I couldn't believe Kendall was back but that was the beginning of my problems. I had to get a job by the end of the week . cause I had to save up for aviation school and I know Dad can't afford all the money .

"stephy time to go home " Ketra said

" are you crazy we end classes at 3", I said

As she was pulling me outside , I say the cutest boy ever ."stop stop who is that angel"I said

"Ewwww thats my cousin Dave , I know his Hot ,and there's Kendall flirting with him "Ketra said.

"His like some Divine black Goddess from heaven "I said

"oh God are you okay "Ketra said .

"Yeah ,yeah am fine,"

"it's go,"Ketra said . "Hell no, I can't live her with Dave ,"

"lets gooooo"

"okay "

As we went home Ketra told me about a pizza place that was hiring .So later that day I went to the pizza place , and gosh that place was amazing I would be lucky if I worked here and surprising as soon as I entered I got the job and please they were paying me good money . But it wasn't easy being a waitress "you guys out there should treat them well , and yes even if they are rude " it took me a long time to get there but, I'll just say my first day wasn't so bad.