
Blighted Light

After exploring Ulric found that the stag wasn't the only slightly different monster, all the rest were there and looked slightly different, after killing each he received the same ingredient except it was a High-quality version of the previous ingredient, after 2 or so hours he discovered the High Quality food raised his stats to 70 as apposed to 60 from the normal quality, perhaps the variations were higher leveled monsters?

Before reaching his destination Ulric came across a third variation of the monsters and hunted them pushing his stats up to 80 and gaining 'Premium' versions of his recipes, maybe the mana pollution was more extreme closer to the city?

The city gates were large black iron gates with the city name spelled out in the bars of the gates, the two pillars holding the gates looked like huge tombstones, and the wall was decorated with skulls and gargoyles, a bit much in his opinion but whatever, nailed to the right pillar was a notice which read?


owned by the 'Old Bones' guild.

The city was very gothic, dark stone and tall towers, the streetlamps were literal ghosts chained to the poles, very atmospheric indeed creepy and unsettling, Ulric noticed on his rig that this was an 'advanced' area which meant NPC's would be much more human like, things would flow more smoothly, but it was then he realized something was off the place was empty, there was no one roaming around except players, that was odd.

There was a large statue of a woman who looked oddly familiar, after staring for a while Ulric recognized her although not exact she looked a lot like Monica Bellucci one of his Aunt's favorite actresses she always said Monica was almost as good looking as her Ulric shook his head his aunt wouldn't be that narcissistic would she?

Ulric finally noticed an NPC walking, he walked up to the listless man who didn't even seem to notice him, he put his hand on the man's shoulder to which them man trembled,

"P Please, I'm sorry, I was just getting some food, I'm sorry I came out without permission please forgive me, I..." he noticed Ulric and relaxed, "oh sir, I'm sorry I thought you were one of the 'Old Bones' please I have to be on my way, make it quick if you would,"

Taken aback Ulric asked, "who is that?" and pointed to the statue,

"That is Mary Guild-master of 'Old Bones'" whispering "sir take care around them," and he hurried away.

This was getting really suspicious, what the hell was "NO PLEASE I'M SORRY I WAS JUST HUNGRY I ARGH!!"

Ulric dashed after the man when he head him screaming, he got round a corner and saw two players in robes flanked by 4 huge skeleton warrior in rusting armor, as he looked on the warriors beat the poor man until his hp was almost empty before stopping one of the robed figures bent down and pried what looked like bread out of the man's hands, Ulric's rage climbed up his head until all he could see was red, he wanted to dash over and give these two gits a beating, but he held himself back if he did that they may kill the man he gritted his teeth and watched, after a few more insults and robbing the man of any food he may have they spat on him and left.

As Ulric sneaked up to the man he heard,

"My children's food....." and the man began to cry,

Ulric gently picked the man up, "hush, take me to your home," the man was so beaten he didn't argue and led Ulric back the way they had came and to the place Ulric wanted to go, the Inn.