
Stellar Step to a 1001 Mile Journey

There is a fine line between right and wrong... and Stellar Cross is tethering on the edge of falling on the sinful side. ... Stellar Cross, a self-confessed wallflower and always blending in the background. An unpolished gem waiting to blind people with her sparkle so bright and beautiful. Beau Spencer, an heir and a ruthless businesseman, imprisoned in his responsibilities. Holden Knight, a darkness who found his light. At the end of her journey, would Stellar finally found what she's been searching for? [Some parts of this book blurs the line between right and wrong. However, those that keep an open mind and stick with it might not be disappointed.] ... Stellar felt vindictive. She wanted to break Beau's heart the same way he broke hers. Suddenly, a wild thought entered Stellar's mind. The only way to vex the heck out of Beau was to date a person nobody could have—just like him. As if a light bulb switched on inside Stellar's head illuminating her path, she glanced up at Brother Holden and determination painted her face. Stellar was set on one thing: she would seduce her brother's friend and may the Almighty forgive her for stealing his disciple. Edited by Swaning *artwork not mine 1000-1600 words per chapter

filledelisle · สมัยใหม่
69 Chs

Ordinary Day 4

Inside the Spencer mansion's dining room, Baron sat at the head of the table. To his right were Beau, Cassy, and Aki, while to his left were Babes and Aster.

The long table brimmed with a feast enough to feed a community, and their glasses were never empty with wine or orange juice in Cassy's case.

The families were in the middle of their conversation, talking about Aki's life in the seminary.

"Announcing the arrival of Miss Stellar Cross," a butler, standing in the corner with his hands pressed to either of his sides, spoke.

Heads snapped towards the arching passage that connected the Spencer family's formal dining room and living room.

Arriving just in time for dessert was Stellar, who was sporting a swollen lip.

"Goodness gracious, Stellar. Did you get attacked by a bee?" Babes's worried voice bounced off the wall, but the smirk on her face told she was teasing her goddaughter.