
Stellar Quest

David Alexson, a 18 years old space captain on the hunt for revenge for his parents death and search for his lost sister Emily. Dave is ready to kill anyone or anything in his way

villain_maker · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Someone from the past

in a dream: Dave take a look at your little sister, isn't she very beautiful a man in the background said, Dave come hold your little sister promise me you will be a good brother I will mum as I promised my mother in the dream suddenly a large crash.

I woke up from this recurring dream, f*** not this dream again I got up from my bed and went straight to the control centre as I noticed Luna sitting there, how far are we away from Drack I asked not too far we could have gotten there sooner if we had warp speed but the ship is not strong enough to use that she said well I may need to get a new ship then by getting a new ship you mean stealing a new ship right she replied you seem to know me well now Luna I said as I chuckled well let me go get prepared and dressed as I left the control centre.

I went straight to my room proceeded to the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth and after a while I was done as I got dressed I went back to the control room as I noticed we were about to enter into the planet alright then let's get prepare for work I told Luna you don't need to tell me twice she replied. We landed at rough plain ground this planet looks deserted I said to myself, we walked awhile around town looking for clues, there was nothing around but just cave like buildings that seems to be their homes this is going to be a tough one since no one else seems to talk to other people suddenly I heard a commotion in the distance as I walked towards the commotion I noticed a man being bullied by a bunch of drackans who were angry because the man took pictures of them well who won't be angry at a stranger taking pictures of you, but since he was a human I decided to intervene, let him be I will take care of him I will make sure he doesn't do such a thing again I said to them calmly, they all withdrawed saying you better make sure of that, hey old man why would you do such a thing you are lucky they didn't just beat the s*** out of you, thank you young man wait I think I know you from somewhere he said me? no no I don't think so I replied quickly I know you, you are Dave from planet Earth in military training you were one of the brightest but was said to be dead on the very first mission which I really consider strange he said fine you got me but wait are you professor Jonathan I asked yes it's me you remember me now he said joyfully yeah I remember you from the research facility nice to meet you again sir you were very nice to me I said happily you don't need to flatter me he replied, so what brings you all the way to this planet I said as he also asked why did you go rogue all of a sudden I replied I didn't go rogue I simply left, I just needed the military training to accomplish my goal, to revenge your parents and to find your sister he said yes and I won't stop I won't stop on till I do so I concluded.

I came to this planet for research but I seem not to find anything good professor said me too, what kind of research are you doing I asked it's confidential but since it's you I will tell you have you heard of the famous man called shadow, he asked yes I have the only mysterious guy famous for being mysterious how stupid does it sound I responded, good the same guy came to representative of planet Alic Chambers and killed him now he has been labelled a galactic terrorist, wow well professor let's get to my ship so we can talk better.

On Arrival welcome to my humble ship and my faithful friend Luna I welcomed the professor hello Luna greeted let's not waste our time the professor said cool with me, the professor explained further on the representative there was a very valuable necklace the necklace was a family heritage which wasn't just a necklace it was a key but we don't know what it's supposed to open I think shadow is planning on causing something so that is why you came to drack i interrupted yes but you see shadow isn't from here normally all drack are very tall creatures usually about 6.9 ft tall but as you see shadow here I think he is averagely 5.6 ft tall, so you are saying shadow maybe human or another race I responded but people don't just have the ability of the drackans he must have been experimented on or something the professor added fu*k what should I do now I whispered to myself due to my research I found out he should be in boronia the professor told me really how am I sure you're not lying to me I responded I only came here for research I wasn't strong enough or have anyone strong enough to go fight him and two I don't want him to realise that I was on his tail so why are you telling me this I asked because the expression on your face tells me you're looking for him is he involved with the incident 16 years ago the professor asked yes he is I said, I see then you should head to boronia I don't know how long he plans on staying there thanks, prof but did you happen to have a spare ship I asked no I don't he replied, alright then thanks for your help I'm really grateful and I'm glad I met you today I said genuinely no need to thank me I was friends with your father anyway this is my own way to helping him.

Few hours later the professor was on his way to go as we said our final goodbyes, ready the ship I told Luna, yes captain she responded quickly as we took off immediately heading straight for boronia. We could certainly find a good ship there I said to myself but Luna seems to have heard me yes we could a very good one in fact boronia has very good technology that's almost rivals Nexus she said.