
Stellar Quest

David Alexson, a 18 years old space captain on the hunt for revenge for his parents death and search for his lost sister Emily. Dave is ready to kill anyone or anything in his way

villain_maker · ไซไฟ
7 Chs


A sudden turbulence on my ship woke me up from my sleep as I rushed to the control centre what happened Luna I asked we are being attacked she replied by who I questioned I don't know she responded, well do we have enough energy to fire back yes I suppose she said suddenly there was a huge impact on the ship's engine room, sir the ship's engine has been seriously damaged and the ship's energy crystal took some damage Luna yelled f*ck what the hell am I supposed to do now do, we still have enough energy to fire back? No she replied hastingly how far are we from the next planet I asked, 140 million miles away sir she answered that is really really far I replied and added what about obstacles are there any obstacles on the way yes sir a pile of meteorites just up ahead she replied as she maneuvered around dodging the attacks go take care of the engine room I'll take it from here I ordered as she ran towards the engine room, I took over the controls and charged full speed towards the meteorite maneuvering through them like a true professional before I could realise we got hit real bad, Luna what's going on down there I yelled any more of those attacks and we are dead she replied as she added the ship is not strong enough anymore to use full speed anymore and ship is almost out of energy.

F*** this all bad news, this is all to well planned I panicked as he thought of dying crossed my mind as I said to myself no I'm not dying here death is not going to be able to stop me from achieving my goals after a little while to encourage myself I had to strategize a way out of this suddenly a voice came from the other ship Dave space soldier surrender now and I won't have to kill your teammate he said over the com I didn't know I was this damn popular as I replied and why the f*** would I do that who the hell are you, me? I'm someone who is here for revenge you killed my family and now I must kill you, their are blood must be avenged with your blood he said over the com me are you sure you don't have the wrong guy because I don't go around killing people's families I responded, so now you are denying that you killed the people in the dragon hands my fellow teammates he said in a really angry tone so that's what this is about well I did it and I will do it again if I have to, this conversation is over I'm not surrendering and you are dead if I get my hands on you I calmly said, petty threats like that do me no harm boy will you are right this conversation is over cause am killing both of you anyway as he began shoot at us aimlessly, I dodged the attacks while also dodging the meteorites.

While in this situation I remembered my watch which was a gift from a friend back in military it's always had a crystal in it, Luna Luna and get you over here I called as she ran back to the into control room sir she answered, take over the ship I have to go to the engine I know what I must do as I said as I ran towards the engine room, I went straight to the energy crystal and brought out the crystal in the watch it began absorbing the lost energy around as it began to shine bright I focused it on the the energy crystal as I shouted use full speed to Luna, she immediately does that, the ship can't take any more she said with fear in her voice, as the ship nosedive into the unknown planet as it also slowly gets torn apart by the speed we were approaching the planet, I noticed the energy crystal getting really hot as I ran out of there the crystal exploded causing further damage to the ship, I took the controls from Luna braces yourself for a rough landing I said as we were about to crash into the a forest then a huge crash happened as I passed out.

Captain captain Luna called out for me in fear of me dying, I thought you died thank goodness I don't know what I could have done if you died she said crying as she placed my head on her laps, I tried getting up but I noticed a large cut on my abdomen and I was bleeding seriously Luna Luna listen go get the first aid kit in the ship it's in my bag I told her as she ran towards the ruins of the ship gets my bag and came back I removed an injection and Injected myself as I shouted in pain but my wound heals thanks to the injection.

After awhile I was able to get on my feet as I got up from Luna's laps I thanked her for helping me as she was in awe of how my wounds healed so quick, thank goodness you are okay but was in that injection she asked I don't know really but I got it while in military so when I was about to leave I stole more of it for situations like this I answered wow humans technology has gone really far I didn't know that existed she said in a surprised tone but It's side effects are really bad like causing unimaginable pain as it heals you and seriously weakening you for awhile I said as well so that's why you shouted in pain before she said yes I think we should get out of here before that motherf**ker finds us but let's get some of our stuff that's not ruined first.

After awhile of walking and walking sir I am tired we should rest here for a while Luna suggested yeah you are right but you can stop calling me sir we are friends ain't we I responded to Luna we are Dave she replied cool I replied.