
Stellar Love: An Unexpected Husband

Lora Sharp was adopted by the noble Sharp family on Main Star of Alpha since she was young. The Sharp family treated her well, and Lora had always been grateful. However, everything became awkward for her when they finally found the long-lost true heiress, Silvia Sharp. The Sharp family members said, "Lora, we've raised you for ten years in the Sharp family. How could you compete with Silvia for things?" Her fiancé added, "Lora, Silvia accompanied me during my sensitive period. It's all my fault. Please don't blame her." Silvia Sharp apologized, "Lora, I didn't mean to touch your Light Brain or submit the marriage gene matching request." According to Alpha Interstellar laws, once a marriage application is submitted voluntarily, it cannot be revoked. "Silvia Sharp, I don't want any of your things," Lora Sharp turned around and resigned herself to bringing her affectionate husband back. Then she saw an exceptionally handsome man going through his rut. His furry dog-like ears trembled gently, and his clear gaze was enchanting. Nine silver-white tails danced lightly behind him. The pheromones in the air were intoxicatingly pleasant. He made a milky sound and asked, "Sister, are you here to take me home?" Lora nodded vigorously! Yes, she must bring him home! Little did she know that the one she brought home was not an ordinary therianthrope but the imperial prince, the youngest and highest-ranking Commander on the entire Alpha planet!

COL+ Yu Fei Yu · ไซไฟ
500 Chs

Have You Fallen for Her?

Although Wayne didn't show it as dramatically as Alexander, he was also quite puzzled.

"Why did Ninth Prince come here? Is it to train the newcomers?"

Marcus was the most outstanding commander of Alpha Planet.

Although he was about the same age as the group of people currently undergoing military training, he had already led the Star Fleet and successfully repelled invading enemies, even the notorious Star Pirate!

No one within the military system dared to underestimate this young prince.

That's why Wayne accompanied Alexander to the port to welcome the young prince.

When Marcus stepped down from the spacecraft, his face remained cold and stern.

Although initially Marcus didn't want to get married, his mother used his light brain computer to apply for a genetic match marriage for him.

Who could have imagined that it would actually be a successful match?

The genetic compatibility rate was a perfect one hundred percent!

When Marcus went to the Main Brain Center's marriage registration office, he intended to explain to the woman that he didn't apply for the marriage and that he didn't want to get married.

What's the point of getting married?

Seeing his mother's gloomy appearance every day, Marcus decided to keep his distance from marriage.

But who could have expected that he would experience an early onset of rut?

He didn't even have the exclusive medication by his side!

And that woman's pheromones, damn it, were inexplicably attracting him, leading to the situation developing in an uncontrollable direction...

Due to his extremely bad mood and the outpouring of his dominant mental power, the people around him felt immense pressure and dared not speak much.

They were afraid that this prince would start beating people in his mecha at any moment!

As the person in charge of the base, Alexander stepped forward with a smile and asked, "Ninth Prince, why have you come?"

"I'm looking for someone."



Alexander was completely puzzled.

Who was Lora?

On the other hand, Wayne remembered and said, "Ninth Prince, the students are currently engaged in cross-country running. You should rest in the lounge first. Once the first phase of the cross-country training is over, I will have this student come to meet you."

Marcus nodded slightly and made a sound of agreement.

That would be better.

If he appeared directly in front of that girl, would she be scared and cry?

At this moment, Lora had no idea that Marcus had come after her.

She and Annie were already halfway through their journey, but they encountered their first real challenge.

Black Swamp.

This was no ordinary swamp; it was inhabited by crocodile beasts that could bite people.

As an orc, she wouldn't be eaten, but being bitten a few times was still quite uncomfortable.

Just a few minutes ago, an unlucky person had their leg bitten off, and the rescue professor had already arrived.

Annie's face turned pale, and even her cat ears turned into airplane ears.

"Damn, is this military training or a life-or-death situation? Did they forget that we're just freshmen?"

Lora calmly said, "When Star Warriors go out on missions, they face life-threatening situations. We are the reserve army, and this can be considered the first lesson the school is giving us."

However, not everyone was trapped. For example, some orc individuals from the winged tribe spread their wings and flew across.

Annie muttered, "Suddenly, I envy those with wings! Hey, Lora, what are you doing?"

She saw Lora take a few steps back and assume a poised stance!

Annie was shocked.

"What the hell! Are you planning to jump over? No way, this swamp is too wide, completely beyond our jumping range!"

"We can use the crocodile beasts as stepping stones and leverage for a second jump to reach the other side of the swamp."

"In theory, it's feasible, but it's so difficult to implement! At least show some respect for those ferocious crocodile beasts!"

As soon as Annie's voice fell, Lora shot out like an arrow, soaring high into the air, swiftly crossing over more than half of the swamp.

However, one-third of the way through, she began to descend.

Below her, a gigantic crocodile beast opened its jaws, hoping for a little snack, but Lora kicked it right in the mouth, causing the creature to close its jaws in pain.

In the next moment, Lora stomped on its eye!

Utilizing the force, she leaped into the air again, gracefully landing on the other side of the swamp.

"Wow! Incredible!" exclaimed Annie, filled with excitement.

As a cat with a jumping ability surpassing that of the wolf-tribe orc, she absolutely couldn't lose!

She also started to step back, preparing to imitate Lora's actions.

Initially, everything went smoothly, but suddenly, a crocodile beast submerged halfway.

Just as it seemed Annie was about to fall into the swamp, a whip suddenly swung over, wrapping around her arm and pulling her up.

Annie widened her cat-like eyes, looking at the mechanical whip in Lora's hand.

"This thing is amazing! It even has an extendable feature and small mechanisms. Where did you buy it from?"

"I made it myself."

"How much? I want to buy one!"

Besides being a mech engineer, Lora was skilled in many other things.

And with her master's cultivation, her knowledge was rich.

A slight smile curved her lips.

"This is an auxiliary weapon, but it varies depending on the individual. I can customize one for you, but it comes at a high price."

Annie responded more boldly, "Money is not an issue for me!"

"Okay, we'll discuss it in detail after we return to school."


On this side of the swamp, the trapped classmates were inspired by Lora.

Especially the orc with excellent jumping abilities, they all began to imitate her.

Blake also pulled Cole along and successfully crossed the swamp.

He clicked his tongue and said, "This Lora is quite impressive. Although I came up with this method too, I didn't dare to try it earlier."

Cole's expression wasn't too good.

"Why didn't I see you praising her like this before? Could it be that you've developed feelings for her?"