
Stellar Love: An Unexpected Husband

Lora Sharp was adopted by the noble Sharp family on Main Star of Alpha since she was young. The Sharp family treated her well, and Lora had always been grateful. However, everything became awkward for her when they finally found the long-lost true heiress, Silvia Sharp. The Sharp family members said, "Lora, we've raised you for ten years in the Sharp family. How could you compete with Silvia for things?" Her fiancé added, "Lora, Silvia accompanied me during my sensitive period. It's all my fault. Please don't blame her." Silvia Sharp apologized, "Lora, I didn't mean to touch your Light Brain or submit the marriage gene matching request." According to Alpha Interstellar laws, once a marriage application is submitted voluntarily, it cannot be revoked. "Silvia Sharp, I don't want any of your things," Lora Sharp turned around and resigned herself to bringing her affectionate husband back. Then she saw an exceptionally handsome man going through his rut. His furry dog-like ears trembled gently, and his clear gaze was enchanting. Nine silver-white tails danced lightly behind him. The pheromones in the air were intoxicatingly pleasant. He made a milky sound and asked, "Sister, are you here to take me home?" Lora nodded vigorously! Yes, she must bring him home! Little did she know that the one she brought home was not an ordinary therianthrope but the imperial prince, the youngest and highest-ranking Commander on the entire Alpha planet!

COL+ Yu Fei Yu · ไซไฟ
500 Chs

Did You and Your Puppyish Boyfriend Do Something Naughty Last Night?

How dared she not answer his call!

Marcus put on his military cap and walked outside with determined steps.

It was only after he left the military base that others dared to speak.

"How has Ninth Prince been these past few days? It seems like his emotions have been fluctuating greatly."

"According to reason, his rut should have ended, so his emotions should be more stable now."

"Perhaps something concerning the royal family has happened. We should refrain from discussing it."

"You're right."

Matters concerning the royal family were taboo.

In order to protect themselves, they never discussed anything related to the royal family in public, to avoid getting into trouble.

On the other side, the Ninth Prince arrived at the Imperial University with an unpleasant expression.

When Principal Turner Todd received the news, he became extremely nervous, and a few more white hairs appeared on his head in an instant!

"What is the young prince doing here?"

Dean Skola whispered, "Actually, Ninth Prince came here a few days ago and even stayed overnight in a female student dormitory."

Turner Todd was shocked, "How could that happen?"

He had only gone on an exchange visit to another planet, and within a few days, something like this had occurred?!

The Dean nodded, "At that time, His Highness was experiencing his rut, and Colonel James said not to spread this matter."

As they spoke, the two of them walked towards the Meche College dormitory.

There was no other choice since that brat was currently in the Meche College dormitory.

Marcus, dressed in military uniform, exuded a chilling aura, making it impossible for anyone to recognize him as the puppyish boyfriend who had been with Lora not long ago.

Of course, no one dared to make such an association!

After all, when they saw Ninth Prince, they didn't even dare to lift their heads!

Marcus walked out of the empty dormitory with a dark expression.

Obviously, he had come up empty-handed and hadn't found Lora.

This woman is quite something, running away after divorcing?

Turner anxiously approached and said, "Your Highness, what's wrong? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Marcus asked with an unpleasant expression, "Where is Lora?"

Principal Turner had a puzzled look on his face.

Who is Lora?

The Dean immediately realized and said, "Lora should be participating in military training!"

Moreover, this military training for new students required cutting off all communication with the outside world.

They suddenly understood why the Ninth Prince's handsome face looked so dark.

It turned out that the little girl was scared away by him!

Marcus was taken aback.

He had never experienced new student military training, so he didn't know about this.

However, the fact that Lora didn't intentionally avoid him made the Ninth Prince's mood inexplicably better.

But Marcus's expression remained as cold as ever, and he turned and left.

Leaving Turner and Skola, both let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, that little prince left!

Turner asked Skola, "Where does that Lora come from?"

"It's quite complicated," Skola explained Lora's background to Principal Turner.

After listening, Turner frowned, "In theory, being noticed by the Ninth Prince is a good thing, and she even had the fortune to accompany him through his rut. If Lora is indeed from the Sharp Family, she has a great chance of becoming the Ninth Prince's consort. However, if she has already left the Sharp Family, then it's hard to say."

Skola nodded, "Exactly, that's why Colonel James told us not to spread the news."


On the spaceship.

Lora was unaware that Marcus had gone to the Imperial University to find her.

After taking a nap, she woke up and realized that Annie, who had been sitting next to her, had disappeared somewhere.

That cat was truly restless.

Lora stretched her wrists and stood up, intending to walk around the spaceship.

Coincidentally, she ran into Cole and Blake.

As an orc, Cole had strong regenerative abilities, and his injuries had mostly healed.

However, the blow to his pride would take some time to recover from.

What was most frustrating was that he didn't even know how he had lost!

On the other hand, Blake took the initiative to greet Lora, "Lora, why are you alone? Didn't your husband come for military training?"

Cole glared at Blake speechlessly. Was this guy doing it on purpose?

Lora's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing the words.

Why were they all so interested in her husband?

She just wanted to find an excuse to casually brush it off.

In the next moment, she heard Cole say, "Lora, I asked your family, and they had no idea about your marriage. So, you haven't actually gotten married. You just found someone to pretend to be your husband and now you're blaming me for being with Silvia, is that right?"

Cole didn't believe that an outstanding man could be an ordinary freshman.

He also couldn't believe that Lora, who had just been kicked by him, could marry someone even better than him in the next moment! It must be fake!

Lora looked at Cole and shook her head.

This man was truly an arrogant idiot.

If she wanted to deal with him, she didn't need anyone's help.

She could take him down herself.

As for Marcus beating up Cole, that was entirely Cole's own misfortune.

Lora said in a calm tone, "I am indeed married, and this marriage was arranged by Silvia for me. How come she didn't tell you?"

"What?" Cole was stunned.

Silvia helped her get married?

Cole blurted out, "How is that possible? I know you and Silvia don't get along well. Why would she help you find such an excellent husband?"

Lora looked at him mockingly and reminded him, "It is a genetically matched marriage."

On the other hand, Blake, with a shocked expression, said, "Could it be that Silvia used your light brain computer to help you find a match? Oh, the person who beat up Cole that day?"

Lora nodded approvingly, "It seems you are much smarter than Cole."

Blake scratched his head and laughed, "Hehe, thanks."

Cole: "..."

Lora was tired of Cole's stubbornness and didn't want to stay there any longer. She turned around and left.

Cole, on the other hand, stood still and didn't move for a long time.

He couldn't believe it. "Why would Silvia do that?"

"What else could it be? Silvia just like you. Only when Lora married someone else could you two get married naturally."

"That's impossible! Silvia wouldn't do that! Applying for marriage with the mainframe system is too random. Who knows what kind of person the other party would be? Silvia is kind-hearted. Even if she doesn't like Lora, she wouldn't joke about her lifelong happiness!"

Blake shook his head. He didn't think Cole's new fiancée was really innocent.

Cole took out his brain computer, wanting to ask Silvia.

But as he looked at the disconnected device, he realized they couldn't communicate with the outside world now.

He murmured, "Silvia definitely wouldn't be that kind of person!"


After flying for more than ten hours, the spaceship carrying the new students of the Imperial University successfully arrived at Alpha Training Star.

The environment on the training star was particularly suitable for these students to exercise, especially for the students of the Military College.

Four people shared one dormitory.

Lora lived with Annie and two other female students from the Single Soldier College.

Annie frowned as she looked at the small dormitory with four people. "It's so small, and yet they expect four people to live here. It's going to be so cramped!"

The other two single soldier girls, with lower orc levels and less privileged backgrounds than Annie, didn't dare to speak up.

Lora went straight to the bed near the door, arranged her belongings, took off her shoes, and lay down.

Annie sat on Lora's bed and curiously asked, "Lora, didn't you get enough sleep on the spaceship? Ah, could it be that last night, you were up to no good with your puppyish boyfriend at home, and you're too tired to attend military training now?"