
Stellar Eclipse: Celestial Weavings

Astra, a young woman shrouded in the mystery of forgotten memories, awakens in an expansive field with only the echo of her name lingering in the recesses of her mind. As the celestial curtain rises, Astra finds herself thrust into a world both familiar and alien, where the gods themselves manipulate the threads of destiny. Bearing witness to a cosmos in flux, Astra grapples with the enigma of her existence, navigating landscapes shaped by divine hands and skies painted with cosmic hues. Each step she takes unravels fragments of her identity, revealing a fate intricately woven into the very fabric of the universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Might make mc a futa who knows?)

TouyaKazuya_2 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Child of the stars

Astra awoke to the soft rustling of the night breeze, the scent of dew-kissed grass lingering in the air. Beneath the celestial canvas of the night sky, a vast field of tall grass embraced her, a sea of emerald waves beneath a canvas of twinkling stars.

Her eyes, vibrant orbs reminiscent of blue galaxies filled with stars, blinked open to the mysterious expanse around her. Short, messy strands of white hair framed her face, and as she rose from the grassy bed, a sense of bewilderment enveloped her. The night held its secrets, and so did the recesses of her mind.

Astra, a name echoing in the chambers of her consciousness, resonated with the gentle murmur of the night. The field, bathed in the ethereal glow of starlight, seemed to cradle her in a cosmic embrace. She ran her fingers through her disheveled hair, the strands like wisps of cloud against the canvas of the night.

As she stood in that tranquil sea of grass, the night whispered its lullaby, weaving threads of curiosity and uncertainty into the fabric of her thoughts. She clutched the only certainty she possessed—the name Astra—like a precious gem in the vast expanse of the unknown.

The night sky above held a mesmerizing display, constellations telling tales she couldn't decipher. Astra, a child of the stars, felt an inexplicable connection to the celestial tapestry above. Her vibrant blue eyes mirrored the cosmic wonders that adorned the heavens.

A distant murmur, a gentle invitation from the night, beckoned her forward. Astra stepped through the tall grass, guided by an unseen force drawing her toward the heart of the field. Every step resonated with the symphony of a universe in silent conversation.

Memories eluded her, slipping through the gaps in her consciousness like stardust carried by the wind. Yet, a name—Astra—anchored her to this moment, a celestial beacon in the sea of forgetfulness.

"Where.... Am I?"