
Stellar Eclipse: Celestial Weavings

Astra, a young woman shrouded in the mystery of forgotten memories, awakens in an expansive field with only the echo of her name lingering in the recesses of her mind. As the celestial curtain rises, Astra finds herself thrust into a world both familiar and alien, where the gods themselves manipulate the threads of destiny. Bearing witness to a cosmos in flux, Astra grapples with the enigma of her existence, navigating landscapes shaped by divine hands and skies painted with cosmic hues. Each step she takes unravels fragments of her identity, revealing a fate intricately woven into the very fabric of the universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Might make mc a futa who knows?)

TouyaKazuya_2 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Astra the Wolf Slayer (1) (short)

Hands enveloped in an ethereal, blue glow, Astra faced the Wild Starlight Wolf in a silent confrontation. The energy swirling around her fists felt both alien and intimately known. Lost in her thoughts, she almost paid a grisly price as the wolf lunged towards her. A last-minute dodge spared her from a perilous fate, and a surprised "Whoa!" escaped her lips.

Stepping back, Astra felt a surge of determination, and as the wolf pounced once more, she charged with newfound purpose. A clash of enhanced fists and sharp claws echoed through the Hollow Woods. In a swift and fluid motion, Astra flipped over the wolf, delivering a crushing blow to the top of its head, leaving the magical beast lifeless on the grassy floor.

Reality struck when Astra realized she was not alone. More Wild Starlight Wolves emerged, surrounding her in a threatening circle. Unfazed, she squared her shoulders, ready for the challenge that awaited her.

**First POV: Astra**

I looked down at my hands, still aglow with that mysterious blue energy. It surged through my arms, empowering me in a way that felt both exhilarating and unknown.

"What... is this?" A blue screen materialized in my vision once again, displaying a message that seemed like a quest.

**\[New Quest!\]**

**Wolf Slayer!**

–Defeat all 7 Wild Starlight wolves!

*Rewards: Status menu (Unlocked), 60 system points, and 1 Skill and 1 new title!*


I had absolutely no clue what any of this meant, but the prospect of unraveling the mysteries that surrounded me outweighed any hesitation. The screen closed, and as the realization set in, I found myself encircled by seven starlight wolves.

And maybe... Whatever that has drawn me into this forest will help recover my missing memories!