
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter 8

Daphne's body shook violently as she walked slowly towards her car. As she opened the door to her car, Ethan and Imogen called out to her to wait, she could have ignored them but a part of her wanted to hear what they had to say.

 "Daphne, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but since you already know there's no need to hide it, Ethan and I have been dating for four years, I just helped him out of an unhealthy and unhappy relationship," Imogen said with a smug smile.

 "Are you done? if you are I have places to be and Ethan we're done, don't call me or text me," Daphne responded.

 "Don't worry he doesn't have to pretend anymore," Imogen said hugging him and smiling.

 Daphne stared at the man she had sacrificed her entire life for as he looked lovingly at her sister, he looked at Imogen in the way she always wanted him to look at her. She eventually looked away, got into the car and drove off.


 When she got home she sat in her living room and stared blankly at her blank TV screen, the entire house was as quiet as a graveyard, you could even hear the sound of a pin drop. She stayed like that for two hours straight and finally, the seemingly lifeless mannequin moved. She picked up her phone and called Mira who answered on the first ring.


 "How did it go," Mira's worried voice echoed in the quiet house. 


 "I don't even know, they came clean about their relationship and they're not remorseful, Imogen dared to tell me she was helping Ethan get out of an unhappy and unhealthy relationship,Ethan said I am toxic and crazy, and to make matters worse my dad was in on it Mira, my entire family was using me," Daphne said crying.

" I feel so empty yet I feel like I'm going crazy, I've been so foolish all the signs were there but I ignored them and now I'm paying the price of giving my all, I need my best friend," Daphne choked out in between sobs.




 In the Cy mansion, a young lady was sitting at the edge of her bed her face was filled with worry as she listened to her friend sob at the other end of the phone, the last time she heard Daphne cry like this was when her mother died. 


 She felt her heartache as she heard Daphne's painful cries. She immediately got up and grabbed her purse.

 "Daph I'm coming to you right now ok, just take deep breaths," Mira said getting ready to leave. 


"Ok," Daphne replied weakly in a hoarse voice. 

 On her way out she met her mother who had a panicked expression on their face. She rushed towards her Mum as she looked like she would faint any second and guided her inside. 

 "What's wrong, why do you look like someone died," Mira asked getting scared, she looked around with a confused expression. 

"And where's dad," she asked getting scared with a million bad thoughts running through her mind.

 "Did something happen to him," Mira asked again and still got no response.

 "Mum, you're scaring me, where's dad," Mira asked shaking and the mute woman finally spoke.

 "Your dad is fine," her mum said. "oh thank God," Mira said and released a breath she didn't know she held in.

" It's Quinn," her mum said. "The flight he took to Walt Island disappeared, your brother is missing," she cried.

 Mira's face went pale. "What do you mean missing, where's dad, Have you called the police what would they even do, Dad knows some government officials right, has he contacted them," she asked all at once.

"He has contacted them, he's with them right now. My son is gone what am I going to do," she wailed while Mira hugged her also sobbing.

She then took her mum into her room and sat with her until she fell asleep. She later received a call from her dad.

"Hey Dad any news," Mira asked hopefully.

"No," he said." But I need you to come pick me up I just realized I sent your mum home with the car we brought here"

"Ok, I'm on my way," she responded walking into her room and grabbing her keys. The place was quite far from home and she got there an hour later. On her way back she and her dad discussed the details of the case.

 They experienced a bit of traffic because of an accident, and when they finally got home an hour and half had already passed. As Mira settled to rest for a bit, she suddenly jolted up from her bed.

"Daphne," she shrieked. "I forgot," she said and called her phone repeatedly but got no response, she immediately dashed out of her house and drove to Daphne's house breaking all speed limits. She got to her apartment door and typed in the passcode, she missed it a few times as her hands were trembling, she was so scared because Daphne completely lost control when she was hurt or angry. 


The door finally opened and Mira frantically ran around the apartment yelling Daphne's name but was met with silence, she started panicking even more and started dialing Daphne's number but met with no answer, she called 10 more times but received no response, she started texting her but still nothing. 

Then Daphne called her back, she immediately answered the call but before she could get a word in a deep voice echoed through the phone.