
Stealth Sage

Giren Zakumbane. A poor teenage boy who has had everything stripped away from him. He drowns in sorrow until an opportunity is presented to him. He is sent to an alternate world, where a piece of paper guides him towards his revenge. He is gifted above average powers, and must go through a grueling journey to find the ones who killed his loved ones and get the ultimate revenge. He is granted the power to learn all stealth related magic at a rate nine hundred times faster than an average person would. Watch Giren on his journey as he changes the world with his stealth.

Lloydd · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Prologue: Stripped Away

In the household of the Zakumbanes', life was swell. They were a normal family of 6, and the mother and father of the families worked hard to supply their overwhelmingly large family. It was a normal night for the Zakumbanes, as it was 9:00 P.M, and it was around this time that they all retreated to their rooms to engage in whatever personal activities one might partake in.

Giren Zakumbane, recently turned 16, was in his room sulking as a normal teenage boy would. There was school tomorrow, so he revised over his homework while playing some tunes in his wireless earbuds. He was an avid enjoyer of music, as he saw it as his only escape from things. He was also naturally sneaky. The boy could wander around the white house and still not be seen, for God's sake. It was scary just how stealthy he was.

If his parents weren't careful, the boy might've accidentally went and stirred some trouble in some random place. For this reason, he was under constant 24 hour surveillance around the house. He thought it was pretty unnecessary, and that his parents were seriously weird. At least they turned it off when he was changing, though, so he didn't mind too much.

'Hm, I wonder if they'll let me join the literature club tomorrow. Maybe my enrollment in the club will look better on my record so that I could get in to any literature schools after I finish highschool.' Giren had also had a bright passion for writing, and has always wanted to share his blooming creativity. As sneaky as the boy was, he was freakishly creative. The sheer conundrums that take place in his mind were enough for him to be placed in a lab and monitored.

He suddenly heard a deafening, terror filled scream. And to make it worse, it sounded like it came from his mother. He quickly rushed outside of his room into the living room, his heart beating fast.

His heart only beat faster as he saw a sight that shook him to his core. A group of people wearing all black attire had been in his living room, one of them choking his mother. Rage filled him, as would any other son who loved their mother. He rushed towards them, throwing away his common sense, and as a result, one of the men was quick to notice him and gave him a hard kick to the side.

He was flung to the wall by the sheer force of the kick and groaned as he hit the wall. He hurried to get up, but one of the men held him in a vise grip, refusing to let him go. It seemed that the more he struggled, the stronger his grip became.

"Relax boy, it's time to watch the show." The man who held him whispered behind him.

"Shut up! Let me go! Why are you doing this?" The boy groaned and tried his best to escape. He shook, and shook, he pulled against the man with all his might. Unfortunately for him, the man's grip hadn't even budged a millimeter.

Giren could only watch in horror as the men soon brought his beloved sisters, and father in front of him. He struggled once more, trying his absolute best. His body going into overdrive from just how much he struggled. The man who held him wore rubber gloves, so marks were forming on Giren's skin from just how much he attempted to move.

One by one, the men beheaded his screaming family members in front of them. The boy could only sit still as the men brought his family's heads to him, and dropped them like a sack of potatoes by his feet. They then proceeded to laugh in his face, and mock the boy.

"Just like that, your family is fucking dead! They all died like little fucking ants. Their lives were meaningless!" One of the men kicked his mother's body, then spat on it with a look of pure disgust. "Look at this sickly looking whore. She's a sack of fucking shit."

Giren couldn't even show his anger anymore, as his face was completely emotionless. He was practically dead without being dead. The men took note of this and only further mocked the poor boy's family.

They then went to his father. "Look! Look at this piece of shit. He couldn't even protect this family. He's a disgrace of a father and a man. He's truly nothing but a fucking bug. He's a fucking worm!" The men gathered and spit on his corpse, kicking it, playing football with his decapitated head.

They then eyed Giren's sisters. "Huh, they aren't as ugly as their parents. Lets just use them right now. What do ya' say boys? Let's have a fun release!" They then made their way to their dead bodies and used them, right in front of Giren. His family was totally and utterly humiliated by these men, and mocked even in their deaths.

Giren had no tears to cry, and a burning sensation that was revenge was birthed in his damaged heart.

Then, what looked to be the leader of the group came up to Giren and removed his mask. What it revealed was a man who seemed to be your typical scumbag. His teeth were ragged and ugly, some even being dirt brown. In his eyes a deranged look, with a long, scar going over his right. He had a patchy beard that looked unkept, and his hair was all over this place. He looked like the type of guy to be homeless on the side of the road.

"Any last words before we go?" The leader asked with a sickly smirk to his face. As if this was all a game to him.

Giren then looked up at the man, finally letting his anger show on his face. He glared at the man with such ferocity it was as if the man's entire bloodline would be purged with just that glare.

"I'm going to find you."

The gruff man widened his eyes for a bit before he went back to his silly smirk. "Alright boy, come get me. You won't find shit."

The man then drew a dagger from his back pocket. He placed the dagger in front of Giren.

"This is the dagger I killed your slut of a mother with. I figured I'd leave it as a little farewell gift, you fucking ant."

And with that, he and his men left the household, and the area was silent again. After what seemed like hours, Giren's face contorted into a mixture of rage and sadness. He took the blade with his hand and stabbed himself in his heart.

'You're not getting away,' Were his last thoughts.

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