
Stealing the Protagonist's Harem!

Born as an orphan, Jason never had anyone close to him. He endlessly searched for things to take his mind off of the loneliness such as studying, martial arts, and most importantly, reading. Jason had always loved fantasy novels for taking his mind on an extraordinary ride experiencing another person's life. One novel in particular had his attention, and he became invested in it. And finally, after running almost eight years, the novel 'Surviving my Rebirth in this Hellish World' was finally coming to an end. However, at this time, he was the only reader of the novel. Jason wasn't satisfied. After reading the terrible ending of his favorite harem series, he is given a chance to change the story. He is reincarnated into the novel as Raine Knightford, a prince and minor antagonist. Using this second chance at life, he will attempt to change the story and save his protagonist from his dark fate by giving him his happy ending. And, you know, steal the protagonists harem or whatever. _____ Onm, this novel staying free, idgaf. Contracts be damned! ____ I am attempting my first real go at writing for real. I will do my best to create a believable world and have a decent protagonist and side characters. However, my prologue is quite poor and there might be a few continuity errors when writing. I am still quite the amateur, but I am very open to any criticism you might give me. ____ Instagram (Character Pictures): thesharpest_pen1 Cashtag: $thesharpestpen1

TheSharpestPen · แฟนตาซี
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52 Chs

Everett Maxon (4)

Although I steeled myself to fight her, I would rather talk her down if possible. If I can solve a problem with words, I will attempt to negotiate. Negotiation is a fundamental part of a noble's education, as every noble is taught to neutralize an opponent most effectively. A noble's education comes in the years before going to the academy.

First, they receive an extensive history lesson on the Knightford Kingdom along with knowledge of mathematics, writing, and the surrounding kingdoms. This lesson takes up quite a bit of time in a noble's young life as it usually takes around four years to complete. They generally begin said lessons at ages as young as three.

Second is ethics training, which is usually where true noble training begins. This is where one learns of the proper mannerisms and behavior of nobility. It is common to begin training as a young eight and proceed until they reach adulthood, which is age 15. However, if one could pass the kingdom's ethics quiz, one could skip the remaining years of ethics training.

Finally, combat training is the next step in a noble's education. Well, while I say it's the next step, it starts about the same time as ethics training. During this time, a noble will be taken to the castle and awaken their aura; every noble's dormant, specialized magic ability. They also receive the chance to choose a specific item from the royal vault, called a geas.

As I neared my target, the blue-haired lightning bolt, I channeled mana into my geas. I then pulled out a pair of dark red shades from my coat pocket and dawned it. I can't let my guard down, and although I'm certain I would be stronger than the entire Royal Academy combined, I still have a chance of losing.

Finally, I got close enough that I could be heard if I spoke to her.

I stopped in my tracks. How would I do this? Should I just, I don't know, strike up a conversation casually? Say, Hey party mate, I'm here to bring you back with me now. No, no, that would just be plain weird. Come on, this should be easy, I seduced numerous women in my life, and I'm certain I can get her to come back with me.

As I contemplated what to say, Liara had already gotten close enough that I could reach out and touch her.

"Hey-" I opened my mouth to speak to her. However, she completely ignored me and passed me by.

Huh? I was left aghast at the maneuver. Did she simply pretend not to notice me? This doesn't align properly with the information I was provided about her. So why did she ignore my presence?

"Hey, Lightning Flash!"


She stopped in her tracks and turned when I called her name. I had amplified my voice with sound magic and called out her name in a tone loud enough for most of the block to hear. I began channeling mana within my feet and legs to prepare for a dodge. I proceeded to use the full extent of my knowledge of women to prepare a foolproof line to get her to come to me.

I posed in my most elegant manner feasible, outstretched my hand toward her, and blurted out, "Be mine!"


"Wait, that's not what I meant! Let me try again."

I looked straight at the ground to hide my face, which was flushed red and hot. I was incredibly embarrassed. I messed up on the initial line and ruined my chance to make a decent first impression. No, no, I can do better. I took a deep breath and began to speak again.

"You're a part of my adventurer party. I am going to need you to return with me."

She looked at me with a piercing gaze so cold that I could feel a chill creeping up my spine. She then looked up as if she were contemplating something. That was when she started to speak.

"That's right, I suppose I did have a party of two other members assigned to me."

She shrugged and turned back around, "You can go back, I intend on completing this quest alone."

Liara began walking away after speaking to me. As she continued forward, her graceful walk was interrupted by an invisible barrier on the ground which caused her to tumble to the ground. As she lay on the ground; collapsed, I walked up to her and began talking.

"You intend to complete a quest alone, although you can't even walk properly?"

She turned her face to meet mine and sent the most terrifying gaze I had ever seen. I backed up a little bit, and Liara got back up.

"I'm warning you, leave me alone."

Her eyes which were once a cool blue began lighting up. She began emitting an aura so high that electricity began flying off her. I backed up even more.

Typically, commoners grow up without being able to use aura. Since only nobility was allowed to be able to control aura, the common people were never able to have their aura abilities unlocked. However, there were rare cases of commoners forcefully awakening their auras through intense training. The training often resulted in the person being rendered to a vegetable-like state or, in the worse case, death.

On the contrary, if a commoner were to force out their aura successfully, it would result in what is known as a broken aura. While this broken aura is weaker than a normal one, it still provides an immense power boost to the person who uses it.

"Incredible, to think that you could force out your aura! And to think it's such a powerful one!"

I was even more intrigued with her now than I was before. This woman before me managed to train hard enough to release her aura and strong enough to survive it! In my eyes, she was an extraordinary presence to be around.

I shook my head and focused on Liara. I couldn't afford to lose my cool.

"I'm sorry, but I can't afford to leave you be. I have our other party member waiting, and I intend on making it back to him in time."

Plus, I find you interesting.

I couldn't let that last part out, it was just too embarrassing to say aloud.


Liara began letting out an even fiercer aura than before. Sparks began flying out even more violently than before. Electricity began shocking the surrounding area, scorching the pavement and everything else around.

At this point, all of the citizens in this part of town had been evacuated. This left us alone to rampage.

Larger sparks started sprouting from her back and electricity covered her hands and legs. She struck an elegant pose with one leg in front of the other and drew her rapier. Her long blue hair blew with the sparks, and her usually neutral face became a slight grimace. She took a fencing stance, and the electricity flowing from her back took the form of wings.

An angel. She looked incredible. Her sheer beauty at that moment had me mesmerized in that singular moment. So this is why she was called the Lightning Flash, eh? I understand the lightning part of the name, but what of the flash?

As I was contemplating the meaning of the name, Liara muttered in a tone just loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm no longer in the academy, so this is fine." She readied her blade and spoke one last time, "If you're going to stand in my way, then just die."

Just then, she moved faster than my mana-enchanted eyes could perceive. These eyes, which could even react to attacks made at the speed of light, moved even faster. I hastily prepared my mind to react to her attacks. However, it was all useless.

Within less than a fraction of a second, I felt both of my arms being sliced off. She then proceeded to thrust her rapier into my abdomen, my liver, my spleen, and finally, my heart. My body, which was barely staying alive thanks to mana, just stood still.


With those words, her rapier pierced the center of my skull, splitting my red shades in half. My body completely shut down and my mind went blank. I fell to my knees. I started to feel my faint consciousness; kept alive by the sheer strength of my mana, fade away.

My body became cold, no, to be correct, I could no longer feel temperature at all. I couldn't even feel it when my body hit the ground. My mind began to fade out more and more until all I saw was black. And with that, I was dead.

Or, at least, that's the outcome that should have happened.