
stealing the hard work of a Demon Lord

SIDO_RACHI · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

focusing on the present

[name: alexander

[age: 16

[straight: 12]

[agility: 10]

[constitution: 10]

[mana: 200 | 1/minut]

[summary: congratulation, your mana reserve is way to big that your pathetic body can't take it.]


was that damp ass issac a masoshist or something seriously through why make your spell like that if your not one, I search his memory thoroughly and to my surprise i actually fond his dark past of playing dog and licking the feets of his cheating wife!!


no wonder he got cucked by his friend this guy was literally beging for it to happen.

okeeey so my current condition was because am so damn talented well I can work with that but that a hell lott of mana, for a healthy ordenary human 10 points in all status is considered avreg and a full fledged mage must have a minimum of 100 point in mana and I have 200!!, look like the maso bastard now his stuff, after all for him the more mana he have in the start the more stronger he will become in the future as for the weak body all he has to do is to turn his self into a demon simply by transforming all his mana into dark energy gaining him a boost of 50 points in all status.

cool right? yep ain't doing that why not you ask? of course because demons are no jok this is not a world where a busty demon lord girl with fake horns bury your head in her boobs and tell you "be mine" NO the demons in this world love chaios and destruction all they do is fellow their instincts, issac was propably the only one who didin't loss his self intaierly from the corruption of dark energy.

and doing that meens that i well loos my new family so this method is a big no.

but this doesn't meen i will forever be this weak, issac was a loser why because he chose the easiest way to becom stronger abandoning humanty my seems a good idea but it is the most foolish thing to do.

humans have the most potential for growth from the body to the brain, physically and mentally all you need is hard work and that exactly what am going to do.

I stood up from the bed and started doing push ups and sit ups and when i feel myself getting close to my limits i casted"heal"a simpel healing spell whicI costs 10 mana point i was so preoccupied yesterday about my transmigration that I forget using it when I felt unwell, I keep the repetitive act of reaching my limit and using heal for the entier night getting stronger is my first priority after all there are bieng that can blow mountains with just a though so to survive from the future event in this novel word and protect my family in the proses I need to get stronger then anyone else.

and when I stoped traning the entier floor was drenshed weth sweat.

"haa haa"

i take a breath and sit down to rest, damn that was hard but comparing to re living through isaac memory in constant hedach this traning was like a walk in the park.

"cnok cnok..young lord i brought you breakfast"

'shit' I quickly jump to my bed covering myself in the blanket while wespering


and all the sweaty floor and my clothes got cleaned.

"com in"

I say and the maid from yesturday enter the room and places the tray on the table and leaves the room after bowing.


that was close I don't wana know what mother well do if she finds out about my training.

now it time to eat am so facking hungry I look at the food and I froz there's only vegetables her where is my meat, ah y yeah I remember now the former alex was a vegetarian damn it this sucks, don't get me wrong I like eating vegetables but I also need meat this food in front of me can't even tickle my stomach and my crazy traning burn a lot of calories to the point that I neead to eat 4 times of what a normal person eat I glance again at the food on the table damit telling my family well be too suspicious I need a plane jumping derectly to traning and leting my excitement get the btter of me was a foolich idea ok this needs to stop only thinking far ahead will only bring me to my doom lik a wise Tortoise once said : "Your too concerned with what was and what to be ther's a saying yesturday is history tomorrow is mystery and today is a gift that why was it called present"

indeed it is shifou thank you for sharing your wisdom.

alright I need to use what i have at hand.

first of all I know that am in (birth of heroes)a novel started from the rebirth of issac the demon lord in the continent of vynimar in a small kingdom called estia who started destroying everything killing or turning to demon evry living bieng he set his eyes apon and making his army in the process moving forwards to engulf the continent in chaios in the proses. and one of this villages he destroyed was the hom town of the mc his name was Leonard.

leonard was a normal boy living a crfree life until that day hords of demons com invading his villag massacring avry one, his parent got eaten befor his eys his childhood frend got her head choped trying to save him thanks to her he managed to survive and run.

when leonard was walking aimesly he find a sword that have the soule of lukas the first hero in this world and with time and lukas teaching he get stronger and join the frontlines of the battle against the demons and eventuialy defeat the demon lord and he live happily ever after _end_.

End my ass I facking changed the whole plot if there no issac ther no demon lord if there no demon lord there also no army of demons and the war between demons and human's wont happen so say bay to knowing fiutur event.

ok calm down me it not a bad thing no war hapining means that i have mor time now for me to get stronger, I fitch a map of the kingdom of estia located north of the continent vynimar I look around our barony and Pointe at a small forest near ower land.

alright i first need a lot of food I can handel monsters below danger level 3, and with my curent nana reserve I can deal with my body perfectly speaking of my body i didn't check if I mad any improvement after last night traning.


[name: alexander

