
The Caller

The number of people who know the personal number registered on my name was few. Apart from all the girls that I stole and some who I used to get close to them, I never gave it away to anyone. Even my email was the same.

And with the advent of easier access to the internet as well as instant messaging applications, the need to give it out lessened considerably.

That’s why seeing an unknown number calling me made me think twice before answering.

Well, there was also that instance of Hitomi calling me through a satellite phone. That’s why it’s not that unusual for me to get a call from an unknown contact, it’s just rare.

Nami, who clearly saw how I tensed up slightly which indicated my surprise, stared at me in slight confusion.

“Is there something wrong?” She asked.

Perhaps hearing that Nami stopped being playful, Satsuki and the others also looked in my direction, wondering what happened.