
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

STB: Chapter 30 **

After a lovely dinner with his family and the girls, his parents had already retired for the night, Alex and the girls went back to his lab and Alex shared with them his findings and asked for their opinions.

"So what do you think?" Alex asked them as he rested his chin on his palm.

"Well that's easy, remove it and replace it with your artificial ego" Sayaka said as she crossed her arms.

"And you?" Alex looked at Yukina who was still thinking.

"... You've said there's a possibility where that ego will take control right?" Yukina asked causing Alex to nod.

"Then I have no reason to keep a liability on my weapon" Yukina said while crossing her arms, which Alex grinned since more research for him.

While Alex thought he could create a god-slayer weapon using the ego with divine energy the problem is he can easily do it with runes, Alex has reached to the point where he can do anything with his runes and is just finding a way for others to use to it like what he called runenology, runes and technology combined.

But for now, he has to focus on working on the weapons of Yukina and Sayaka, their weapons are already good but not to the point of his magical heritage (relic eater), and Sayaka's weapon true form (bow) can jam magic in a large scale which is a big advantage in a fight where magic is the main weapon, it also has an effect on Napakuvera but it eventually adapted by creating a physical barrier around it.

As for Yukina's weapon Schneewalzer, her weapon is a bit more special, well not really since both Sayaka's weapon and Yukina's weapon use the ego as a core, but Yukina's weapon has the advantage.

Yukina's lance has the ability where It utilizes holy vibrations that negate magic, not as strong as his relic eater's anti-magic since that will turn any spells back to their original form.


After Alex was done turning their weapons into a magical heritage (relic eater) Yukina's weapon didn't have to rely on holy vibration to negate magic since it has now an active ego regulating the anti-magic properties, this also works similarly to Sayaka's sword and bow hybrid, basically both weapons are now on the level of Vlad, but Vlad is still his best creation so far as he imbued it with his blood.

... Wait does that mean Vlad is his daughter? Nah.

Also, the two weapons' egos are both Loli, at this point, Alex is not surprised anymore as Vlad's siblings are all Loli, though, Alex feels disappointed that not once of his egos is a busty woman, he's still hoping for the day it will happen.

Alex looked at Yukina and Sayaka who were playing UNO and called them.

"Girls it's done, but you can't test it now since it's already late, also Yukina time to do my part of my deal" Alex smirked at Yukina as he gestured for her to sit on his lap.

Seeing this Yukina blushed and looked at Sayaka who encouraged her to go.

Yukina gathered up courage and sat down on Alex's lap, even if her cheeks and ears were crimson red her face did not show any emotion as Yukina slowly unbuttoned her uniform so Alex could have easy access to her neck.

Seeing her actions Alex can't help but unconsciously licked his lips as he stared at her delicate neck.

Alex slowly smelled her neck and gave it a lick causing Yukina to shiver and immediately covered her mouth to avoid making shameful and indecent sounds, Alex opened his mouth as his fangs slowly became longer and gently bit Yukina's neck.

"Ahn~" Yukina couldn't help but release a small moan as shivers ran down her spine due to the pleasure she was currently feeling, the reason for this was because Alex's saliva made the person he was feeding not feel pain in exchange the person would feel pleasure, as it would affects the taste of the blood of the person's he's drinking, he already experienced that with Sayaka where he instantly bites her neck without preparation and surprising her as the taste of her blood reach to the point where it becomes undrinkable.

Meanwhile, Sayaka was watching Alex feed on Yukina felt weird for some reason, there's a certain feeling that her lover was feeding on her friend makes her feel weird inside.

Sayaka noticed this as her eyes widened and realized.

"Oh no... This is wrong..." Sayaka muttered as she covered his mouth in shock and immediately ran out of the lab and headed towards Alex's shared room.


After feeding on Yukina, causing her to pass out from the overwhelming sensation, Alex carefully placed her on the bed inside his lab. 

It was her first time experiencing being fed upon, similar to Sayaka who also became unconscious when Alex first fed on her blood.

As Alex stepped into his room, he noticed Sayaka nestled under a blanket, seemingly fast asleep. 

Despite her stillness, Alex could sense her slightly elevated heartbeat which betrayed her facade. 

With a knowing smile, Alex called out to her, knowing she was just pretending to sleep.

"Hey, Sayaka? Is there something wrong? You suddenly ran out from the lab earlier" Alex said as he roamed his hands around her body, causing her to stiffen.

"Oh? You're not going to answer huh?" Alex's hand fondled her big breast which he came to like causing her to bite her lips to suppress any sound from escaping, Sayaka also needed to clench her first due to the pleasure she was experiencing.

"Looks like I need to teach you some manners for ignoring your master, huh?" Alex said with a grin as he removed the blanket, revealing a sweaty Sayaka.

"Look at you, so sweaty. It's not good for my image as a master to let my servant get sick. Who knows what they would think, right?" Alex said as he slowly traced from her stomach down to her abdomen.

"So, I need to remove your clothes, right?" Sayaka fought hard not to let out a single sound as Alex began to undress her, to which she cooperated.

Alex removed her clothes, leaving Sayaka in her purple bra and purple thong, while he also noticed a damp stop in her crotch area, seeing this Alex couldn't help but grin as Sayaka's lips quivered.

Due to being a pseudo-vampire, Sayaka can sense anything near her very well, to the point where she can simulate what's currently happening inside her mind, even if her eyes are closed.

"Are you still not awake, Sayaka?" Alex asked as he started to remove her bra, freeing her breasts from their confines. He then slowly removed Sayaka's thong, noticing liquid stretching out from her thong to her slit.

Sayaka's breathing becomes ragged as she grits her teeth and clenched her fist,

then Alex also removed all his clothes as he slowly spread her legs revealing her glistening folds, Alex then rubbed the head of his dick to her slits, seeing no reaction, Alex continued until Sayaka let out a soft moan, which she immediately covered her mouth, looking to the side.


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