
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

STB: Chapter 23

As Alex exited the remainder of Vatler's chamber, he saw Sayaka talking to a girl younger than her and looked at the boy named Kojou Akatsuki from the memories he received from Avrora.

"Yo, I'm done" Alex said as Sayaka went towards Alex's side.

"Nice to finally meet you cousin" Alex grinned, before Kojou could respond Alex took out a bottle with red fluids inside and shoved it inside Kojou's mouth.

Kojou can't help but swallow the fluids due to him getting surprised when Alex suddenly shoves the bottle in his mouth, while Yukina is worried about her observation target.

"Relax Yukina, Alex won't do anything to harm your observation target, probably..." Sayaka said unsurely.

"E-Eh? What do you mean by that Sayaka-san!" Yukina shook Sayaka who just nervously chuckled, then suddenly they felt mana emitted from Kojou, very dense at that.

"Oh? That's good, you've awakened them all using my blood as a medium, congrats, you're not a virgin vampire anymore" Alex grinned as he saw Kojou's mana slowly get more controlled.

"That's good, now you're at the level to the point you can sink the island without effort, maybe even more I guess" Alex thought while rubbing his chin.

"What was that you bastard! I almost died from suffocating!" Kojou yelled as he pointed at Alex.

"Oh wanna go?" Alex grinned, causing Kojou to rethink his options since this guy just defeated Vatler using one move from his familiar where he struggles.

"Anyway, what's that familiar you used when fighting Vatler?" Alex thought curiously.

"My 6th familiar, Limum-Gula" causing Alex to widen his eyes and immediately ask.

"How many familiars do you have? You can feel them right?" Causing Kojou to nod.

"Seven" As soon as Alex heard that he laughed loudly.

"That's great Kojou! Your familiar represents the seven deadly sins, and you Kojou Akatsuki, have the potential to be a progenitor, stand proud I guess? Anyways, let's go to a cafe so we can talk" Alex said and headed towards the car first, which caused Sayaka to guide Yukina and Kojou to the car.


"Did you really mean it when you said we're cousins?" Kojou curiously asked, causing Alex to nod.

"Yep, Avrora, you know her right?" Alex said, causing Kojou to grab his head due to pain.

"Oh? So that's how it is, anyways yes we're cousins not from our family but from Aurora, that's all you need to know" Alex smiled at him mysteriously causing Kojou to furrow his eyebrows.

"I see..." Kojou said as Alex's eyes shifted towards Yukina, specifically her guitar case.

"You reminded me of Sayaka when we first met, always carrying a guitar case as if she's a musician" Alex chuckled, causing Sayaka to slap his arm which caused him to laugh even more.

"Can I take a look?" Alex asked, making Yukina hesitate to give her weapon and looked at Sayaka for confirmation which she nodded and eventually Yukina gave up and handed over her guitar case.

Opening the guitar case, Alex immediately felt something strange inside the weapon, some energy that he couldn't explain.

"Interesting" Alex said as he used his eyes to see mana and saw every time a speck of mana hit the weapon it got destroyed which caused Alex to grin which Alex decided.

"Hey girl, wanna be mine?" Alex grinned which caused everyone to pause on the table.


"Too bad she says no" Alex whines as he lays his head on Sayaka's heavenly thighs while Sayaka strokes Alex's hair.

"At least you got her to agree to visit you twice a week right?" Sayaka giggled at how Yukina respectfully rejected his offer.

"Well she agreed because I paid her a storage ring so she doesn't have to carry that stupid guitar case" Alex said.

"You're not worried that she will hand that ring to the Lion King organization?" Sayaka asked, causing Alex to shake his head.

"Of course not, if she were to give it to the Lion King organization she'll lose my trust plus it's not like they can figure out how my storage rings work since I rigged them all" Alex shrugs.

"You rigged them all? Including mine?" Sayaka asked, causing Alex to nod.

"Of course Sayaka, I even rigged mine" Alex said while grinning.

"You're not going to ask how it worked?" Alex asked, causing Sayaka to shake her head.

"It's not like I will understand any of it" Sayaka pouted since she tried learning runes but she just couldn't comprehend it

"Well I'll just tell you if they want to study it using their mana, the storage ring will disintegrate itself, it will only respond to my mana, and other mana that doesn't belong to me will destroy the rings"

"If they want to study the rings they will obviously open up the storage rings to see their inside, but the moment they open it, it will also disintegrate, and all the things inside the storage rings will be transferred into my vault" Alex grinned causing Sayaka to widen her eyes.

"So every time a storage ring gets destroyed all the items inside of it will be instantly transferred to your vault?" Sayaka said, causing Alex to nod.

"Exactly" Alex closed his eyes.

"So that's the reason why you want to make a company to sell storage rings for that purpose" Sayaka said while still caressing Alex's hair.

"Well not really, my first objective is to be rich and to gain influence, I just suddenly gained an inspiration and thought not every item is useless, besides the rings are durable enough to tank a hit from my yellow lion Pikachu (5th familiar), so you better start working on the company Sayaka or you'll get a punishment~" Alex doze off from Sayaka's thighs causing Sayaka to pout and pinched Alex's nose.


The next day Alex has been working with other relic eater's and has already created 5 of them, he was thinking of lending Vlad to Sayaka since he has no use for her at the moment so it's better Vlad gets her experience.

As for other relic eater's he has no idea who to lend them.

"Hey, Vlad?" Alex asked, causing Vlad to manifest herself sitting on his lap which caused Alex to look around for the FBI.

"Yes, master?" Vlad said as she looked Alex in the eyes.

"You don't mind if I let Sayaka borrow you right?" Alex asked, causing Vlad to think about it for a moment.

"Before I answer, you'll still use me right?" Vlad says as she stares at Alex's eyes.

"... Can you at least mind your words while you're sitting on my lap? It can be easily misinterpreted" Alex said, causing him to sweat.

"And yes, I'll still use you as my weapon whenever I need you, it's not like you're going anywhere since you and your sisters are bound to my soul and can manifest you guys anytime near me, it's also why I created the contract function so other people can use your powers when you guys choose to accept their contracts, you guys also work as my information network" Alex shrugs and began to work with another project called project ship girls.

"I see. Then I accepted master's proposal. Should I go to Mistress Sayaka right now?" Vlad asked, causing Alex to think for a while, and shook his head.

"Not at the moment, I'll just tell you when" Alex said as he began making the designs where he would be making the ship girls, at first he planned to create them using the base of Astarte, but Alex thought he was getting more into the science and less runes, so he's going to create the body using runes and use souls stone for their souls, Alex will also have to make sure they stay loyal to him since he have no idea how powerful they are if they are fully done.

But Alex estimated them to be as strong as a 2nd or 3rd generation of vampires.

Alex will also have to create an automated storage ring runeology for his business.

"I need the business so I can spread my influence on the island so when I reveal myself as the 4th progenitor, I can smoothly take over Itogami island and also win the inhabitant's trust" Alex said as he patted the 'sleeping' Vlad on his lap when suddenly his phone rang.

"Hello, Asagi?" Alex put the phone on his ears causing him to hear the shaken voice of Asagi.

"I messed up Alex" Asagi said and the call ended.

"... Well fuck, another problem around me once again, looks like power will really attract troubles huh?" Alex said as he chuckled.


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