

Ana, as people call Kiana, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, lives with such a perfect family, a normal life vanishes instantly since her older sister Naya decided to commit suicide, her older sister's departure forever changes the meaning of a family for Kiana.  The first love pinned on her father just disappeared when a secret was revealed for real where the cause of her brother's death was an affair committed by her father, the girl's hatred deepened when she was made a bet by her own father and was forced to marry a cold, flat man.  and cruel.  This is where Kiana's life journey begins again, big problems arise when love begins to exist, misfortune befalls the girl again where the husband's infidelity is happening right in front of her eyes, it doesn't stop there like thousands of knives are stabbed, it's revealed who the woman who was cheating on her father was when  it made Kiana feel very devastated, plus the cause of her mother's accident which was planned by her best friend's biological mother.  With all these complexities, will Kiana be able to survive in the midst of her young pregnancy or choose another way to save her future child from all the problems she is experiencing?

Yoong_Fa · ย้อนยุค
13 Chs

Part 9

"Never hurt my mother, you have no right to touch her!" Kiana said very flatly.

"Ana..." muttered Liana who only focused on looking at the princess, there was a feeling of happiness in her heart because the princess was back talking a lot and no longer confining herself. "Ana, it's not like what you see, son, you don't understand what's going on, your mother is trying to provoke my emotions," said Jarvis who spoke quietly, but Kiana didn't pay attention to him at all, the girl just kept quiet and walked towards her mother. He looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him, he slowly smiled slightly and wiped the tears that spilled down his mother's cheeks.

"Don't cry, I'm here for Mom, come on..." he muttered quietly and carried his mother out of the room, ignoring his father's presence.

"Ana you don't understand son, listen to Dad's explanation first," said Jarvis which made Kiana stop her steps.

"No Ana..." said Liana who saw the princess's face filled with anger. Kiana just took a deep breath and turned to look at the man.

"What explanation are you going to tell me? Tell me now what do you mean?" Kiana said very flatly and looked at her father.

"Son... Your mother is no longer being nice to me, Father is trying to admit this mistake, and you see what your mother did to me?"

"Yes... of course I know... is this a misunderstanding? Now please explain what happened recently? Can you explain why my sister left forever? And can you explain why my mother became like this? Tell me... I want to hear all your explanations, come on tell me don't you want to explain this misunderstanding? Why are you just silent Dad!" said Ana emphasizing all her words especially on Father's sentence, which made Jarvis just shut up and stare at the princess.

"Tell me! why are you just silent?"

"Ana, you can't blame Dad for all of this, your brother's departure was fate, son. What's wrong with you?" Jarvis said very carefully which made Kiana smile sarcastically.

"Not your fault? I can't blame you? then who should I blame? what is it?" Kiana said flatly while pointing at her mother.

"Is she the one I should blame for all this trouble? Is she the one I should blame for my brother's death? I'm not a stupid girl Dad! I saw and heard everything, you blamed him for all these mistakes without seeing your fault? I never thought the man I call my father... the man who taught me what love is, the man who taught me the meaning of trust is a man who is reliable in two faces! If only I had known earlier maybe this pain wouldn't have killed my brother! He taught me well what is the meaning of love and affection, but he was also the one who destroyed it without saying anything, he who taught me the meaning of a belief in life but he killed it so viciously that the poor girl will never again believe in the love you say."

"Ana, I'm your father! Everyone has made mistakes, this is natural you won't understand because you are still very young Kiana, domestic life is sometimes very difficult to understand and—"

"I know... I know all that, domestic life destroys the mentality of some people, especially women who get a partner like you, I am still a teenager I will not understand your problems, I will not understand why you can sleep with other women, I also can't understand why mom kept everything from me! I never understood all that, even now I can't understand what my sister saw until she decided to end her life!" Kiana shouted loudly which made Jarvis raise his hand to slap the princess but stopped when Liana shouted at him.


"What's the matter why did you stop it? Do it! Slap me so that you are content to hurt the people who have cared for and cared for you, I'm sorry that I was trapped in your life, even if I can change it I don't want to be born as a child of a lowly man like you!"

"KIANA!!! Watch your words! I'm your father you can't—"

"No... no... I have to keep my word? What do you say I have to respect you? Do I deserve a man like you to respect?"

"KIANA! don't cross your line" Jarvis snapped with great emotion.

"What limits do I have to cross? tell me! when does the limit exist! Yes... I know no matter how I tell everyone if you're not my father, the world will still admit it, I'm sorry for the laws of nature that are so unfair to me, I regret having a father like you!"

"Enough Kiana, your mistake is too much!" said Jarvis with great emotion.

"Not yet... my mistake will be perfect when this happens," Kiana said as she opened the bandage on her hand, and the wound was still wet, she grabbed a fruit knife not far from there and scratched the scar again, making Lianan shouted because of what the princess did.

"Ana!!! what are you doing," shouted Liana loudly because she saw the princess's fresh blood had started dripping on the floor of the room.

"It's okay Mother, let this man know what should have happened a long time ago, and so that he can open his eyes wide," Kiana said flatly and her eyes were still staring at her father.

"You see this fresh blood Daddy! My big regret is having your blood in my body! Now, this afternoon witnessed by my mother, I, Kiana Nuraya Azrah, broke the blood ties between you and me, between a father and a daughter..." like being struck by lightning Kiana's words made Jarvis and Liana stunned.

It was as if the earth had stopped spinning, time was moving so slowly, Jarvis couldn't say anything but just stood still and stared at the boy's reddened eyes, the tears that fell down the girl's cheeks revealing her current state.