

Ana, as people call Kiana, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, lives with such a perfect family, a normal life vanishes instantly since her older sister Naya decided to commit suicide, her older sister's departure forever changes the meaning of a family for Kiana.  The first love pinned on her father just disappeared when a secret was revealed for real where the cause of her brother's death was an affair committed by her father, the girl's hatred deepened when she was made a bet by her own father and was forced to marry a cold, flat man.  and cruel.  This is where Kiana's life journey begins again, big problems arise when love begins to exist, misfortune befalls the girl again where the husband's infidelity is happening right in front of her eyes, it doesn't stop there like thousands of knives are stabbed, it's revealed who the woman who was cheating on her father was when  it made Kiana feel very devastated, plus the cause of her mother's accident which was planned by her best friend's biological mother.  With all these complexities, will Kiana be able to survive in the midst of her young pregnancy or choose another way to save her future child from all the problems she is experiencing?

Yoong_Fa · ย้อนยุค
13 Chs

Part 6

"What are you doing in that bed in hotel room number 358 Jarvis? Why did you do that! Why don't you just hurt me, why don't you just kill me! Why should my daughter Jarvis why!" he snapped with tears running down the woman's cheeks, Jarvis couldn't say anything he just kept silent hearing all the words of his wife at this time.

"Why? Why Jarvis you made my daughter do everything, you made my daughter leave my side forever Jarvis why are you so cruel to me, what did I do to you Jarvis what! sobbing again made him look very fragile at this time. Jarvis couldn't say anything, he was just silent with tears also streaming down his cheeks, Liana slowly went back up each step after forgetting all her heart to her husband, holding on to every iron coiled on the stairs Liana walked with very low and very clear sobs.

"Liana, I'm sorry," the man muttered very quietly and sounded so soft, Liana stopped her steps and glanced slightly at her husband. "Tell me Jarvis if I forgive you will Naya come back alive? What if I forgive you Naya will laugh with me again? Tell Jarvis what later if I forgive you the red mound of dirt will disappear? Answer me Jarvis," he said flatly without turning his head, Jarvis just silent he could no longer say anything, the middle-aged woman continued to walk up each step without looking back, she opened the door to the room of the eldest daughter who had died, she sat and looked at some of the photos belonging to the princess on display. there. "Son, why did you leave so soon dear, why did you leave mom and Kiana? Son, I'm sorry mom for keeping this secret from you, sorry mom, son," he said and kissed the photo of the princess. say this time to see Liana's condition, he turned to the clock on the wall which showed four in the morning, he slowly stood up and walked towards Kiana's room, when he opened the princess's room slowly he was so surprised when he saw the room was so very messy and also Kiana who was standing at the end of the balcony with a knife in her hand. It really made Liana startled and screamed hysterically.

"KIANA!" the woman ran towards the princess which made Kiana turn to her mother.

"What are you doing son? Drop the knife, don't do it again son," he said in a very low voice and walked towards the princess very slowly.

"No, Mom, stay away from me, don't come closer, I don't want to be here anymore, I want to be with my sister, Mom, I want to sleep forever with my sister," said the girl with tears running down her cheeks, Liana looked even more panicked at this time, he looked at the princess's hand which began to tremble pointing the knife towards his neck. "No...no, don't do that, son.

"No Mom I can't live without her I won't be able to celebrate my graduation day with her later, no Mom stay away from me."

"Kiana mom can't live without you son, if you want that, then mom will also come with you, let's go together," said Liana and drew closer to the princess.

"Stop Ma'am... don't come near me," said Kiana looking into her mother's eyes.

"Mom won't be able to survive without you Son, if you want that, let's go together."

"Stay away from me Mom, I can't add to your pain."

"My suffering will increase if you do this son, mother please don't leave mother. You are the only reason for mother to stay alive right now, Ana come on baby come down from there... mother is here for you Son, your life is still long dear come on.. Remember what your sister said you will continue your schooling to country Y right?" said Liana with feet that continued to slowly walk towards the princess.

"For what else, Mom? Why did I follow her request when she left without my permission, she left without asking me, why did she not think of me! She doesn't care about me!!" shouted Kiana with tears already running down her cheeks, Liana was still trying to walk towards the princess with eyes that only focused on a knife that was still tightly gripped by the princess.

"Ana, you love me, don't you? Do everything for mother, son, I will accompany you at all times, I will not leave you, come on... look at mother, son... let's drop the knife, dear," Liana coaxed very carefully, Kiana just stared blankly a knife that was already covered in blood in his hand, because the girl had managed to scratch the palm of his hand so long ago that it bled profusely. When she saw the princess staring blankly at the knife she was holding, Liana quickly threw the knife to make Kiana wake up from her daydream.

"Don't leave Mother, son, not again... mother will not be able to survive without you, son," Liana's sobs broke when she managed to hug her daughter's body very tightly, Kiana who felt the warmth of her mother returned the hug and vented all her sadness, Liana can only be silent and gently stroke the princess's head to calm her down, to be honest the woman is very fragile when she sees the current condition of the princess, Kiana, a girl who is always cheerful, there won't even be tears on her smooth cheeks, now it's just a story. The teenage girl's smile has changed to melancholy, the tears that used to be tightly hidden are now overflowing without being asked.

After making sure the princess was completely calm, Kiana supported the princess to lie down on her bed. He gently stroked the princess's head so that the poor girl could close her eyes, the dull face looked very sad, she looked around the room which was so very messy, all the photos of Naya's sister were scattered on the floor, all the luxurious jars with clothes in the closet were scattered every where.