

Ana, as people call Kiana, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, lives with such a perfect family, a normal life vanishes instantly since her older sister Naya decided to commit suicide, her older sister's departure forever changes the meaning of a family for Kiana.  The first love pinned on her father just disappeared when a secret was revealed for real where the cause of her brother's death was an affair committed by her father, the girl's hatred deepened when she was made a bet by her own father and was forced to marry a cold, flat man.  and cruel.  This is where Kiana's life journey begins again, big problems arise when love begins to exist, misfortune befalls the girl again where the husband's infidelity is happening right in front of her eyes, it doesn't stop there like thousands of knives are stabbed, it's revealed who the woman who was cheating on her father was when  it made Kiana feel very devastated, plus the cause of her mother's accident which was planned by her best friend's biological mother.  With all these complexities, will Kiana be able to survive in the midst of her young pregnancy or choose another way to save her future child from all the problems she is experiencing?

Yoong_Fa · ย้อนยุค
13 Chs

Part 3

They started packing all the things while in the hospital, quite a lot of clothes and a few other things because Liana had been there for a week to take care of the princess.

After they finished packing, the girl's body began to be put into the ambulance that was waiting in front of the hospital, several black cars were lined up neatly there, the convoy of vehicles started.

Driving at a moderate speed, accompanied by the sound of an ambulance serine which was very heart-wrenching, the vehicle began to defend the city crowd and entered the gates of luxury housing, one of which began to be filled with many people, some of the wreaths of flowers began to be seen filling the wide yard there, condolences it filled the large courtyard of Jarvis' mansion, several luxury cars were also parked there, and the state officials began to stand up and salute with a polite bow when the coffin containing the body began to be unloaded and carried into the house, Liana looked very weak. , he walked with the support of Gisel and the woman who was there, they felt lost with the departure of Naya, because the girl was known as a good child and very friendly. Liana just sat quietly beside the princess's chest while Jarvis sat with other officials, the middle-aged man was one of the leading businessmen who was in the number eight position in the country, that's why so many state officials and high-ranking officials were present at this time, all of them mourners came to give Liana a little patience they always came and praised the goodness of the girl who lay stiff in the coffin.

Naya is a gentle girl who is very well known. The friendly girl is loved by many wives of officials and neighbors who are there, not infrequently they always ask Naya to be their prospective son-in-law, the girl who always smiles will make a good impression when meeting, not only Liana, there are so many mourners who shed tears when she saw the girl's stiff body, Liana looked so weak she could no longer answer all the guests' words except for just a little nod and looked back at the princess's face.

"Mrs. Liana is patient, Naya is a good person, the place is also good up there," said one of the mourners who was there, Liana just nodded slowly with tears always running down her cheeks.

Other mourners began to arrive and fill the luxurious residence.

While Kiana the girl was driving her car at high speed, and occasionally being cursed on the streets for almost hitting several other drivers, she drove the vehicle down a path filled with small pebbles leading to a beautiful lake and very beautiful, some pine trees adorn that place with a distance that seemed to have been arranged, he came out by slamming the car door very violently, red eyes and tears that still rolled down his cheeks showed his sadness at this time, the girl screamed very loudly to vent all her sadness and anger.

"Aaaa..... why! why did everything happen to me! why!" the girl's heat and fell down on the green grass there, she wept bitterly lamenting the bad luck that befell her at this time.

"Why Sis why did you leave me? Why didn't you take me? Where is your promise to take care of me! Why did you forget that! Why Sis!" the scream boomed very loudly across the vast expanse of serenity of the lake in front of him.

"Why does fate hate me so much! Do I really deserve this? And why does it have to be this painful, who is responsible for this tell me!"

"I'm giving up now I'm giving up, I no longer care about my life, I hate everything I hate everything sob... sob... sob..." he again cried hysterically and regretted everything. "I hate that man really I really hate him, for the first time I regret my prayers to you, I don't want a man like him again, I don't want to see him again, I regret what I said so far that old man is not my father I hate him!" Kiana shouted very pitifully, she cried uncontrollably to vent all her sadness and anger.

The girl took a deep breath and sat down on a white chair that was there.

"Sis, did you see me? Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me all those painful things? Where is your promise to attend my graduation ceremony? How could that happen without you, Sis," he said very softly, he sobbed remembering all the events. what she experienced in the past week, where her sister was found unconscious with her hands bleeding profusely and her mouth open, was a very painful thing for the teenage girl named Kiana. But without realizing that a man wearing a black suit was not too far from him, he started to smile faintly and called someone on his cell phone.

"Good afternoon sir, that girl is really Jarvis' daughter, I found her," said the man very slowly and smiled devilishly.

Meanwhile at Jarvis' luxury residence. The funeral preparations have been completed and now is the time for Naya's body to be buried immediately, Liana is very helpless when the coffin containing the princess's body begins to be brought to the front of her house, where a box hole in the ground awaits the princess for her final rest, very Crowded all the mourners began to attend the funeral.

Liana deliberately wanted to bury the princess right in front of her house, because the middle-aged woman could not afford to be away from the eldest daughter, sobs colored the funeral.

where Liana could only sit cross-legged on the red soil and watch the chest containing the princess's body begin to be lowered down, a scream came out of the middle-aged woman's mouth when Naya began to be lowered.

"Naya... Naya don't leave Mother Son! Naya..." shouted Liana with her hands starting to claw at the ground, Gisel and the others quickly restrained Liana's body which was about to reach the princess' coffin.